
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Plupload Plugin for CakePHP 2.0


Add as a submodule:

[submodule "app/Plugin/Plupload"]
	path = app/Plugin/Plupload
	url = https://thriveline@bitbucket.org/thriveline/plupload-plugin.git

Load plugin in Config/bootstrap.php


Include component in UploadsController

public $components = array('Plupload.Plupload');

Create action in UploadsController for handling upload

 * Upload file
 * Uses plupload to upload file in chunks
 * @return void (Outputs JSON)
	public function mgr_add() {
		try {
			$file = $this->Plupload->upload();
			if (!$file) {
				// Successfully uploaded a chunk,
				// but has not yet finished the full file
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			// Error
				'code' => $e->getCode()
			), false, $e->getMessage());

		// Save to database
		$saved = $this->Upload->save($file);
		if ($saved) {
			$saved = $this->Upload->findById($this->Upload->id);
			$saved = $saved['Upload'];

			if (!empty($this->request->query['thumbnail'])) {
				$saved['thumbnail_url'] .= '?' . http_build_query($this->request->query['thumbnail']);


Include helper in views

In controller
$this->set('acceptFileTypes', ClassRegistry::init('Upload')->allowedTypes['img']);
$this->set('existingFiles', array());
$this->helpers[] = 'Plupload.Plupload';
In view (example)
echo $this->Plupload->uploader(array(
	'id' => 'upload-photo',
	'buttonName' => 'Attach image',
	'maxNumberOfFiles' => 1,
	'acceptFileTypes' => $acceptFileTypes,
	'onFileUploaded' => '$("#photo").val(response.data.basename);',
	'onFileDeleted' => '$("#photo").val("");',
	'thumb' => array(
		'width' => 130,
		'height' => 175,
		'exact' => false
	'existingFiles' => ($existingPhoto) ? array($existingPhoto) : array()