Test Objective

The backend test is as follows: (You shall setup an accessible Mongodb backend database with a Nodejs framework to the best of your ability)

  1. Set up a nodejs server and connect it to a mongodb collection. We should be able to send data to certain urls to store and get data.
  2. /api/getUsers - returns a json object with all the users in the database
  3. /api/insertUser - accepts the following form data and inserts into the User table.
    • name
    • email
    • username
    • password
  4. Password being encrypted once inserted into the database


Look at doc/user.requests.http file for executable examples on HTTP Rest Client.

Start scripts

First install all dependencies with npm i. Then make a copy of/rename .env-example file as .env and adjust if necessary. To run tests also adjust .env-test file.

Script Description
npm start Start the service.
npm run start-dev Start the service in dev/watch mode. On source file change service will be restarted.
npm test Run unit tests.
npm test-dev Run unit tests in watch mode.
npm test-int Run integration tests.
npm test-int-dev Run integration tests in watch mode.


Retrieves all users.

Request Parameters


Response Parameters

users field on a response body holds the list of the users with the following fields:

Field Description
_id ID of the user
username User name/login
name Full Name
email Email Address

Sample request/response

curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
Response on success
  "users": [
      "_id": "607e8d0844e1bd7da5e0cd97",
      "username": "some_user",
      "name": "Some User",
      "email": "some@email.com"
Response on success but no users exist yet
  "users": []


Creates a new user.

Request Parameters

Field Description Is Mandatory?
username User name/login Yes
name Full Name Yes
email Email Address Yes

Response Parameters

user.id field on a response body holds the newly created user's ID.

Sample request/response

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  http://localhost:3000/api/insertUser \
  -d '{
    "username": "some_guy",
    "name": "Some Guy",
    "email": "some_guy@gmail.com",
    "password": "123Qw+@cvb"
Response on success

HTTP Code: 200

  "user": {
    "id": "607e8d0844e1bd7da5e0cd97"
Response on error

HTTP Code: 400

  "error": "Invalid username"