:::      ::::::::     
 README.md                                          :+:      :+:    :+:     
                                                  +:+ +:+         +:+       
 By: yoishi <yoishi@student.42tokyo.jp>         +#+  +:+       +#+          
                                              +#+#+#+#+#+   +#+             
 Created: 2024/04/30 20:43:39 by yoishi            #+#    #+#               
 Updated: 2024/04/30 21:05:27 by yoishi           ###   ########.fr         

Simple tester for ft_printf

A simple tester for ft_pritnf.

You can make original test case and check it simply.


cd path/to/your/ft_printf


git clone https://github.com/umaidashi/simple-tester-for-ft_printf.git \
 && cd simple-tester-for-ft_printf && rm -rf .git && make test

🚨 If you clone this tester outside of your ft_printf project, please change LIBFTPRINTF_DIR in the Makefile.

Next: Add your Original test case to the main.c file

Simply add a test case to your main.c file that will run buildin's printf function and your ft_printf function in a similar case and compare the results and return value.

If the results are different, you can be checked on the command line and in the diff.txt file in the root.

tips: This tester will also help you review efficiently when you are a reviewer.