
We implement tensorial neural networks (TNNs), a generalization of existing neural networks by extending tensor operations on low order operands to those on high order operands.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Convolutional Tensorial Neural Networks

We implement convolutional tensorial neural networks (TNNs), a generalization of existing neural networks by extending tensor operations on low order operands to those on high order operands. Training through this module will automatically evaluate a network as a tensor graph (with specified decompose_type and compression-rate).

The optimal sequencer which lives in torch_conv_einsumfunc.py is automatically deployed to evaluate the tensorial forward and backward pass sequences in a FLOPs-optimal manner. Note that the optimal sequencer forks and modifies components of opt-einsum (https://github.com/dgasmith/opt_einsum) to provide support for convolutions.

opt-einsum: Daniel G. A. Smith and Johnnie Gray, opt_einsum - A Python package for optimizing contraction order for einsum-like expressions. Journal of Open Source Software, 2018, 3(26), 753 DOI: https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.00753

Image Classification

To run a standalone ResNet CIFAR-10 experiment, relevant files live in tnn_cifar10.

Run the following and modify inputs as necessary (which are documented in CIFAR10_exp.py):

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 CIFAR10_exp.py  --workers 4 --opt-level O1 --batch-size ${batch_size} --compression-rate ${cr} --decompose-type ${decompose_type} --epoch-num 100  --print_freq 10 --learning-rate ${lr} > ${expname}.log 2>&1

An optional --model argument is available, default is ResNet34. model: ResNetX X=18,34,50,101,152

A wide variety of tensor decomposition types are available: decompose_type: RCP CP RTK TK RTT TT RTR TR CP: Canonical Polyadic (Kolda et al., 2009) RCP: Reshaped Canonical Polyadic (Su et al., 2018) TK: Tucker (Kolda et al., 2009) RTK: Reshaped Tucker (Su el al., 2018) TT: Tensor Train (Oseledets, 2011) RTT: Reshaped Tensor Train (Su et al., 2018) TR: Tensor Ring (Zhao et al., 2016) RTR: Reshaped Tensor Ring (Su et al., 2018)

Video classification

TNN Two-Stream Video Classification: Relevant files live in tnn_VC

  1. Pretrain TNN-ResNet101 on ImageNet: a. Create links to ImageNet ILSVRC2012 training and validation sets at ./ResNet/train and ./ResNet/val b. Run bash ./ResNet/run.sh
  2. Train TNN-two-stream network: a. Create link to preprocessed UCF101 dataset at ./UCF101 b. Run bash ./run.sh

Currently, these experiments have only been tested and certified on ResNet101 with decompose_type RCP. While it is possible to change the model and decompose_type arguments, the behavior might not be as intended.


To run a standlone conv_einsum (i.e., evaluate an einsum string containing convolutions), import opt-einsum and run something like the following:

path_info = conv_einsum.contract_path("ijk,jl,lmq, njpq->ijknp|j", A, B, C, D)

For further examples, especially relating to FLOPs calculations within ResNet-34, see the conv_playground iPython notebook.