
A modern neo bank app to help make finances easy, built using React/Redux

Primary LanguageHTML

Neo Bank App

{% test %}

A modern banking app wrapper that displays your banking information in a convenient manner. Proposed features include a graph display of your earnings/spending and the ability to send/recieve money. Current features include a secure login page with comprehensive error-handling and a custom cookie tracking solution. Example demo

Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Usage
  3. API Routes
  4. API Examples
  5. Testing
  6. Future Features


An nvmrc file is included if using nvm.

  • Node 8.10.0

Usage Insert API client ID and secret in server/config/indexExample.js, then rename it to index.js.

From within the root directory:

npm install
npm run react-dev
npm start
  • In a browser, go to: localhost:3000


Type Value Description
Username synapse_good Working username
Password test1234 Working password
MFA test_answer Takes you to dashboard
MFA again Requires another MFA step


Type Route Description
POST /api/v1/users/create Creates a user with a given username and password in body
POST /api/v1/users/authenticate Authenticate a user with the provided MFA key

API Examples

POST: /api/v1/users/authenticate

  • Authenticate a user (MFA):
  data: {
  error_code: '0',
  http_code: '200',
  limit: 2,
  node_count: 2,
  nodes: [{


From within the root directory:

npm test

Future features


  • Add timeline showing transactions over time
  • Allow money transfer
  • Show money-in/money-out for each account
  • Allow switching account to change graph
  • Delete MySQL cookie entries after token expires
  • Clear cookies and set expiration time


  • isLoggedIn sets to true upon refreshing on MFA authentication screen