
🌏 Java filesystem SPIs with Fuse (googledrive, onedrive, dropbox, box, etc...)

Primary LanguageJava

Release Java CI CodeQL Java


🌏 mount the world!


fs list upload download copy move rm mkdir cache watch project library
google drive (v3) 🚧 sub module google-api-services-drive
one drive (v1) 🚧 sub module OneDriveJavaSDK
one drive (graph) 🚧 sub module onedrive-java-client
one drive (graph) 🚧 sub module msgraph-sdk-java
dropbox (v2) 🚧 vavi-nio-file-dropbox
box (v2) 🚧 vavi-nio-file-box
vfs (sftp) - sub module commons-vfs2, jsch
vfs (smb:cifs-ng) - sub module commons-vfs2-cifs, jcifs-ng
vfs (smb:smbj) - sub module commons-vfs2-smb
vfs (webdav ssh) 🚧 sub module commons-vfs2-jackrabbit2
vfs (smb:cifs) - sub module commons-vfs2-sandbox, jcifs-ng
archive - - - - - - sub module vavi-util-archive
hfs+ (dmg) sub module hfsexplorer
gathered - - - - - - sub module -
cyberduck (webdav ssh) vavi-nio-file-cyberduck cyberduck.webdav
cyberduck (sftp) vavi-nio-file-cyberduck cyberduck.ssh
discutils (vdi/ntfs) vavi-nio-file-discutils
google play music - - - - - - vavi-nio-file-googleplaymusic gplaymusic
fuse (javafs) vavi-nio-file-fuse javafs
fuse (fuse-jna) vavi-nio-file-fuse fuse-jna
fuse (jnr-fuse) vavi-nio-file-fuse jnr-fuse


    URI uri = URI.create("googledrive:///?id=you@gmail.com");
    FileSystems fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, Collections.emptyMap());
    Fuse.getFuse().mount(fs, "/your/mout/point", Collections.emptyMap());



selenium chrome driver (obsolete, use os default browser)

  • download the chromedriver executable and locate it into some directory.
    • don't forget to run jvm with the jvm argument -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=/usr/local/bin/chromedriver.

each fs installation


  • install macFUSE
  • jvmarg (fuse-jna)
    • -Djna.library.path=/usr/local/lib

How To
