
TypeError: 'TopLevelDocumentMetaclass' object is not iterable

rinkita22 opened this issue · 4 comments

I am using Django 2.1.1 with mongoengine and django-rest-framework-mongoengine but I am getting error
"File "/python3.6/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/", line 102, in register
for model in model_or_iterable:
TypeError: 'TopLevelDocumentMetaclass' object is not iterable"


@rinkita22 Have you found any solution?


Guys, I'm sorry, I'm totally out of time for maintaining this project. If you have any suggestions, I'll gladly accept pull requests.

uoxiu commented

@rinkita22 You want to register MongoEngine Document in django admin? DRF ME don't support this, you can use djongo, but it is an emulation of communication with sql to mongo