
🎮 Java API for accessing input devices (sun api, spi ri is currently for mac only)

Primary LanguageJava

Release Java CI CodeQL Java


🎮 Library for access to input devices.

this is jna-ized and service-loader-ized version. original




Licensed under BSD License, copyright is attributed in each source file committed.


  • use proper ServiceLoader instead of proprietary plugin system (backport from vavi-awt-joystick)
  • linux spi not tested yet
  • windows wip, package name windows spi not tested yet
  • deprecate polling, use event listener?
  • native parts
    • backport cf lib to rococoa
    • separate jna parts as jna-platform-extended?
  • at windows, i mistake dword as 2byte
  • component value should be generics? (currently float fixed)