A easy to use DevOps playground

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT


A easy to use DevOps playground. Can be started local or in AWS.

Build Status

Build Status
LiDOP Build Status
LiDOP Jenkins Docker Image Build Status
LiDOP Jenkins Slave Docker Image Build Status

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes Installation

High Level Architecture

Layer Tools Description
Plugins Code Example code and pipelines
Test installation Serverspec Test Installation
Provisioning Ansible Install LiDOP
Infrastructure option 1 AWS Cloud Formation For starting LiDOP in AWS
Infrastructure option 2 Terraform For starting LiDOP in cloud (AWS)
Infrastructure option 3 Vagrant For starting LiDOP on a local machine

Special note for the Vagrant way


The following Software must be installed to run LiDOP


On a windows machine, use cmd or powershell and not git bash for executing vagrant up

git clone https://github.com/LivingDevOps/LiDOP.git
cd lidop
vagrant up

Infrastructure general

The default and testet infrastrucutre OS, is a Ubuntu 16.10. The following changes will be executed during the ansible execution (be care full, if you run the ansible-playbook on a existing machine)


One Jenkins Slave is installed on the host machine, therefore we change the ssh settings on the host machine:

  • enable login with user and password


The following software will be installed during the ansible execution:

  • nfs-kernel-server
  • java jre (for jenkins slave)
  • python-pip
  • python-pexpect
  • dos2unix


The DNS settings will be changed. There is a Consul service running which will be the default DNS resolver for the host.


The installation is done with Ansible (99% of it). There is one script, which will install ansible on the host machine (yes we execute ansible direct on the host).

High Level process

  1. Execution of ./scripts/ansible.sh. This script installs Ansible and needed ansible modules.
  2. Execution of the ansible playbook ./install/install.yml
    • Ansible Role "lidop_host_preparation". Installation and configuration of the host
    • Ansible Role "docker". Installation and configuration of docker
    • Ansible Role "lidop". Installation and configuration of LiDOP

Test installation

The most of the ansible steps are testet after each step. Never the less, there are some server spec tests which will be executed at the end of the installation


description is coming soon