In this application I have developed the REST API for a To-Do application. The basic features are;
- Users can be registered by
endpoint - Users authenticated with Http Basic Auth.
- Users can create their own To-Do records.
- Users can add multiple tags to the To-Do records.
- Users can list their To-Do records and filter To-Do records by To-Do tags.
- Users can update To-Do records.
- Users can delete To-Do records.
- Users can update their own personal data through
More information about endpoints can be found at this Postman documentation:
I also developed an Spring MVC application which has a use case very similar. The project respository can be found at:
The project repository also includesThis a directory such as docker-build. In order to build a docker image;
Enter the docker-build directory
cd docker-build
Build docker image
docker build -t todobase .
Run docker image.
docker run -it -p 8080-8099:8080-8099 todobase
Reach api endpoints through localhost:8080
Note: While running the docker image, configuration script will launch couchbase server and install openjdk-8 in order to launch SpringBootApplication. This takes a while.