Pinned issues
- 0
bug: 为什么 esm 和 cjs 只能打包 src 目录下的文件
#795 opened by exposir - 3
feat: 如何使用 ESM-only 的 webpack plugin?
#780 opened by StephenPCG - 3
feat: 4.x 为什么不支持 minify 和 移除注解?
#778 opened by Flcwl - 0
bug: bundless output is incorrect
#786 opened by PeachScript - 1
bug: 我在执行father doctor时报错:The JSX syntax extension is not currently enabled
#791 opened by wangchaoHeart - 3
- 1
feat: father打包umd,如何保留文件里面的jsDoc类型注释
#788 opened by letterletter - 0
bug: styled-components 在cra中报 useContext 错误
#787 opened by Linbubin - 1
- 1
bug: 组件库引入了其他依赖包的类型声明,打包后以后生成的d.ts文件中,路径变成了相对路径。
#779 opened by wjljan - 1
bug: bundless 模式下如何避免js文件的编译直接输出&md 文件没有被直接输出
#777 opened by BennieMeng - 3
#699 opened by RudyDen - 0
feat: 支持 isolatedDeclarations
#770 opened by sorrycc - 0
feat: dts 支持异步生成
#769 opened by sorrycc - 0
RFC:father 支持 --watch-only
#767 opened by sorrycc - 2
#694 opened by shengbaise - 2
就想混合使用es和cjs,import一个exports的cjs模块后,在father build时候报错找不到ts文件导致无法生存d.ts, 请大神们指教!
#766 opened by buquan - 11
Father build类型生成问题
#713 opened by liangskyli - 0
bug: esm模式打包后,node项目使用,本地模块因为没有.js后缀导致报错
#760 opened by hasnum-stack - 0
feat: I hope to configure UMD mode when using Father to package output, and also output a. dts file
#757 opened by GUJUNNIAN - 4
bug: 通过create-umi构建的Umi Plugin工程build时生成d.ts文件失败
#746 opened by kukushouhou - 2
- 4
bug: umd 产物中的变量包含了项目路径
#749 opened by Dolov - 3
是否可以支持build 和dev时可以选用不用的配置文件
#696 opened by tgxpuisb - 0
feat: nodejs包模式使用
#747 opened by fangbicheng - 3
react 组件库 打包 umd 产物 后使用 报错,esm 产物正常使用
#705 opened by x011223 - 1
feat: swc 支持 .swcrc 配置合并
#745 opened by ninesunsabiu - 1
bug: dts 的增量特性被破坏
#744 opened by ninesunsabiu - 0
#735 opened by fz6m - 2
bug: 使用 Zod 时声明文件没有根据依赖及时生成
#733 opened by ninesunsabiu - 2
#730 opened by fangbicheng - 1
feat: 期望新增手动指定配置文件路径的能力
#728 opened by p0page - 3
dev 命令支持 --no-clean 参数
#693 opened by j3r0lin - 0
- 2
#714 opened by LengYXin - 4
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- 1
included types lost error since 4.3.2
#704 opened by PeachScript - 3
#708 opened by TheYuuu - 1
#706 opened by PopperLi - 2
[doctor] PHANTOM_DEPS 规则为什么不检测 devDependencies 呢?
#703 opened by moecasts - 4
v4.3.1 生成 cjs 代码时没有 index.d.ts,esm 看概率出现 index.d.ts
#698 opened by Lizhooh - 0
The JSX syntax extension is not currently enabled
#687 opened by demonxwj - 3
构建出的 es 产物,偶然会丢失 dts 文件,多出 sourcemap 文件
#697 opened by asyncguo - 2
每次写完taillwind都要重新跑下npx son build才能生效
#695 opened by RichDaddyCashMany - 1
package 设置 exports 字段时,umd 构建失败
#692 opened by Wxh16144 - 1
- 3
#688 opened by wefiy - 1
father doctor peerDependencies 检测不支持 node modules
#684 opened by sorrycc