
Sample webapp2 applications to get you started

Primary LanguagePython

### Install instructions

These sample applications uses the python2.7 runtime for applengine.

The git repository includes a virtualenv script to setup a virtual sandbox environment, we don't want to install things all over our system.
To install the virtualenv for this project (or another) and activate it simply do:

python virtualenv.py .
. bin/activate

To exit the virtualenv the exit command is:


To run test install nosetest runner with:

pip install nose

## Running the application

The Makefile that's included presumes that your google appengine installation is in /usr/local/google_appengine, you can always change the path in the Makefile

Run the sample-auth app execute the command:

make serve-sample-auth

- NDB folder is included in application due to a import statement in webapp2_extras/appengine/auth/models.py