
curtains.js is a lightweight vanilla WebGL javascript library that turns HTML elements into interactive textured planes.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

What is it ?

Shaders are the next front-end web developpment big thing, with the ability to create very powerful 3D interactions and animations. A lot of very good javascript libraries already handle WebGL but with most of them it's kind of a headache to position your meshes relative to the DOM elements of your web page.

curtains.js was created with just that issue in mind. It is a small vanilla WebGL javascript library that converts HTML elements containing images into 3D WebGL textured planes, allowing you to animate them via shaders.
You can define each plane size and position via CSS, which makes it super easy to add WebGL responsive planes all over your pages.

Knowledge and technical requirements

It is easy to use but you will of course have to possess good basics of HTML, CSS and javascript.

If you've never heard about shaders, you may want to learn a bit more about them on The Book of Shaders for example. You will have to understand what are the vertex and fragment shaders, the use of uniforms as well as the GLSL syntax basics.


Vertex coordinates helper
Simple plane
Multiple textures
Multiple planes
Asynchronous textures loading
AJAX navigation

Basic setup example

See it live


The HTML set up is pretty easy. Just create a div that will hold your canvas and a div that will hold your image.

    <!-- div that will hold our WebGL canvas -->
    <div id="canvas"></div>
    <!-- div used to create our plane -->
    <div class="plane">
        <!-- image that will be used as texture by our plane -->
        <img src="path/to/my-image.jpg" />



The CSS is also very easy. Make sure the div that will wrap the canvas fits the document, and apply any size you want to your plane div element.

body {
    /* make the body fits our viewport */
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100vh;
    margin: 0;
    overflow: hidden;

#canvas { /* make the canvas wrapper fits the document */ position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; }

.plane { /* define the size of your plane */ width: 80%; height: 80vh; margin: 10vh auto; }

.plane img { /* hide the img element */ display: none; }


There's a bit more work in the javascript part : we need to instanciate our WebGL context, create a plane with basic uniforms parameters and use it.

window.onload = function() {
    // get our canvas wrapper
    var canvasContainer = document.getElementById("canvas");
    // set up our WebGL context and append the canvas to our wrapper
    var webGLCurtain = new Curtains("canvas");
    // get our plane element
    var planeElement = document.getElementsByClassName("plane")[0];
    // set our initial parameters (basic uniforms)
    var params = {
        vertexShaderID: "plane-vs", // our vertex shader ID
        fragmentShaderID: "plane-fs", // our framgent shader ID
        uniforms: {
            time: {
                name: "uTime", // uniform name that will be passed to our shaders
                type: "1f", // this means our uniform is a float
                value: 0,
    // create our plane mesh
    var plane = webGLCurtain.addPlane(planeElement, params);
    // use the onRender method of our plane fired at each requestAnimationFrame call
    plane.onRender(function() {
        plane.uniforms.time.value++; // update our time uniform value



Here are some basic vertex and fragment shaders. Just put it inside your body tag, right before you include the library.

<!-- vertex shader -->
<script id="plane-vs" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
    #ifdef GL_ES
    precision mediump float;
    // those are the mandatory attributes that the lib sets
    attribute vec3 aVertexPosition;
    attribute vec2 aTextureCoord;
    // those are mandatory uniforms that the lib sets and that contain our model view and projection matrix
    uniform mat4 uMVMatrix;
    uniform mat4 uPMatrix;
    // if you want to pass your vertex and texture coords to the fragment shader
    varying vec3 vVertexPosition;
    varying vec2 vTextureCoord;
    void main() {
        vec3 vertexPosition = aVertexPosition;
        gl_Position = uPMatrix * uMVMatrix * vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);
        // set the varyings
        vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;
        vVertexPosition = vertexPosition;
<!-- fragment shader -->
<script id="plane-fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
    #ifdef GL_ES
    precision mediump float;
    // get our varyings
    varying vec3 vVertexPosition;
    varying vec2 vTextureCoord;
    // the uniform we declared inside our javascript
    uniform float uTime;
    // our texture sampler (default name, to use a different name please refer to the documentation)
    uniform sampler2D uSampler0;
    void main() {
        vec2 textureCoord = vec2(vTextureCoord.x, vTextureCoord.y);
        // displace our pixels along the X axis based on our time uniform
        // textures coords are ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 on both axis
        textureCoord.x += sin(textureCoord.y * 25.0) * cos(textureCoord.x * 25.0) * (cos(uTime / 50.0)) / 25.0;
        gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler0, textureCoord);


Et voilĂ  !

Images uniform sampler names

Let's say you want to build a slideshow with 3 images and a displacement image to create a nice transition effect.
By default, the textures uniforms sampler will be named upon their indexes inside your plane element. If you got something like that :

<!-- div used to create our plane -->
<div class="plane">
    <!-- images that will be used as textures by our plane -->
    <img src="path/to/displacement.jpg" />
    <img src="path/to/my-image-1.jpg" />
    <img src="path/to/my-image-2.jpg" />
    <img src="path/to/my-image-3.jpg" />

Then, in your shaders, your textures samplers would have to be declared that way :

uniform sampler2D uSampler0 // bound to displacement.jpg
uniform sampler2D uSampler1 // bound to my-image-1.jpg
uniform sampler2D uSampler2 // bound to my-image-2.jpg
uniform sampler2D uSampler3 // bound to my-image-3.jpg

It is handy but you could also get easily confused.
By using a data-sampler attribute on the <img /> tag, you could specify a custom uniform sampler name to use in your shader. With the example above, this would become :

<!-- div used to create our plane -->
<div class="plane">
    <!-- images that will be used as textures by our plane -->
    <img src="path/to/displacement.jpg" data-sampler="uDisplacement" />
    <img src="path/to/my-image-1.jpg" data-sampler="uSlide1" />
    <img src="path/to/my-image-2.jpg" data-sampler="uSlide2" />
    <img src="path/to/my-image-3.jpg" data-sampler="uLastSlide" />

uniform sampler2D uDisplacement // bound to displacement.jpg
uniform sampler2D uSlide1       // bound to my-image-1.jpg
uniform sampler2D uSlide2       // bound to my-image-2.jpg
uniform sampler2D uLastSlide    // bound to my-image-3.jpg

Performance tips

  • Be careful with each plane definition. A lot of vertices implies a big impact on performance. If you plan to use more than one plane, try to reduce the number of vertices.
  • Large images have a bigger impact on performance. Try to scale your images so they will fit your plane maximum size.
  • Try not to use too much uniforms as they are updated at every draw call.
  • If you use multiple planes with multiple textures, you should set the dimensions of your plane to fit the aspect ratio of your images in CSS (you could use the padding-bottom hack, see the multiple planes example HTML & CSS) and set the imageCover plane property to false when adding it.


Curtains object


You will have to create a Curtains object first that will handle the scene containing all your planes. It will also create the WebGL context, append the canvas and handle the requestAnimationFrame loop. You just have to pass the ID of the HTML element that will wrap the canvas :

var curtains = new Curtains("canvas"); // "canvas" is the ID of our HTML element


  • addPlane(planeElement, params) :
    planeElement (HTML element) : a HTML element
    params (object) : an object containing the plane parameters (see the Plane object).

    This function will add a plane to our Curtains wrapper.

  • dispose() :

    This function will cancel the requestAnimationFrame loop and delete the WebGL context.

Plane object

Those are the planes we will be manipulating. They are instanciate internally each time you call the addPlane method on the parent Curtains object.


  • vertexShaderID (string) : the vertex shader ID. If ommited, will look for a data attribute data-vs-id on the plane HTML element. Will throw an error if nothing specified.
  • fragmentShaderID (string) : the fragment shader ID. If ommited, will look for a data attribute data-fs-id on the plane HTML element. Will throw an error if nothing specified.
  • widthSegments (integer, optionnal) : plane definition along the X axis (1 by default).
  • heightSegments (integer, optionnal) : plane definition along the Y axis (1 by default).
  • mimicCSS (bool, optionnal) : define if the plane should copy it's HTML element position (true by default).
  • imageCover (bool, optionnal) : define if the images must imitate css background-cover or just fit the plane (true by default).
  • crossOrigin (string, optionnal) : define the cross origin process to load images if any.
  • fov (integer, optionnal) : define the perspective field of view (default to 75).
  • uniforms (object, otpionnal): the uniforms that will be passed to the shaders (if no uniforms specified there won't be any interaction with the plane). Each uniform should have three properties : a name (string), a type (string, see here) and a value.

Parameters basic example

var params = {
    vertexShaderID: "plane-vs", // our vertex shader ID
    fragmentShaderID: "plane-fs", // our framgent shader ID
    uniforms: {
        time: {
            name: "uTime", // uniform name that will be passed to our shaders
            type: "1f", // this means our uniform is a float
            value: 0,


  • loadImages(imgElements) :
    imgElements (HTML image elements) : a collection of HTML image elements to load into your plane.

    This function is automatically called internally on a new Plane instanciation, but you can use it if you want to create an empty plane and then assign it some textures later. See asynchronous textures loading example.

  • onLoading() :

    This function will be fired each time an image of the plane has been loaded. Useful to handle a loader.

  • onReady() :

    This function will be called once our plane is all set up and ready to be drawn. This is where you may want to add event listener to interact with it or update its uniforms.

  • onRender() :

    This function will be triggered at each requestAnimationFrame call. Useful to update a time uniform, change plane rotation, scale, etc.

  • planeResize() :

    This method is called internally each time the WebGL canvas is resized, but if you remove the plane HTML element and append it again later (typically with an AJAX navigation, see the AJAX navigation example), you would have to manually reset the plane size by calling it.

  • setPerspective(fieldOfView, nearPlane, farPlane) :
    fieldOfView (integer) : the perspective field of view. Should be greater than 0 and lower than 180. Default to 75.
    nearPlane (float, optionnal) : closest point where a mesh vertex is displayed. Default to 0.1.
    farPlane (float, optionnal) : farthest point where a mesh vertex is displayed. Default to 150 (two times the field of view).

    Reset the perspective. The smaller the field of view, the more perspective.

  • setScale(scaleX, scaleY) :
    scaleX (float) : the scale to set along the X axis.
    scaleY (float) : the scale to set along the Y axis.

    Set the plane new scale.

  • setRotation(angleX, angleY, angleZ) :
    angleX (float) : the angle in radians to rotate around the X axis.
    angleY (float) : the angle in radians to rotate around the Y axis.
    angleZ (float) : the angle in radians to rotate around the Z axis.

    Set the plane rotation.

  • setRelativePosition(translationX, translationY) :
    translationX (float) : the translation value to apply on the X axis in pixel.
    translationY (float) : the translation value to apply on the Y axis in pixel.

    Set the plane translation based on pixel units.

  • mouseToPlaneCoords(xMousePosition, yMousePosition) :
    xMousePosition (float) : mouse event clientX value.
    yMousePosition (float) : mouse event clientY value.

    Get the mouse coordinates relative to the plane clip space values. Use it to send to a uniform and interact with your plane. A plane coordinates ranges from (-1, 1) in the top left corner to (1, -1) in the bottom right corner, which means the values along the Y axis are inverted.


This library is released under the MIT license which means it is free to use for personnal and commercial projects.

All images used in the examples were taken by Marion Bornaz during the Mirage Festival.

Many thanks to webglfundamentals.org tutorials which helped me a lot.

Author of this library is Martin Laxenaire, a french creative front-end developper based in Lyon.
Found a bug ? Have questions ? Do not hesitate to email me or send me a tweet : @webdesign_ml.