
Composer Package to Direct Upload to S3

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Direct Upload to S3 (using PHP)

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This package is designed to build the necessary signature (v4), policy and form inputs when sending files directly to Amazon's S3 service. This is especially useful when uploading from cloud platforms and help to build 'twelve factor apps'.

This project was sprouted from this blog post which might help explain how the code works and how to set it up. The blog post also has lots of useful comments, which might help you out if you're having problems.

Supports PHP 5.5+ (inc. 7)


This package can be installed using Composer by running:

composer require eddturtle/direct-upload


Once we have the package installed we can make our uploader object, like so: (remember to add your s3 details)


use EddTurtle\DirectUpload\Signature;

// Require Composer's autoloader
require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

$upload = new Signature(

More info on finding your region @ http://amzn.to/1FtPG6r

Then, using the object we've just made, we can generate the form's url and all the needed hidden inputs.

<form action="<?php echo $upload->getFormUrl(); ?>" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">

    <?php echo $upload->getFormInputsAsHtml(); ?>
    <input type="file" name="file">



We have an example project setup, along with the JavaScript, to demonstrate how the whole process will work.

S3 CORS Configuration

When uploading a file to S3 it's important that the bucket has a CORS configuration that's open to accepting files from elsewhere. Here's an example CORS setup:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">


Options can be passed into the Signature class as a fifth parameter, below is a list of possible options which can be overwritten.

Option Default Description
success_status 201 If the upload is a success, this is the http code we get back from S3. By default this will be a 201 Created.
acl private If the file should be private/public-read/public-write. This is file specific, not bucket. More info: http://amzn.to/1SSOgwO
default_filename ${filename} The file's name on s3, can be set with JS by changing the input[name="key"]. ${filename} will just mean the original filename of the file being uploaded.
max_file_size 500 The maximum file size of an upload in MB. Will refuse with a EntityTooLarge and 400 Bad Request if you exceed this limit.
expires +6 hours Request expiration time, specified in relative time format or in seconds. min: 1 (+1 second), max: 604800 (+7 days)
valid_prefix Server will check that the filename starts with this prefix and fail with a AccessDenied 403 if not.
content_type Strictly only allow a single content type, blank will allow all. Will fail with a AccessDenied 403 is this condition is not met.
encryption false Sets whether AWS server side encryption should be applied to the uploaded files, so that files will be encrypted with AES256 when at rest.
custom_url null Allow S3 compatible solutions by specifying the domain it should POST to. Must be a valid url (inc. http/https) otherwise will throw InvalidOptionException.
additional_inputs Any additional inputs to add to the form. This is an array of name => value pairs e.g. ['Content-Disposition' => 'attachment']

For example:

$upload = new Signature("", "", "", "", [
    'acl' => 'public-read',
    'max_file_size' => 10,
    'encryption' => true,
    'additional_inputs' => [
        'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment'

Available Signature Methods

Method Description
getFormUrl() Gets the url to go into your form's action attribute (will work on http and https).
getOptions() Gets all the options which are currently set, which if unchanged would be the default options.
setOptions() Change any options after the signature has been instantiated.
getSignature() Get the AWS Signature (v4), won't be needed if you're using getFormInputs() or getFormInputsAsHtml().
getFormInputs() Returns an array of all the inputs you'll need to submit in your form. This has an option parameter if the input[type="key] is wanted.
getFormInputsAsHtml() Uses getFormInputs() to build the required html to go into your form.


Contributions via pull requests are welcome. The project is built with the PSR-2 coding standard, if any code is submitted it should adhere to this and come with any applicable tests for code changed/added. Where possible also keep one pull request per feature.

Running the tests is as easy as running:



This project is licenced under the MIT licence, which you can view in full within the LICENCE file of this repository.