
My Dotfiles for Ubuntu

Primary LanguageShell

My Dotfiles for Pop!_OS Desktop

This Repository contains my Pop!_OS sconfiguration files. Should be able to work the same in any Ubuntu Based Linux Distro


  • Stow
sudo apt install stow
  • Git
sudo apt install git
  • Tmux
sudo apt install tmux


$ git clone https://github.com/umutondersu/dotfiles_ubuntu.git dotfiles
$ cd ~/dotfiles
$ stow --adopt .
$ git restore .

After the the symlinks are created run the setup script

$ cd ~
$ chmod +x ~/dotfiles/setup/tmux_setup.sh
$ ~/dotfiles/setup/tmux_setup.sh


Themes have to be in the ~/.themes and Icons have to be in the ~/.icons directory

for restoring the entire desktop enviroment (Icons, Themes, Fonts, Background and flatpak apps) you can use your own configuration with SaveDesktop or by using the gnome/.settings.rc config with dconf by using dconf load / < ~/dotfiles/gnome/.settings.rc
