
A NewYork Demo Application

Primary LanguageKotlin

NewYork News — the Sample App for Android

This is a sample app developed using https://api.nytimes.com/svc/mostpopular/v2/viewed/1.json?api-key=yourkey

About NewYork News

NewYork News is a Mobile App that allow user to read and search news from NewYork Times .

App will fatch the flowing data

  1. Title,
  2. Byline kind of Description
  3. Published Date

Getting Started

Clone the Repository

As usual, you get started by cloning the project to your local machine:

$ https://github.com/umerjavaidkh/NewYorkTimes.git

Building with Gradle

  1. Build the sample app using:
./gradlew clean build`
  1. To see a list of available tasks, execute:
./gradlew tasks

Run Complete App Journey

  1. Navigate to androidTest
  2. Open com.newyork.times.app.baseTest AppJourney
  3. Run -> AppJourney

Run Coverage Report

  1. Navigate to Test