
My Codes and Solutions to coding interview problems on LeetCode, AlgoExpert, Educative and other interview preparation websites

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Interview Preparation

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My solutions to coding interview problems on LeetCode, AlgoExpert, GFG, Educative, and Other Coding Sites. I will be adding my solutions to this repository every day whenever I do solve them :)

Difficulty Levels solved :

🟒 Easy: 70
🟑 Medium: 60
πŸ”΄ Hard:2
⚫️ Very Hard: 0
🌟 Good to review

Total - 132

Day 0

Adding solutions to all problems I have completed today

Focus for today: Arrays, Strings


  1. 🟒 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Notes: Use Hash Map!
  2. 🟒 Rotate Array Notes: Recursion or (i+k)%n Index!
  3. 🟒 Reverse String Notes: Recursion!


  1. 🟒 Palindrome Check Notes: 2 Pointer's (Best)!


Sliding Window Technique Pattern

  1. 🟒 Average of all contiguous subarrays of size β€˜K’

Day 1

Focus for today: STL/ Linked Lists


  1. 🟑 Remove Nth Node From End of List Notes: 🌟 use fast and slow pointer's
  2. 🟒 Delete Node in a Linked List Notes: free(temp) doesn't works!


  1. 🟑 Linked List Construction Notes: Nothing πŸ˜†


Sliding Window Technique Pattern Notes: Mostly use HashMaps or HashSets!

  1. 🟑 Longest Substring with K Distinct Characters
  2. 🟒 Maximum Sum Subarray of Size K
  3. 🟒 Smallest Subarray with a given sum

Day 2

Focus for today: Linked Lists/Contest


  1. 🟑 Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal Notes: take average
  2. 🟒 Three Consecutive Odds Notes: cakeWalk!
  3. 🟒 Reverse Linked List

Day 3

Focus for today: Linked Lists


  1. 🟒 Linked List Cycle Notes: unordered set or 2 pointers
  2. 🟒 Palindrome Linked List Notes: divide into 2 equal parts and use 2 pointers


  1. πŸ”΄ Merge Linked Lists Notes: 🌟 3 pointers

Day 4

Focus for today: Trees


  1. 🟑 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Notes:🌟 use stack
  2. 🟑 Validate Binary Search Tree Notes: inorder has to be in sorted
  3. 🟑 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Notes: think of inorder
  4. 🟒 Find Mode in Binary Search Tree Notes: think of preorder


  1. 🟑 BST Construction Notes: 🌟 basics

Day 5

Focus for today: Trees


  1. 🟑 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Notes:🌟 use queue
  2. 🟒 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Notes: 🌟binary search
  3. 🟒 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Notes: Either BFS/DFS


  1. 🟒 Find Closest Value in BST Notes: helper function

Day 6

Focus for today: Trees


  1. 🟒 Invert Binary Tree Notes: 🌟 queue/recursion
  2. 🟒 Thousand Seperator Notes: Brute-Force
  3. 🟒 Valid Parentheses Notes: use stack

Day 7

Focus for today: Contest


  1. 🟒 Most Visited Sector in a Circular Track Notes: circular => f = f%n
  2. 🟑 Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get Notes: reverse and give you first

Day 8

Focus for today: Trees


  1. 🟑 Check Completeness of a Binary Tree Notes: 🌟use flag
  2. 🟑 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers Notes: recursion
  3. 🟒 Symmetric Tree Notes: recursion(best)

Day 9

Focus for today: Trees


  1. 🟑 Path Sum II Notes: careful of callstack
  2. 🟒 Range Sum of BST Notes: Do any DFS - Cakewalk


Depth First Search Pattern

  1. 🟒 Binary Tree Path Sum
  2. 🟑 All Paths for a Sum
  3. 🟑 Sum of Path Numbers

Day 10

Focus for today: Trees


Depth First Search Pattern

  1. 🟑 Path With Given Sequence
  2. 🟑 Count Paths for a Sum Notes: 🌟Careful of count in recursion

Day 11

Focus for today: Graphs


  1. 🟑 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph Notes: dfs pattern
  2. 🟑 Number of Islands Notes: dfs in all 4 dirs


  1. 🟒 Depth First Search Notes: helper recursive function

Day 12

Focus for today: Algorithms


  1. 🟑 Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product Notes: 🌟🌟careful of zeroes
  2. 🟒 Merge Two Binary Trees Notes: Update the Node, after every step for backtracking!


  1. 🟑 Kadane's Algorithm Notes: used for finding maxSubArray
  2. 🟒 Nth Fibonacci Notes: Iterative method best among all!

Day 13

Focus for today: Everything


  1. 🟒 Majority Element Notes: Moore's Voting Algorithm
  2. 🟒 Valid Anagram Notes: take care of t.c and s.c

Day 14

Focus for today: Everything


  1. 🟒 Excel Sheet Column Number Notes: use map
  2. 🟒 First Unique Character in a String

Day 15

Focus for today: Everything


  1. 🟒 Repeated Substring Pattern Notes: make duplicate and ignore 1st and last

Day 16

Focus for today: Recursions, Contest


  1. 🟑 Permutations Notes: 🌟 use backtracking
  2. 🟑 Subsets Notes: backtracking
  3. 🟒 Matrix Diagonal Sum
  4. 🟑 Subsets II Notes: backtraking

Day 17

Focus for today: Backtracking


  1. 🟑 Combinations
  2. 🟑 Combination Sum
  3. 🟑 Combination Sum II

Day 18

Focus for today: Analysing Patterns


Sub Sets Pattern Notes: Follows BFS in every Approach

  1. 🟑 String Permutation
  2. 🟑 Playing With Permutations
  3. 🟑 Combination of Subsets 2
  4. 🟒 Combination of Subset

Day 19

Focus for today: September Challenge


  1. 🟑 Compare Version Numbers Notes: use istringstream and stoi stl
  2. 🟑 Word Pattern Notes: use unordered maps

Day 20

Focus for today: Strings


  1. 🟒 Caesar Ciphor Encryptor
  2. 🟑 Longest Palindromic Substring

Day 21

Focus for today: Strings


  1. 🟑 Group Anagrams _Bucket Everything in hashmap and take care of TC and SC.
  2. πŸ”΄ Longest Substring Without Duplication

Day 22

Focus for today: Arrays


  1. 🟑 Three Sum Notes: Take Care of Duplicates
  2. 🟑 Smallest Difference Notes: Two Pointers

Day 23

Focus for today: Arrays


  1. 🟑 Move Element To End Notes: Two Pointers
  2. 🟑 Monotonic Array Notes: One Pass πŸ”₯


  1. 🟒 Monotonicity

Day 24

Focus for today: Contest, Miscellaneous


  1. 🟑 XOR Queries of a Subarray Notes: xorSum vector and manupalate
  2. 🟒 Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer Mapping Notes: general

Day 25

Focus for today: Interview Questions


  1. 🟒 Intersection of Two Arrays II Notes: set-intersection stl
  2. 🟒 Power of 3 Notes: log2(n) / log2(3)
  3. 🟒 Prime Numbers Notes: Sieve of eratosthenes

Day 26

  1. 🟑 Spiral Traversal Notes: Make Sure of 4 variables and dir
  2. 🟑 Longest Peak Notes: Binary Search

Day 27

  1. 🟒 Cyclic Rotate
  2. 🟒 Find the maximum and minimum element in an array
  3. 🟒 Find the "Kth" max and min element of an array
  4. 🟒 Move all the negative elements to one side of the array

Day 28

  1. 🟑 Find duplicate in an array of N+1 Integers
  2. 🟑 Find Largest sum contiguous Subarray
  3. 🟑 Longest Consecutive Subsequence
  4. 🟑 Merge Intervals
  5. 🟑 Find maximum product subarray
  6. 🟑 Smallest subarray with sum greater than a given value

Inspired by DeepakTalwar/interview-prep-cpp