
C# Strongly Typed Client for Pingdom.com APIs

Primary LanguageC#


C# Strongly Typed Client for Pingdom.com APIs 2.0

Avaliable resources:

  • Actions
  • Analysis
  • Checks
  • Contacts
  • Probes
  • TraceRoute


NuGet package page - http://www.nuget.org/packages/Pingdom.Client/

PM> Install-Package Pingdom.Client

Getting Started

Setup credentials and base url

Add the following block to your .config file:

	<add key="pingdom:BaseUrl" value="https://api.pingdom.com/api/2.0/" />
	<add key="pingdom:AppKey" value="{enter your appKey}" />
	<add key="pingdom:UserName" value="{enter your userName}" />
	<add key="pingdom:Password" value="{enter your password}" />


fetch all checks

var allChecksResponse = await Pingdom.Client.Checks.GetChecksList();
var allChecks = allChecksResponse.Checks;

fetch single detailed check

var detailedCheckResponse = await Pingdom.Client.Checks.GetDetailedCheckInformation(797046);
var detailedCheck = detailedCheckResponse.Check;