
A deadly simple i18n translate plugin for React, ready for Server Side Rendering.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A deadly simple i18n translate plugin for React, ready for Server Side Rendering.






# npm
npm install react-translator2

# yarn
yarn add react-translator2
import { TranslatorContext, createTranslator, withTranslator } from 'react-translator2'

const translator = createTranslator({
  locale?: string, // set it on initialize or before first rendering
  translations?: {  // If you want to define translations in component only, no need to set it on initialize
    [locale: string]: {
      [key:string]: string | array | object
  defaultLocale?: string, // when no value can be found in current locale, try to fallback to defaultLocale
  merge?: Function // `lodash.merge` for example, if you want to use component translator you must pass it

const App = withTranslator(translations?)(({ t }) => <div>{t('msg')}</div>)

const app = (
  <TranslatorContext.Provider value={{ translator, toggleLocale }}>
    <App />

translations is often generated via require.context provided by webpack from *.{locale}.i18n.json:

const context = require.context('.', true, /([\w-]*[\w]+)\.i18n\.json$/)

const LOCALE_KEYS: { [key: string]: string[] } = {}

const translations: {
  [locale: string]: {
    [key: string]: string
} = context.keys().reduce((modules: any, key: string) => {
  const module = context(key)
  const lang = key.match(/([\w-]*[\w]+)\.i18n\.json$/)[1]
  const matched = modules[lang] || (modules[lang] = {})

  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
    const keys = LOCALE_KEYS[lang] || (LOCALE_KEYS[lang] || [])
    const moduleKeys = Object.keys(module)

    const duplicates = _.intersection(keys, moduleKeys)

    if (duplicates.length) {
      console.warn('detect duplicate keys:', duplicates)


  Object.assign(matched, module)
  return modules
}, {})

Then you need to use withTranslator to wrap your component to enable translator prop t and prop locale + defaultLocale, the reference value of t will never change what means there will be only one translator instance..

import { withTranslator } from 'react-translator2'

export default withTranslator({
  zh: {
    message: '我的信息',
  en: {
    message: 'My Message',
})(({ t }) => (
    {t('message', obj_params?)}
    {t('nested.message', arr_params?)}

If you are trying to get a non-exist key or value is undefined, you will get a warning in console on development. And if you want to ignore it, pass a third parameter ignoreNonExist: boolean: $t('non-exist-key', null, true).

If you want to watch locale change in any component, you can use componentDidUpdate lifecycle:

componentDidUpdate(prevProps: TranslatorProps) {
  if(prevProps.locale !== this.props.locale) {
    // locale changed

If you want to change locale on client:

  changeLocale() {

SSR related

You'd better to detect user custom locale via cookie and fallback to accept-language on first request.

And you need to generate a single translator instance for every user request (cache by locale would be better) via createTranslator, koa for example:

import { TranslatorContext, createTranslator } from 'react-translator2'

app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  const translator = createTranslator({
    locale: string, // ctx.cookies.get('locale_cookie')
    defaultLocale: string,

  const app = (
    <TranslatorContext.Provider value={{ translator, toggleLocale }}>
      <App />

template syntax

Translation key should be string, but .(dot) will be parsed as nested key, it will also work in template!

t('a.b.c') // will try to find `a.b.c` on your custom transition, if a is falsy, will render undefined and try default locale

// render `nested value`
  en: {
    a: {
      b: {
        c: 'nested value',

// render `nested template`
t('a.b', {c: d: 'nested template'})

  en: {
    a: {
      b: '{ c.d }'

Array is also supported, .index(dot) or [index] can both be used!

// nested with array key and template
// render `1`
t('a.b[0]', [{ a: 1 }])

  en: {
    a: {
      b: ['{ 0.a }'], // do not use `[0].a` here, `0[a]` is also OK

Feature Request or Troubleshooting

Feel free to create an issue.