Implement prototype to provide a machine image for dashboard applications
GoetzGoerisch opened this issue · 3 comments
GoetzGoerisch commented
According to discussions here and here, this is a typical use case for dashboards.
Implement SupportInfo interface type according to OPC 10000-100 for the Showcase MachineTool.
ag-ctlg commented
Any update on this request? This would be nice to have, especially now that during testing the image of our Machine isn't displayed in the dashboard anymore (the NodeId of the machine changed but it's the same machine.)
GoetzGoerisch commented
No Implementation took place so far and no CS group put this into there specification yet.
Regarding your machine image in the we are taking care of, as the pictures it mapped to the ExpandedNodeId: nsu=;i=50001
ag-ctlg commented
Thank you @GoetzGoerisch