

Project Overview

In this project, this snippet of code outlines the functionality to add new items to a list element, mark existing items, and remove them using JavaScript within an HTML document.

  1. const myList = document.querySelector("ul");: Selects the first <ul> element in the HTML document and assigns it to the variable myList.
  2. var newList = document.querySelectorAll("li");: Selects all <li> elements in the HTML document and assigns them to a NodeList named newList.
  3. newList.forEach((item) => { addCloseButton(item); });: Calls the addCloseButton function for each <li> element, adding a close button to each item.
  4. function addCloseButton(item) { ... }: Defines the function used to add a close button to each list item.
  5. item.onclick = () => { item.classList.toggle("checked"); };: Adds an event listener that toggles the "checked" class on and off when a list item is clicked.
  6. const span = document.createElement("span");: Creates a new <span> element.
  7. span.textContent = "\u00D7";: Sets the content of the span to "×" (a multiplication sign).
  8. span.className = "close";: Adds the "close" class to the span element.
  9. item.appendChild(span);: Appends the close button to the list item.
  10. span.onclick = () => { = "none"; };: Hides the corresponding list item when the close button is clicked.

These 10 lines of code facilitate the creation of a dynamic task list. Users can add new tasks, mark existing tasks, and remove tasks from the list by clicking on the close button.