
The smallest and fastest Base64 implementation in JavaScript based on `atob` and `btoa` from browser native or `Buffer` from node

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub Actions Codecov Language grade: JavaScript type-coverage npm GitHub Release

Conventional Commits Renovate enabled JavaScript Style Guide Code Style: Prettier changesets

The smallest and fastest Base64 implementation in JavaScript based on atob and btoa from browser native or Buffer from node




# pnpm
pnpm add ab64

# yarn
yarn add ab64

# npm
npm i ab64



import { decode, decodeUrl, encode, encodeUrl } from 'ab64'

encode('Hello World!') // SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh

encode('dankogai') // ZGFua29nYWk=
encodeUrl('dankogai') // ZGFua29nYWk

encode('小飼弾') // 5bCP6aO85by+
encodeUrl('小飼弾') // 5bCP6aO85by-

decode('SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh') // Hello World!

decode('ZGFua29nYWk=') // dankogai
decodeUrl('ZGFua29nYWk') // dankogai

decode('5bCP6aO85by+') // 小飼弾
decodeUrl('5bCP6aO85by-') // 小飼弾


If you're running on a non Node environment where atob and btoa could be unavailable, you may want to include the polyfill manually

import 'ab64/polyfill'

// same as above then


atob and btoa are also available exported as ab64/ponyfill which does not polyfill by default

import { atob, btoa } from 'ab64/ponyfill'

// same as browser native

MiniApp (WeChat)

Since mini app (from wechat) does not support global polyfill, so you have to use the separate mini-app entry instead which uses the above ponyfill inside

import { decode, decodeUrl, encode, encodeUrl } from 'ab64/mini-app'

Or you should add an alias mapping ab64 to ab64/mini-app in your rollup/vite/webpack configuration


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Detailed changes for each release are documented in CHANGELOG.md.


MIT © JounQin@1stG.me