
Code to reproduce results in "Finding Streams in Knowledge Graphs to Support Fact Checking"

Primary LanguagePython


This fork was created to be used together with Favel

This is a fork of knowledgestream originally created by shiralkarprashant.

This fork introduces a TCP interface that can be used to submit assertions to the different fact validation approaches, instead of reading the assertions from a file.


git clone https://github.com/saschaTrippel/knowledgestream
cd knowledgestream


The software works with DBPedia.

The knowledgegraph has to be in a certain format. A knowledgegraph in turtle format such as it is provided by DBPedia can be transformed using knowledgestream-graph-transformer.

A knowledgegraph transformed from DBPedia-2022-03 can be downloaded here.

Install using docker

In the Dockerfile, specify which fact validation method shall be used, and on which port the container shall listen.

By default, the container runs Knowledgestream and listens on port 4444.

Execute in knowledgestream directory.

docker build -t knowledgestream .

Run docker

docker run -p knowledgestream


The available fact validation methods and their respective arguments are:

  • Knowledgestream [stream]
  • REL-KL [relklinker]
  • KL [klinker]
  • Katz [katz]
  • Pathent [pathent]
  • SimRank [simrank]
  • Adamic Adar [adamic_adar]
  • Jaccard [jaccard]
  • Degree Product [degree_product]
  • PredPath [predpath]
  • PRA [pra]