
The repository for the Galician part of the NLP First Homework

Primary LanguageJava


The repository for the Galician part of the NLP First Homework

The overall objective of this homework is to create a multilingual morphological parser based on Wiktionary. Each team (one or two students) will work on the assigned language(s) . The team’s objective is to deliver Java code to extract a full morphological table for the assigned language(s) together with the table itself . The information has to be extracted from the Wiktionary dump of the given language and/or the English Wiktionary dump which contains information for all languages. What has been implemented The minimum classes to be implemented are: – An extension of our MorphoEntryIterator called MorphoEntryIterator which iterates over the entries in the language-specific raw dump and/or the English (multilingual) dump, where is your language – A class for each morphological rule, as implementation of MorphoRule, for the given language. Naming convention: MorphoRule

Optionally, you can create MorphoForm, your extension of MorphoForm should you need to save more information . For instance, you will deliver: – it/uniroma1/lcl/wimmp/FrenchMorphoEntryIterator.java – it/uniroma1/lcl/wimmp/FrenchMorphoRules.java – it/uniroma1/lcl/wimmp/FrenchMorphoForm.java – it/uniroma1/lcl/wimmp/FrenchMorphoEntryIterator.class – it/uniroma1/lcl/wimmp/FrenchMorphoRules.class – it/uniroma1/lcl/wimmp/FrenchMorphoForm.class