A Go implementation of Off, which is a lightweight format for small configuration files. See http://bindh3x.io/off.
$ go get github.com/umahmood/go-off
Assuming the following Off configuration file 'test.off':
;; HTTP Server configuration file
;; Author: bindh3x
;; server
port 8080
banner "HTTPServer 1.0"
;; privileges
run_as_root true
user root
group wheel
;; array with int and string elements
my_array {1|2|3|Hello, World!|https://www.kernel.org/|200|<p>Hello</p>}
;; admin contact information
admin_email admin@example.com
admin_phone +12345678
Load the config. file:
package main
import (
off "github.com/umahmood/go-off"
func main() {
file, err := os.Open("test.off")
if err != nil {
// handle error
defer file.Close()
config, err := off.LoadConfig(file)
if err != nil {
// handle error
if val, err := config.String("banner"); err == nil {
fmt.Println("banner:", val)
if val, err := config.Bool("run_as_root"); err == nil {
fmt.Println("run_as_root:", val)
if val, err := config.Int("port"); err == nil {
fmt.Println("port:", val)
a, err := config.Array("my_array")
if err != nil {
// handle error
x := a[0].(int)
fmt.Println("element at index 0:", x)
y := a[3].(string)
fmt.Println("element at index 3:", y)
z := a[6].(string)
fmt.Println("element at index 6:", z)
banner: "HTTPServer 1.0"
run_as_root: true
port 8080
element at index 0: 1
element at index 3: Hello, World!
element at index 6: <p>Hello</p>
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).