
LeetCode solutions

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The motive is to help the viewers of the Coding Decoded Channel land the job of their dreams and become a better engineer! It is a one stop solution for all your technical knowledge. Its primary focus is to help viewers build strong

  • Data structures and algorithm concepts
  • Coding Aptitude
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  • Motivational talks

In the past 10 months we have solved 350+ problems and published their videos. We daily publish solutions to leetcode monthly challenges.

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Each video has a pictorial representation of the algorithm, test cases walk through and cherry on top is live coding session.

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Interviewing and building coding Aptitude

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1. Interviewing and building coding Aptitude Link
2. System Design Link
3. Success Stories Link

Leetcode Monthly Challenges

S No Leetcode Monthly Challenge Youtube Playlist
1. October 2021 Solutions
2. September 2021 Solutions
3. August 2021 Solutions
4. July 2021 Solutions
5. June 2021 Solutions
6. May 2021 Solutions
7. April 2021 Solutions
8. March 2021 Solutions
9. February 2021 Solutions
10. January 2021 Solutions
11. December 2020 Solutions
12. November 2020 Solutions
13. September 2020 Solutions
14. August 2020 Solutions

[October 2021 Leetcode Challenge]

  1. LongestCommonSubsequence - Day 1
  2. DungeonGame - Day 2
  3. JumpGame - Day 3
  4. IslandPerimeter - Day 4
  5. ClimbingStairs - Day 5
  6. FindAllDuplicatesinanArray - Day 6
  7. WordSearch - Day 7
  8. ImplementTrie - Day 8
  9. WordSearchII - Day 9
  10. BitwiseAndOfNumbersRange - Day 10
  11. DiameterOfBinaryTree - Day 11
  12. GuessNumberHigherorLower - Day 12
  13. ConstructBinarySearchTreeFromPreorderTraversal - Day 13
  14. PerfectSquares - Day 14
  15. BestTimeToBuyAndSellStockWithCooldown - Day 15
  16. BestTimetoBuyandSellStockIII - Day 16
  17. PathSumIII - Day 17
  18. CousinsInBinaryTree - Day 18
  1. ArrayNesting - Day 1
  2. UniqueBinarySearchTreesII - Day 2
  3. ErectTheFence - Day 3
  4. SumOfDistancesInTree - Day 4
  5. OrderlyQueue - Day 5
  6. SlowestKey - Day 6
  7. ReverseLinkedList - Day 7
  8. ShiftingLetter - Day 8
  9. LargestPlusSign - Day 9
  10. ArithmeticSlicesIISubsequence - Day 10
  11. BasicCalculator - Day 10
  12. ReachableNodesInSubdividedGraph - Day 12
  13. MaximumNumberofBalloons - Day 13
  14. ReverseOnlyLetters - Day 14
  15. LongestTurbulentSubarray - Day 15
  16. SpiralMatrix - Day 16
  17. IntersectionOfTwoArraysII - Day 17
  18. ExpressionAddOperators - Day 18
  19. Distinct Subsequences - Day 19
  20. FindWinneronaTicTacToeGame - Day 19
  21. MaxConsecutiveOnes - Day 21
  22. MaximumLengthofaConcatenatedStringwithUniqueCharacters - Day 22
  23. BreakAPalindrome - Day 23
  24. NthTribonacciNumber - Day 24
  25. ShortestPathinaGridwithObstaclesElimination - Day 25
  26. TransformtoChessboard - Day 26
  27. UniqueEmailAddresses - Day 27
  28. SortArrayByParityII - Day 28
  29. SplitLinkedListinParts - Day 29
  30. PartitiontoKEqualSumSubsets - Day 30

August 2021 Leetcode Solution Playlist

  1. MakingALargeIsland - Day 1
  2. StoneGame - Day 5
  3. NaryTreeLevelOrderTraversal - Day 6
  4. PalindromePartitioningII - Day 7
  5. AddStrings - Day 9
  6. FlipStringtoMonotoneIncreasing - Day 10
  7. ArrayofDoubledPairs - Day 11
  8. GroupAnangrams - Day 12
  9. SetMatrixZeroes - Day 13
  10. RemoveBoxes - Day 14
  11. MinimumWindowSubstring - Day 15
  12. RangeSumQueryImmutable - Day 16
  13. CountGoodNodesinBinaryTree - Day 17
  14. MaximumProductofSplittedBinaryTree - Day 19
  15. ValidSudoku - Day 20
  16. SudokuSolver - Day 21
  17. TwoSumIVInputIsABST - Day 23
  18. ComplexNumberMultiplication - Day 24
  19. SumofSquareNumbers - Day 25
  20. VerifyPreorderSerializationofaBinaryTree - Day 26
  21. LongestUncommonSubsequenceII - Day 27
  22. MaximumProfitInJobScheduling - Day 28
  23. PatchingArray - Day 29
  24. RangeAdditionII - Day 30
  25. FindMinimuminRotatedSortedArray - Day 30
  1. GrayCode - Day 1
  2. FindKClosestElements - Day 2
  3. MaxSumofRectangleNoLargerThanK - Day 3
  4. CountVowelsPermutation - Day 4
  5. ReshapeTheMatrix - Day 5
  6. ReduceArraySizetoTheHalf - Day 6
  7. KthSmallestElementinaSortedMatrix - Day 7
  8. MaximumLengthofRepeatedSubarray - Day 8
  9. LongestIncreasingSubsequence - Day 9
  10. DecodeWaysII - Day 10
  11. FindMedianfromDataStream - Day 11
  12. IsomorphicStrings - Day 12
  13. FindPeakElement - Day 13
  14. CustomSortString - Day 14
  15. ValidTriangleNumber - Day 15
  16. 4Sum - Day 16
  17. ThreeEqualParts - Day 17
  18. ReverseNodesinkGroup - Day 18
  19. LowestCommonAncestorofaBinarySearchTree - Day 19
  20. ShuffleAnArray - Day 20
  21. PushDominoes - Day 21
  22. PartitionArrayintoDisjointIntervals - Day 22
  23. BinaryTreePruning - Day 23
  24. WordLadderII - Day 24
  25. NonNegativeIntegerswithoutConsecutiveOnes - Day 25
  26. ConvertSortedArraytoBinarySearchTree - Day 26
  27. 3SumClosest - Day 27
  28. BeautifulArray - Day 28
  29. 01Matrix - Day 29
  30. MapSumPairs - Day 30
  31. TrappingRainWater - Day 31
  1. MaxAreaofIsland - Day 1
  2. InterleavingString - Day 2
  3. MaximumAreaofaPieceofCakeAfterHorizontalandVerticalCuts - Day 3
  4. MaximumAreaofaPieceofCakeAfterHorizontalandVerticalCutsg_Python
  5. OpenTheLock - Day 4
  6. MaximumPerformanceofaTeam - Day 5
  7. LongestConsecutiveSequence - Day 6
  8. MinCostClimbingStairs - Day 7
  9. ConstructBinaryTreefromPreorderandInorderTraversal - Day 8
  10. JumpGameVI - Day 9
  11. MyCalendarI - Day 10
  12. StoneGameVII - Day 11
  13. MinimumNumberofRefuelingStops - Day 12
  14. PalindromePairs - Day 13
  15. MaximumUnitsonaTruck - Day 14
  16. MaximumUnitsonaTruck - Day 15
  17. GenerateParentheses - Day 16
  18. NumberofSubarrayswithBoundedMaximum - Day 17
  19. RangeSumMutable - Day 18
  20. KInversePairsArray - Day 19
  21. SwiminRisingWater - Day 20
  22. Pascal'sTriangle - Day 21
  23. NumberofMatchingSubsequences - Day 22
  24. ReverseLinkedListII - Day 23
  25. OutofBoundaryPaths - Day 24
  26. RedundantConnection - Day 25
  27. CountOfSmallerNumbersAfterSelf - Day 26
  28. Candy - Day 27
  29. RemoveAllAdjacentDuplicatesInString - Day 28
  30. MaxConsecutiveOnesIII - Day 29
  31. LowestCommonAncestorofaBinaryTree - Day 30
  1. PrefixAndSuffixSearch
  2. CourseScheduleIII
  3. RunningSumof1dArray
  4. Non-decreasingArray
  5. JumpGameII
  6. ConvertSortedListToBST
  7. DeleteOperationforTwoStrings
  8. SuperPalindrome
  9. ConstructTargetArrayWithMultipleSums
  10. CountPrimes
  11. MaximumPointsYouCanObtainfromCards
  12. RangeSumQuery2D-Immutable
  13. AmbiguousCoordinates
  14. FlattenBinaryTreetoLinkedList
  15. BinaryCameraTree
  16. LongestStringChainSolution
  17. FindDuplicateFileinSystem
  18. MinimumMovestoEqualArrayElementsII
  19. MinimumMovestoEqualArrayElementsII
  20. BinaryTreeLevelOrderTraversal
  21. FindandReplacePattern
  22. NQueen
  23. FindTheShortestSuperstring
  24. ToLowerCase
  25. EvaluateReversePolishNotation
  26. PartitioningIntoMinimumNumberOfDeciBinaryNumbersg
  27. maximum-product-of-word-lengths
  28. MaximumErasureValue
  29. NQueenII
  30. MaximumGap
  31. SearchSuggestionsSystem
  1. PalindromeLinkedList
  2. OnesAndZeros
  3. LongestValidParentheses
  4. DesignCircularQueue
  5. GlobalandLocalInversions
  6. MinimumOperationstoMakeArrayEqual
  7. determine-if-string-halves-are-alike
  8. LetterCombinationPhone
  9. ValidAlienDictionary
  10. LongestIncreasingPath
  11. DeepestLeavesSum
  12. BeautifulArrangementII
  13. FlattenedNestedList
  14. PartitionList
  15. FibonacciNos
  16. remove-all-adjacent-duplicates-in-string-ii
  17. PowerfulIntegers
  1. Distribute Candies
  2. Set Mismatch
  3. Missing Number
  4. Intersection Of Two Linked Lists
  5. AverageofLevelsinBinaryTree
  6. ShortEncodingofWords
  7. DesignHashMap
  8. AddRowToTree
  9. IntegertoRoman
  10. CoinChange
  11. Check-if-a-string-contains-allbinary-codesofsize-K
  12. BinaryTreesWithFactors
  13. SwappingNodesinaLinkedList
  14. EncodeandDecodeTinyURL
  15. BestTimetoBuyandSellStockwithTransactionFee
  16. GenerateRandomPointinaCircle
  17. WiggleSubSequnce
  18. KeysAndRooms
  19. DesignUndergroundSystem
  20. ReorderedPowerOf2
  21. SpellChecker
  22. 3SumWithMultiplicity
  23. AdvantageShuffle
  24. PacificAltaticWaterFlow
  25. WordsSubset
  26. PalindromicSubStrings
  27. FlipBinaryTreeToMatchPreorderTraversal
  28. RussianDollEnvelopes
  29. StampingTheSequence
  1. No Of 1 bits
  2. Trim Binary Search Tree
  3. Linked List Cycle
  4. LongestHarmoinousSubsequence
  5. SimiplifyPaths
  6. Binary Tree Right Side View
  7. Shortest Distance to a Character
  8. Peeking Iterator
  9. convert-bst-to-greater-tree
  10. Copy List with Random Pointer
  11. Valid Anagram
  12. NumberofStepstoReduceNumbertoZero
  13. ShortestPathInAGird
  14. IsGraphBipairate
  15. TheKWeakestRowsinaMatrix
  16. LetterCasePermutation
  17. ContainerWithMostWater
  18. ArthimeticSlicing
  19. MinimumRemovetoMakeValidParentheses
  20. ScoreOfParentheses
  21. ShortestUnsortedContinuousSubarray
  22. ValidateStackSequences
  23. DivideTwoIntegers
  24. MaximumFrequencyStack
  1. Check Array Formation Through Concatenation
  2. Find a Corresponding of a Binary Tree in a of That Tree
  3. Beautiful Arrangement
  4. Merge two sorted list
  5. RemoveDuplicatesfromSortedListII
  6. kth-missing-positive-number
  7. Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent
  8. LongestSubstringWithoutRepeatingCharacters
  9. WordLadder
  10. MergeSortedArrays
  11. AddTwoNumbers
  12. BoatsToSavePeople
  13. MinimumOperationsToReduceXToZero
  14. GetMaximumInGeneratedArray
  15. KthLargestElementInArray
  16. CountSortedVowelStrings
  17. MaxPairsWithKSum
  18. LongestPalindromicSubstring.java
  19. ValidParentheses.java
  20. FindMostCompetitiveSubsequence.java
  21. Determin2StringsAreClose.java
  22. SortMatixDaigonally.java
  23. MergeKSortedLists
  24. MergeKSortedLists
  25. CheckIfAll1'sAreatLeastLengthKPlacesAway
  26. PathWithMinimumEffort
  27. concatenation-of-consecutive-binary-numbers
  28. smallest-string-with-a-given-numeric-value
  29. VerticalOrderOfABinaryTree
  30. MinimizeDeviationinArray
  31. NextPermutation
  1. Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree
  2. Linked List Random Node
  3. Increasing Order SearchTree
  4. Kth Factor Of N
  5. Can Place Flower
  6. PopulatingNextRightPointersInEachNodeII
  7. RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedArrayII
  8. Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes
  9. Burst Balloon
  10. Palindrome Partitioning
  11. Squares Of Sorted Array
  12. Validate Binary Search Tree
  13. 4Sum II
  14. Increasing Triplet Sequence
  15. Cherry PickerII
  16. SmallestRangeII
  17. BalancedBinaryTree
  18. NextGreaterElementIII
  19. SwapNodesInPairs
  20. Diagonal traverse
  21. Decode Ways
  22. Jump Game IV
  23. Reach A Number
  24. PseudoPalindromic Paths In A Binary Tree
  25. Game Of Life
  26. LaregstAreaOfHistorgam
  1. Merge Intervals
  2. Decode String
  3. RotatedSearchArrayII
  4. NumbersAtNGivenDigitSet
  5. UniqueMorseCodeWords
  6. HouseRobberIII
  7. BasicCalculatorII
  8. SmallestIntegerDivisiblebyK
  9. SubstringWithAtLeastKRepeatingCharacters
  10. PartitionEqualSubsetSum
  11. PartitionEqualSubsetSum
  12. JumpGameIII
  13. TheSkyLineProblem
  1. Largest Time for Given Digits
  2. Contains Duplicate III
  3. RepeatedSubstringPattern
  4. PartitionLabels
  5. AllElementsinTwoBinarySearchTrees
  6. ImageOverlap
  7. WordPattern
  8. SumofRootToLeafBinaryNumbers
  9. CompareVersionNumbers
  10. BullsAndCows
  11. MaximumProductSubArray
  12. Comination Sum III
    1. Combination Sum without using Start variable
    2. Combination Sum using Start variable -InsertIntervals
  1. Detect Capitals
  2. Design HashSet
    1. Design HashSet Time Extensive
    2. Design HashSet Space Extensive
  3. Valid Palindrome
  4. Power of Four
  5. Add and Search Word
  6. FindAllDuplicate
  7. Vertical Travesal of Binary Tree
  8. Path Sum III
  9. Rotting Oranges
  10. Excel Sheet Column Number
  11. H Index
  12. PascalsTriangleII
  13. CombinationIterator
  14. Longest Palindrome
  15. Non Overlapping Intervals
  16. Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock III.java
  17. Distribute Candies To People.java
  18. Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences.java
  19. GoatLatin.java
  20. ReoderList
  21. SortArrayByParity
  22. RandomPointInNonOverlappingRectangles
  23. Stream of Characters
  24. Sum Of Left Leaves
  25. Minimum Cost Of Tickets
  26. Fizz Buzz
  27. First Right Interval
  28. Implement Rand10 Using Rand7
  29. PancakeSorting
  30. LargestComponentSizebyCommonFactor
  31. DeleteANodeInBst
  1. Tuple with Same Product
  2. FindKthXORedCordinate
  3. MinimumElementstoAddtoFormaGivenSum
  4. MaximumAveragePassRatio
  5. FindtheWinneroftheCircularGame
  1. Longest Increasing Subsequence

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