This repository provides the two publicly available datasets as well as our dataset for evaluating the fact checking capability in a knowledge graph.
The Synthetic dataset (synt.tsv) contains a set of English DBpedia-style triples that comprises true triples manually extracted from Wikipedia tables, and false triples automatically generated by negative sampling.
Maryon_Lane birthPlace Natal_Province o
Maryon_Lane birthPlace Cyprus x
Claire_Loewenfeld birthPlace Berlin o
Claire_Loewenfeld birthPlace Buckinghamshire x
James_Boughtwood_Comber birthPlace Garlieston o
James_Boughtwood_Comber birthPlace Southampton x
Elisabeth_Alida_Haanen birthPlace Utrecht o
Elisabeth_Alida_Haanen birthPlace Amsterdam x
Philippe_Mouskes birthPlace Ghent o
Philippe_Mouskes birthPlace Tournai x
The Real-World dataset (real.tsv) derived from Google Relation Extraction Corpora and WSDM Cup Triple Scoring Challenge, which contains a set of English DBpedia-style triples that comprises true triples manually extracted from Wikipedia texts by crowdsourcing, and false triples automatically generated by negative sampling.
Alanis_Morissette nationality Canada o
Alanis_Morissette nationality United_Kingdom x
Alanis_Morissette nationality Italy x
Alanis_Morissette nationality Nigeria x
Albert_Einstein nationality Germany o
Albert_Einstein nationality Scotland x
Albert_Einstein nationality Venezuela x
Albert_Einstein nationality Iran x
Alfred_Hitchcock nationality United_Kingdom o
Alfred_Hitchcock nationality Sri_Lanka x
1. False triples in these datasets are automatically generated by negative sampling.
Therefore, these datasets contain false-labeled true triples (false negatives) that is probable to make an evaluation inaccurate.
According to our analysis, at least 4% of false triples in these datasets are false negatives.
2. Some true triples in these datasets are already contained in the knowledge graph, English DBpedia.
This means that some test cases in these datasets can be easily solved by checking whether a given triple is contained in English DBpedia or not.
According to our analysis, 77.26% of the Synthetic dataset and 8.58% of the Real-World dataset are already contained in English DBpedia.
Our dataset (ours.tsv) is constructed by manually labeling true or false labels on the K-Box-style triples extracted from Wikipedia texts by the state-of-the-art BERT-based relation extractor.
Every_Heart_-민나노키모치- artist 보아 o
GO_GO_서머! artist 카라_(음악_그룹) o
Over_the_Rainbow artist 장진영 x
THE_맨파워!!! artist 모닝구무스메 o
내_손을_잡아_(노래) artist 아이유 o
눈동자의_멜로디 artist 보이프렌드_(음악_그룹) o
다시_만난_세계 artist 소녀시대 o
디라이토_(대성의_음반) artist 빅뱅_(음악_그룹) x
라이징_스타 artist 타이미 o
러브_네버_다이즈 artist 팬텀_(음악_그룹) x
Our dataset is constructed to solve the afore-mentioned issues in the two ways:
1. False triples are manually checked to prevent false negatives.
Specifically, we labeled a given triple as false if there is no Wikipedia article that contains a sentence supporting that the given triple is true.
2. True triples are included in our dataset only if the given triple is not in the knowledge graph, K-Box.
This makes our dataset more reasonable and challenging to evaluate the fact checking capability on newly found triples missing in a knowledge graph than the publicly available datasets.
The statistics of all the datasets in this repository are as follows:
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike- If you want to commercialize this resource, please contact to us
Machine Reading Lab @ KAIST
Jiseong Kim.
This work was supported by Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation(IITP) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (2013-2-00109, WiseKB: Big data based self-evolving knowledge base and reasoning platform).