
This is a sample implementation of real time chat application using Django, Django Channels and React.js.

Primary LanguagePython




Create virtual environment.

python3 -m venv venv

Activate virtual environment. You need to activate virtual environment before running any Django command. For example, any command starting with manage.py is a Django command.

source venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies in virtual environment. You will have to run this command whenever you pull new changes from the server.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the migrations. You will have to run this command whenever you pull new changes from the server.

./manage.py migrate

You can run the following Django command to generate test data.

./manage.py generate

To regenerate test data.

./manage.py flush
./manage.py generate

Run the backend.

./manage.py runserver

Visit localhost:8000 to view the landing page.


The React app exists in frontend directory.

Install Node modules.

cd frontend
npm install

Start the development server.

npm run start

The frontend app will be visible at http://localhost:3000/.

Setup pre-commit

This project uses pre-commit to ensure that code standard checks pass locally before pushing to the remote project repo. Follow the installation instructions, then set up hooks with pre-commit install.

Make sure everything is working correctly by running

pre-commit run --all

Setup pre-commit as pre-push hook

To use pre-push hooks with pre-commit, run:

pre-commit install --hook-type pre-push