
Library to efficiently generate random data for testing

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Burette is a library for generating fake data for tests.

Burette's high performance comes from using hand-tailored algorithms to produce data and using tuples as arrays to collect the sample data, providing quick lookup


  • Number (integer in range/digits)
  • Date (date/time/datetime/future/present)
  • Network (ipv4/ipv6)
  • Color (name/hex)
  • Name (first name/last name/full name)
  • Internet (hostname/url/email/password)
  • Address (street address)
  • File (file name/file path)
  • Corporation (corporation name)
  • Image (thumbnail/avatar)
  • Lorem (lorem ipsum)

Usage Examples


iex> Burette.Number.number 0..9 
iex> Burette.Number.number 0, 9
iex> Burette.Number.digits 3


iex> Burette.Calendar.date
iex> Burette.Calendar.date day: 31
iex> Burette.Calendar.date year: 1999
iex> Burette.Calendar.date year: 1999, month: 12
iex> Burette.Calendar.time
iex> Burette.Calendar.time hour: 21
iex> Burette.Calendar.time minute: 59, second: 59
iex> Burette.Calendar.datetime
iex> Burette.Calendar.datetime year: 1999, month: 12, hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59
iex> Burette.Calendar.future           
iex> Burette.Calendar.future year: 2050
iex> Burette.Calendar.past
iex> Burette.Calendar.past month: 12, minute: 30


iex> Burette.Network.ipv4
iex> Burette.Network.ipv6


iex> Burette.Color.name
iex> Burette.Color.hex 


iex> Burette.Name.name
iex> Burette.Name.surname
iex> Burette.Name.fullname
"Roland Fowler Jr"


iex> Burette.Internet.username
iex> Burette.Internet.email
iex> Burette.Internet.domain
iex> Burette.Internet.password
iex> Burette.Internet.password alpha: 8
iex> Burette.Internet.password alpha: 8, digit: 3 
iex> Burette.Internet.password alpha: 8, digit: 3, symbol: 4
iex> Burette.Internet.password alphanum: 10, symbol: 1                
iex> Burette.Internet.password any: 4, symbol: 1, digit: 1, uppercase: 1, downcase: 1