
Primary LanguageC++

Set environmental variables

Add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc file and restart your shell to set several environmental variables required for compilation.

export XILINX_OPENCL=/opt/Xilinx/SDAccel/2015.4
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting, replace sdaccel installation with the location of 
# SDAccel in the local system

# LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting, replace sdaccel installation with the location of 
# SDAccel in the local system

# Set the target platform for the application 
# (this MUST match your hardware + software version!)
export XCL_PLATFORM=xilinx_adm-pcie-7v3_1ddr_2_1


Our demos use the C++ OpenCL API; however, the 2015.4 release of Xilinx SDAccel ships with an outdated version of cl.hpp which causes missing symbol errors when the exercises are compiled. Simply run sudo ./fix_cl_hpp.sh in the root directory of this folder

has a mis-match between the OpenCL version and cl.hpp file which causes missing symbol errors when your code is complied. Simply run

sudo fix_cl_hpp.sh

to automatically back up the default version of cl.hpp, download a standard version from Khronos.org, and install it to the appropriate directory.