
A collection of resources to learn more about git.

Git Resources

Below are some links to resources on learning more about Git. A distributed version control system, that is widely used for software development.


Understanding Git — Explain it Like I’m Five

Learn Git with tutorials and best practices

Set up Git

Git in Plain English

What is Git?

Git is always a great start

A. B. C. of GIT - Version Control System

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Git In Software Projects

Atlassian Git Basics

Git Concepts Simplified

Easy Git Guide and Reference for the Busy

Ry’s Git Tutorial

Git Pull vs Git Fetch (and Stashing)

How to Write a Git Commit Message

How to undo (almost) anything with Git

Git Mind Map

Git Workflows with Tim Pettersen (Podcast)

Learn Git Branching

Git Stash

giteveryday(7) Manual Page

A beginner's guide to GIT BISECT - The process of elimination

How Does Git Reset Work?

Git Courses by Envato Tuts+

Tech Guy DIY - Beginners Guide to Git

Real-world Git

Git Exercises

Git Magic

Five Key Git Concepts Explained the Hard Way

Learn Git in 20 Minutes (Video)

Tips and Tricks

Little Things I Like to Do with Git

Two Ways to Share Git Hooks with Your Team

CIA Git Tips & Tricks

Git Better! Learn Aliases, Settings, Tools, Background

16 awesome git aliases that you will love

Private Git Repository on Any Computer

How To Host Your Own Private Git Repositories

Five Useful Git Tips

GitTips SCM Wiki (Kernel.org)

Git Ready - daily tips for the noob to the guru

Algo Tech Solutions - Git Tips and Tricks

Most commonly used git tips and tricks.

How to create custom git aliases for a project

Git Tips hosted by @chrishunt (Podcast)

Oh shit, git!

Ignoring files in git

Adding more changes to your last commit

5 Git Fundamentals

TL;DR — pre-commit hooks can save you from embarrassment and improve workflow

How to GitHooks?

Moving git commits between repos

Git Common-Flow

Garbage Collection in Git

Using Advanced Rebase Features for a Clean Repository

How to write a git commit message that won't disappoint your future self

Git's Hidden Feature: Notes

How to git squash quickly without messing up

Useful git commands for everyday use!

Using Aliases to Speed Up Your Git Workflow

How to save a puppy by creating a clean Git repo

5 best practices for using Git

Commit messages guide

15 Git Commands You May Not Know

More productive Git


The Architecture of Open Source Applications: Git

Poking Git (Video)

A Hacker's Guide to Git

Git from the inside out

Git from the inside out (Video)

Git Source Code Review

Git Guys

Exploring the .git Directory

Deep Dive into Git - Edward Thomson (Video)

Clara Bennett - Git: A Peek Under the Hood (Video)

Cheat Sheets

GitSheet - A dead simple git cheatsheet

Git Flight Rules

Git Tips for Everyday Use

Alex Kras - Git Cheat Sheet

0xAX - git cheat sheets in your command line

A list of cool features of Git and GitHub

Git Commands and Best Practices Cheat Sheet

Git Cheat Sheets - Tower

Git Cheat Sheet: Useful Commands, Tips and Tricks

My Git Cheatsheet (with references)

Interactive Git Cheatsheet with Visualisation


Building Git - A deep dive into the internals of the Git version control system. By rebuilding it in a high-level programming language.

Pro Git - Pro Git (Second Edition) is your fully-updated guide to Git and its usage in the modern world.

Peepcode Git Internals - A PDF by Scott Chacon about how the Git source code control system stores files and revisions.

Git Repository Management

Github - A web-based Git repository hosting service.

Gitly - A fast & powerful development service.

Gitolite - Setup git hosting on a central server.

Gogs - Go Git Service, a painless self-hosted Git service.

GitLab - Provides Git repository management, code reviews, issue tracking, activity feeds and wikis. GitLab itself is also free software.

Gitea - Git with a cup of tea. A painless self-hosted Git service.

Bitbucket - A web-based hosting service for projects that use either the Mercurial or Git.


8 Essential Git Interview Questions