E-Commerce - Watch Store

Team Leader

Muhammed Amine

Team Member

Umar Salah Muath Al Khatib Rawand Abu Jaradah

Site URL

Watch Store


Watch store it’s a simple website similar to an E-Commerce application that has a buyer page and has a seller page, Customer can add item he needs to buy on the cart and he can remove the item from the cart, cart calculates the total price for the customer

The seller can add a commodity with some properties like

  • Product Image Url
  • Product Name
  • Product ID
  • Product Price

Tech. used

User Story

You will enter the first page as a coustomer wich have a products

For buyer

  • I want to see all of the items available on the store.
  • I want to able to search for item on the store by the name .
  • I want to able to filter items by the price or by category .
  • I want to add item to my Cart
  • I want to be able to see the items inside my cart.
  • I want to be able to delete any items inside my cart.
  • I want to be able to see the total price of the items inside my cart.
  • I want to be able to display the items either as a grid or a list.

For seller

  • I want to be able to add my product (name, detail, price, image, and category) .
  • I want to be able to see all of my product I want to be able to search through my products.
  • I want to be able to delete my own product I want to be able to edit all the information of my product.

Installing the project locally:

  • git clone https://github.com/GSG-G10/Watch-Store.git
  • cd Watch-Store
  • Code .
  • npm install
>  Run your live server .