
Vagrant Box for Development Environment.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Vagrant Box for Development Environment.

Wait, wtf is this again?

This is a vagrant box for a complete webdevelopment workspace. It includes nginx, nodejs, mysql, vim, git and build-essentials. Along with these cookbooks, it installs several npm packages globally such as grunt-cli, nodemon, bower etc. Everything that is necessary to set up virtual environment to run hungrilla api.

Cool, so how does it work?

  • Download and install Vagrant.
  • Download and install VirtualBox.
  • Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/hungrilla/kitchen.git in the same directory where garcon & potato are cloned. (If they are somewhere else, you may need to change paths in Vagrantfile)
  • Move into the clone repository.
  • Write vagrant up. And tada~ (P.S. It may take while for the first time.)

Hey, mysql command line doesn't work?

If you log into the machine and type mysql, you may see an error like this one:

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'

This is because MySQL is hardcoded to read the defined default my.cnf file, typically at /etc/my.cnf, and this LWRP deletes it to prevent overlap among multiple MySQL configurations.

To connect to the socket from the command line, check the socket in the relevant my.cnf file and use something like this:

mysql -S /var/run/mysql-default/mysqld.sock -Pwhatever

Or to connect over the network, use something like this: connect over the network..

mysql -h -Pwhatever

For more information: Link

Something is broke, what should I do?

Create an issue or be a gentleman and send a PR. If you're not willing to do either of those then suck it up.