-- import "astuart.co/go-robinhood"
const (
HrExtendedOpen = 4
HrRHExtendedOpen = 9
HrClose = 12 + 4
HrRHExtendedClose = 12 + 6
HrExtendedClose = 12 + 8
MinExtendedOpen = HrExtendedOpen * 60
MinRHExtendedOpen = HrRHExtendedOpen * 60
MinOpen = 9*60 + 30
MinClose = HrClose * 60
MinRHExtendedClose = HrRHExtendedClose * 60
MinExtendedClose = HrExtendedClose * 60
Common constants for hours and minutes from midnight at which market events occur.
func IsExtendedTradingTime() bool
IsExtendedTradingTime returns whether or not extended hours equity will be updated because extended-hours trades may still be allowed in the markets.
func IsRegularTradingTime() bool
IsRegularTradingTime returns whether or not the markets are currently open for regular trading.
func IsRobinhoodExtendedTradingTime() bool
IsRobinhoodExtendedTradingTime returns whether or not trades can still be placed during the robinhood gold extended trading hours.
func IsWeekDay(t time.Time) bool
IsWeekDay returns whether the given time is a regular weekday
func MinuteOfDay(t time.Time) int
MinuteOfDay returns the minute of the day for a given time.Time (hr * 60 + min).
func NextMarketClose() time.Time
NextMarketClose returns the time of the next market close.
func NextMarketExtendedClose() time.Time
NextMarketExtendedClose returns the time of the next extended market close, when stock equity numbers will stop being updated until the next extended open.
func NextMarketExtendedOpen() time.Time
NextMarketExtendedOpen returns the time of the next extended opening time, when stock equity may begin to fluctuate again.
func NextMarketOpen() time.Time
NextMarketOpen returns the time of the next opening bell, when regular trading begins.
func NextRobinhoodExtendedClose() time.Time
NextRobinhoodExtendedClose returns the time of the next robinhood extended closing time, when robinhood users must place their last extended-hours trade.
func NextRobinhoodExtendedOpen() time.Time
NextRobinhoodExtendedOpen returns the time of the next robinhood extended opening time, when robinhood users can make trades.
func NextWeekday() time.Time
NextWeekday returns the next weekday.
type Account struct {
AccountNumber string `json:"account_number"`
BuyingPower float64 `json:"buying_power,string"`
Cash float64 `json:"cash,string"`
CashAvailableForWithdrawal float64 `json:"cash_available_for_withdrawal,string"`
CashBalances CashBalances `json:"cash_balances"`
CashHeldForOrders float64 `json:"cash_held_for_orders,string"`
Deactivated bool `json:"deactivated"`
DepositHalted bool `json:"deposit_halted"`
MarginBalances MarginBalances `json:"margin_balances"`
MaxAchEarlyAccessAmount string `json:"max_ach_early_access_amount"`
OnlyPositionClosingTrades bool `json:"only_position_closing_trades"`
Portfolio string `json:"portfolio"`
Positions string `json:"positions"`
Sma interface{} `json:"sma"`
SmaHeldForOrders interface{} `json:"sma_held_for_orders"`
SweepEnabled bool `json:"sweep_enabled"`
Type string `json:"type"`
UnclearedDeposits float64 `json:"uncleared_deposits,string"`
UnsettledFunds float64 `json:"unsettled_funds,string"`
User string `json:"user"`
WithdrawalHalted bool `json:"withdrawal_halted"`
type CashBalances struct {
BuyingPower float64 `json:"buying_power,string"`
Cash float64 `json:"cash,string"`
CashAvailableForWithdrawal float64 `json:"cash_available_for_withdrawal,string"`
CashHeldForOrders float64 `json:"cash_held_for_orders,string"`
UnclearedDeposits float64 `json:"uncleared_deposits,string"`
UnsettledFunds float64 `json:"unsettled_funds,string"`
type Client struct {
Token string
Account *Account
func Dial(t TokenGetter) (*Client, error)
func (c *Client) GetAccounts() ([]Account, error)
func (c Client) GetAndDecode(url string, dest interface{}) error
func (c Client) GetInstrument(instURL string) (*Instrument, error)
func (c Client) GetInstrumentForSymbol(sym string) (*Instrument, error)
func (c *Client) GetPortfolios() ([]Portfolio, error)
GetPortfolios returns all the portfolios associated with a client's credentials and accounts
func (c Client) GetPositions(a Account) ([]Position, error)
GetPositions returns all the positions associated with an account.
func (c Client) GetQuote(stocks ...string) ([]Quote, error)
GetQuote returns all the latest stock quotes for the list of stocks provided
func (c *Client) GetWatchlists() ([]Watchlist, error)
GetWatchlists retrieves the watchlists for a given set of credentials/accounts.
type Creds struct {
Username, Password string
func (c *Creds) GetToken() (string, error)
func (c Creds) Values() url.Values
type CredsCacher struct {
Creds TokenGetter
Path string
A CredsCacher takes user credentials and a file path. The token obtained from the RobinHood API will be cached at the file path, and a new token will not be obtained.
func (c *CredsCacher) GetToken() (string, error)
GetToken implements TokenGetter. It may fail if an error is encountered checking the file path provided, or if the underlying creds return an error when retrieving their token.
type Instrument struct {
BloombergUnique string `json:"bloomberg_unique"`
Country string `json:"country"`
DayTradeRatio string `json:"day_trade_ratio"`
Fundamentals string `json:"fundamentals"`
ID string `json:"id"`
ListDate string `json:"list_date"`
MaintenanceRatio string `json:"maintenance_ratio"`
MarginInitialRatio string `json:"margin_initial_ratio"`
Market string `json:"market"`
MinTickSize interface{} `json:"min_tick_size"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Quote string `json:"quote"`
SimpleName interface{} `json:"simple_name"`
Splits string `json:"splits"`
State string `json:"state"`
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Tradeable bool `json:"tradeable"`
URL string `json:"url"`
type MarginBalances struct {
Cash float64 `json:"cash,string"`
CashAvailableForWithdrawal float64 `json:"cash_available_for_withdrawal,string"`
CashHeldForOrders float64 `json:"cash_held_for_orders,string"`
DayTradeBuyingPower float64 `json:"day_trade_buying_power,string"`
DayTradeBuyingPowerHeldForOrders float64 `json:"day_trade_buying_power_held_for_orders,string"`
DayTradeRatio float64 `json:"day_trade_ratio,string"`
MarginLimit float64 `json:"margin_limit,string"`
MarkedPatternDayTraderDate string `json:"marked_pattern_day_trader_date"`
OvernightBuyingPower float64 `json:"overnight_buying_power,string"`
OvernightBuyingPowerHeldForOrders float64 `json:"overnight_buying_power_held_for_orders,string"`
OvernightRatio float64 `json:"overnight_ratio,string"`
UnallocatedMarginCash float64 `json:"unallocated_margin_cash,string"`
UnclearedDeposits float64 `json:"uncleared_deposits,string"`
UnsettledFunds float64 `json:"unsettled_funds,string"`
type Meta struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
URL string `json:"url"`
type Portfolio struct {
Account string `json:"account"`
AdjustedEquityPreviousClose float64 `json:"adjusted_equity_previous_close,string"`
Equity float64 `json:"equity,string"`
EquityPreviousClose float64 `json:"equity_previous_close,string"`
ExcessMaintenance float64 `json:"excess_maintenance,string"`
ExcessMaintenanceWithUnclearedDeposits float64 `json:"excess_maintenance_with_uncleared_deposits,string"`
ExcessMargin float64 `json:"excess_margin,string"`
ExcessMarginWithUnclearedDeposits float64 `json:"excess_margin_with_uncleared_deposits,string"`
ExtendedHoursEquity float64 `json:"extended_hours_equity,string"`
ExtendedHoursMarketValue float64 `json:"extended_hours_market_value,string"`
LastCoreEquity float64 `json:"last_core_equity,string"`
LastCoreMarketValue float64 `json:"last_core_market_value,string"`
MarketValue float64 `json:"market_value,string"`
StartDate string `json:"start_date"`
UnwithdrawableDeposits float64 `json:"unwithdrawable_deposits,string"`
UnwithdrawableGrants float64 `json:"unwithdrawable_grants,string"`
URL string `json:"url"`
WithdrawableAmount float64 `json:"withdrawable_amount,string"`
type Position struct {
Account string `json:"account"`
AverageBuyPrice float64 `json:"average_buy_price,string"`
Instrument string `json:"instrument"`
IntradayAverageBuyPrice float64 `json:"intraday_average_buy_price,string"`
IntradayQuantity float64 `json:"intraday_quantity,string"`
Quantity float64 `json:"quantity,string"`
SharesHeldForBuys float64 `json:"shares_held_for_buys,string"`
SharesHeldForSells float64 `json:"shares_held_for_sells,string"`
type Quote struct {
AdjustedPreviousClose float64 `json:"adjusted_previous_close,string"`
AskPrice float64 `json:"ask_price,string"`
AskSize int `json:"ask_size"`
BidPrice float64 `json:"bid_price,string"`
BidSize int `json:"bid_size"`
LastExtendedHoursTradePrice float64 `json:"last_extended_hours_trade_price,string"`
LastTradePrice float64 `json:"last_trade_price,string"`
PreviousClose float64 `json:"previous_close,string"`
PreviousCloseDate string `json:"previous_close_date"`
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
TradingHalted bool `json:"trading_halted"`
UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"`
A Quote is a representation of the data returned by the Robinhood API for current stock quotes
func (q Quote) Price() float64
Price returns the proper stock price even after hours
type Token string
func (t *Token) GetToken() (string, error)
type TokenGetter interface {
GetToken() (string, error)
type Watchlist struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
URL string `json:"url"`
User string `json:"user"`
Client *Client `json:",ignore"`
A Watchlist is a list of stock Instruments that an investor is tracking in his Robinhood portfolio/app.
func (w *Watchlist) GetInstruments() ([]Instrument, error)
GetInstruments returns the list of Instruments associated with a Watchlist.