
This project is a web application that simulates an M/M/1 queuing system using a linear congruential generator (LCG). Users can input the arrival rate and service rate, click the submit button, and generate a table with various performance metrics for the queuing system. Additionally, the system allows users to generate random priorities for each customer based on the M/M/1 table.

Deployed project Link : https://priority-queue-simulator.vercel.app/

To run locally write the following commands in Vs code terminal to run the project

git clone https://github.com/umershaikh123/priority-queue-simulator.git

cd priority-queue-simulator

npm install

npm run dev


1. Arrival Rate and Service Rate Input

Start by entering the arrival rate (λ) and service rate (µ). Click the submit button to generate a table.

2. Generated Table

The table includes the following columns:

  • S.no: Serial number.
  • Cumulative Probability (Cp): Cumulative probability of arrival.
  • Cp Lookup: Lookup value for cumulative probability.
  • Avg Time Between Arrivals: Average time between arrivals.
  • Inter Arrival Time: Time between consecutive arrivals.
  • Arrival Time: Time at which a customer arrives.
  • Service Time: Time taken to serve a customer.
  • Start Time: Time at which service starts.
  • End Time: Time at which service ends.
  • Turnaround Time: Total time a customer spends in the system.
  • Waiting Time: Time a customer waits in the queue.
  • Response Time: Time taken to respond to a customer.
  • The number of rows and total customers are determined when cumulative probability reaches 1.


3. Priority Generation Inputs

After the M/M/1 table is generated, input the parameters for priority generation. Click the submit button to generate random priorities for each customer based on the previous M/M/1 table.
