-, Akari Technologies
- akarthik10University of Massachusetts
- AVS1508UMass Amherst | @build-umass | @fuseumass | @umass-cicsoft
- brentscott93
- ccurtsingerGrinnell College
- ChenyunWu
- chromicant
- csq-drUMASS Amherst
- daltonjUniversity of Edinburgh
- denkav
- deshmukhrajvardhanSan Jose
- drsiddhiadvani
- emilyaherbert@FuelLabs
- etoschNortheastern University
- ewagner12
- flodinl
- haopengGoogle
- jjfiv@fortanix
- kclary@KDL-umass, @toybox-rs
- kgourgou
- lrdegeestSan Francisco, CA // Boston, MA
- matheusgadelhaUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst
- micokochUMass Amherst
- moverlin
- mrdrozdovNew York, NY
- palumr
- perimosocordiaeGoogle
- petebachant@WindESCo
- QisenLuanN/A
- salauerCertilytics, Inc.
- sameersinghSpiffy / UC Irvine
- shirkiAuCoDe
- tboucherUMass Amherst
- weikai-chenRenmin University of China
- xiangzhao@google
- zmeadowsToyon Research (