Fetch todo data application

How to run project

  1. Clone the given repository from github
  2. Go to the folder and open terminal
  3. execute npm install
  4. npm start

Project Information

  1. There is a cron running every minute to fetch the data from todo api from here https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos

  2. Using Sqlite database to store data.

  3. Application is running on 4000 port.

  4. Access application using URL - http://localhost:4001

  5. Get Api to get data from database - http://localhost:4001/todos

Run test cases

  1. To run test cases execute command "npm run test"

Create database

  1. Execute this command to create database "npm run createDataBase"
  2. You directly run "npm start " also to create database


  1. Before going to run test start application once so that data will be fetched
  2. Check logs for cron running status