
Add 5V LDO and 3.3V LDO to BDCMC schematic

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This GitHub issue is created to address the task of enhancing the BDCMC (Brushless DC Motor Controller) schematic by adding a 5V Low Dropout Regulator (LDO) and a 3.3V LDO. The inclusion of these LDOs is essential for providing stable and regulated 5V and 3.3V power supplies to the BDCMC and associated components.

This task encompasses the following key areas related to adding a 5V LDO and a 3.3V LDO to the BDCMC schematic:

Schematic Modification:
Open the BDCMC schematic in the design tool (e.g., Altium).

Component Selection:
Select suitable 5V and 3.3V LDO components for the schematic.

Placement and Connections:
Place the 5V LDO and 3.3V LDO components on the BDCMC schematic, considering component positioning and orientation.
Establish the necessary connections, ensuring that the input and output connections of the LDOs are correctly linked within the BDCMC schematic.

Labeling and Annotation:
Label the LDO components and their associated connections appropriately, following the schematic annotation guidelines.

Integration with BDCMC:
Ensure that the 5V and 3.3V LDOs integrate seamlessly with the BDCMC schematic, allowing for the provision of stable and regulated 5V and 3.3V power.

Testing and Validation:
Simulate or verify the schematic to ensure that the added LDOs function as expected, providing stable and regulated 5V and 3.3V outputs.

Steps to Reproduce:
Provide detailed, step-by-step instructions for adding the 5V LDO and 3.3V LDO to the BDCMC schematic and ensuring proper integration.

Expected Results:
Clearly define the expected outcomes, including the correct placement, connection, and functionality of the added LDOs in the BDCMC schematic.

Actual Results:
After implementing the schematic modifications, report the actual results and document any issues or observations.

Additional Information:
Include any supplementary context, unique requirements, or specific goals related to this issue.

By providing a detailed and clear description, you'll enable effective collaboration and ensure the successful addition of the 5V LDO and 3.3V LDO to the BDCMC schematic.
