
Command-line tool that accepts a TSV file of variants by samples and emits an XLSX file of genes by samples, rolling up one or more variants into a single gene row.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Command-line tool that accepts a TSV file of variants by samples and emits an XLSX file of genes by samples, rolling up one or more variants into a single gene row.

Build Status

The official repository is at:



For help and a description of command-line options, run: $ generollup -h

Rollup variants to genes

There are some constraints on the input file:

  • It is a tab-separated file.
  • Each row represents a single variant locus associated with a gene. (Recommend that you filter the input to exclude intergenic regions.)
  • Each row represents a single annotation, typically the "worst" impact. Since each locus could be associated with more than one alt allele and/or multiple annotations, you may need to process the variant calling output to limit to the annotation of choice.
  • The column headers must include
    • gene symbol
    • sample genotype columns
    • some combination of variant annotation
      • SnpEff: Impact (High,Moderate,Low,Modifier)
      • dbNSFP: count of annotation sources that designated this variant as damaging
      • VarSeq (GoldenHelix)

Here is toy example input file to illustrate the syntax. This example assumes you have annotated with dbNSFP and SnpEff:

chr1 14948 G A BRCA1 1 HIGH 0/0 0/1
chr1 137622 G A TANK 0 . . 1/1
chr1 1147545 A G,C CREBBP 7 LOW 0/2 0/0
chr1 1147548 A T CREBBP 7 MODERATE . 0/1

$ generollup \
       sample_genotype_column_regex='GT\.(.*).TUMOR' \
       gene_column_name='GENE_SYMBOL' \
       effect_column_name='SNPEFF_IMPACT' \
       effect_column_values='HIGH,MODERATE,LOW,MODIFIER' \
       dbnsfp_column_name='dbNSFP_damaging' \
       input.tsv output.xlsx

See documentation on github for more details on how the input variants are aggregated.


Email bfx-jacquard@umich.edu for support and questions.

UM BRCF Bioinformatics Core