Repo contents:

  • onnx_test.cpp: main C++ file
  • CMakeLists.txt
  • flake.nix and default.nix for reproducible builds
  • for non-nix builds
  • cat_small.jpg original input file
  • cat_sr.png C++ ONNX output
  • cat_sr_pytorch.png PyTorch and Python ONNX output

Build instructions

If you have Nix

nix build
# or, if you don't like flakes:

You will find the executable in ./result/bin/onnx_test

Build normally


  • ONNX
  • OpenCV

You can use which just contains:

# create build dir if it does not exist
[ -d build ] || mkdir build
# generate builder
cmake . -B build
# build
cmake --build build

Run instructions

<executable_name> <onnx-model> <source-img> <dest-img>

for example:

<executable_name> bsrgan-pretrained.onnx cat_small.jpg cat_sr.png