
Flask based web server/proxy that redirects http/https post request to https post request.

Primary LanguagePython

Http/Https Proxy

Simple Flask based web server/proxy that redirects http/https post request to https post request. İf you have IoT system and cannot do https request becasuse of system limits or outdated ssl/tls version, you can use this simple server to do https request to any server like Firebase.


  • You should edit "url" variable to select which server you want to https request.
  • After deploying the code to server, you can request http get to the web server for see server is running; You return "Hello, you requested."
  • For testing the web server you can use this site.
  • Finally you can do request http post. Successful request return Http 201 status code.


You can deploy code google cloud without need any own web server set up.

  • For deploy the code to the google cloud follow this.
  • Also you can refer this sample for deploying the code google cloud.