
Disk caching to speed up Rollup builds

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This package provides tools to speed up repeated Rollup bundle builds by caching steps of the build process to disk.

Comparison to Rollup's built-in caching

Rollup has a built-in cache used to speed up incremental builds in watch mode. This is an in-memory cache that is lost each time Rollup is restarted however. rollup-cache speeds up the initial build and builds which do not use watch mode by using a disk cache.

How it works

This package implements two kinds of caching: plugin caching and prebuilding.

Plugin caching

The package adds caching for the loading and transforming of code done by Rollup plugins. By default it is enabled only for official Rollup plugins with which it is compatible and where it can significantly speed up builds:

  • @rollup/plugin-commonjs
  • @rollup/plugin-node-resolve
  • @rollup/plugin-babel

For other plugins, caching is not supported at the moment. See this issue to learn more.


For every JavaScript module included in a bundle, Rollup has to do work to parse the code, analyze the result and write the contents to the output.

For npm dependencies which do not change between most builds, this can be avoided by building the npm package into a bundle which is then referenced from your application bundle. Conceptually this is similar to shared libraries (aka DLLs) in native applications.

For example, supposing you have a Rollup config that builds output/app.bundle.js from the following entry module:

import { doComplexThing } from 'big-library';


Enabling prebuilding of big-library would result in the following in the output bundle:

import { doComplexThing } from './npm/big-library.bundle.js';


The big-library package would be bundled as an ES module in output/npm/big-library.bundle.js. Each time your Rollup build runs, the timestamp of big-library's package.json file will be checked and the big-library.bundle.js bundle will be rebuilt if it has changed.

In order to use this feature, your application or library bundle must be built as an ES module (set output.format to es in the bundle config) and loaded using <script type="module" …> in your HTML. You will also need to make sure that the tool you are using to serve your assets allows the prebuilt bundles to be fetched.


If you are using npm:

npm install --save-dev rollup-cache

Or for Yarn:

yarn add --dev rollup-cache


To enable caching for a bundle, wrap its configuration in a call to cacheBuild. For example, given a Rollup config file rollup.config.js:

export default {
  input: { ... },
  output: { ... },
  plugins: [...],

Caching can be added using:

import { cacheBuild } from 'rollup-cache';

const cacheConfig = {
  name: 'my-app',
  dependencies: ['rollup.config.js'],
  prebuild: ['big-library'],

export default cacheBuild(cacheConfig, {
  input: { ... },
  output: { ... },
  plugins: [...],

The name option specifies a name for the cache to use. This should be different for each bundle.

If any of the files listed in the dependencies option have changed since the previous build, then the existing cache will be discarded.

prebuild specifies a list of npm packages to prebuild as separate npm bundles. If omitted, prebuilding will be disabled.


General options

  • name specifies a unique name for the cache data. This should be different for each bundle.

  • enabled specifies whether caching should be used for the current build. By default this is false for production builds, indicated by the NODE_ENV environment variable being set to production, or true otherwise. It is recommended to disable caching for production builds to reduce the risk of stale cache data being used.

Plugin caching options

  • cacheDir specifies a location to write cache files to. Default: "node_modules/.cache/rollup-cache"

  • dependencies is a list of file paths whose contents should be used to determine whether to reuse cached results from previous builds. If any of these files have changed since the previous build, cached data will be ignored. In addition to the files listed here, the following files are automatically included:

    • Package metadata: package.json
    • Lockfiles: package-lock.json, yarn.lock

Prebuild options

  • prebuildDir specifies a directory to create pre-built npm dependencies in, relative to the output directory of the bundle. Default: "./npm"

  • prebuild is a list of npm dependencies or patterns that should be prebuilt if they are used by the bundle. For various reasons prebuilding may not work with all dependencies, and is generally only valuable for large dependencies. Therefore the dependencies to consider for prebuilding have to be listed explicitly.

    The recommended approach to using this option is to start with an empty prebuild list and then incrementally add your largest dependencies to it. If you encounter an error building the bundle or loading your application, skip that dependency.

Clearing the cache

Cache data is written to node_modules/.cache/rollup-cache by default, or the location specified by the cacheDir option otherwise.

To clear the cache explicitly, remove all files in this directory. If your build scripts have a clean task that remove all existing build assets etc, you may want to add the cache directory to it.