
A powerful, yet simple to use menu generator for Django.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django Menuware

A menu generating application for Django

status-image version-image coverage-image


Generates Simple Navigation for Django projects/apps, while keeping it DRY.

How to install

1. easy_install django-menuware
2. pip install django-menuware
3. git clone http://github.com/un33k/django-menuware
    a. cd django-menuware
    b. run python setup.py
4. wget https://github.com/un33k/django-menuware/zipball/master
    a. unzip the downloaded file
    b. cd into django-menuware-* directory
    c. run python setup.py

How to use

1. Install `django-menuware` as per the above instructions.
2. Add `menuware` to your `INSTALLED_APPS`.
3. Add `{% load menuware %}` to templates that require it.
 Example: settings.py

         "name": "Home",
         "url": "/",
         "name": "About",
         "url": "/about",

         "name": "Login",
         "url": "login_url_view",  # reversible
         "validators": ["menuware.utils.is_anonymous"],
         "name": "Register",
         "url": "register_view_url",  # reversible
         "validators": ["menuware.utils.is_anonymous"],
         "name": "Account",
         "url": "/acount",
         "validators": ["menuware.utils.is_authenticated"],
         "submenu": [
                 "name": "Profile",
                 "url": "/account/profile",
                 "name": "Account Balance",
                 "url": "/account/balance",
                 "validators": ["myapp.profiles.is_paid_user"],
                 "name": "Account Secrets",
                 "url": "/account/secrets",
                 "validators": ["menuware.utils.is_superuser"],

         "name": "Facebook",
         "url": "facebook.com/foobar",
         "name": "Contact US",
         "url": "/contact",

         "name": "Address",
         "url": "/address",

Then in your template, load the template tag to generate your menu.

 <!-- base.html -->
 {% load menuware %}

 <!DOCTYPE html>
     <head><title>Django Menuware</title></head>
         <!-- NAV BAR Start -->
         {% get_menu "NAV_MENU_LEFT" as left_menu %}
         <div style="float:left;">
             {% for item in left_menu %}
                 <li class="{% if item.selected %} active {% endif %}">
                     <a href="{{item.url}}">{{item.name}}</a>
                 {% if item.submenu %}
                     {% for menu in item.submenu %}
                         <li class="{% if menu.selected %} active {% endif %}">
                             <a href="{{menu.url}}">{{menu.name}}</a>
                     {% endfor %}
                 {% endif %}
             {% endfor %}

         {% get_menu "NAV_MENU_RIGHT" as right_menu %}
         <div style="float:right;">
             {% for item in right_menu %}
                 <li class="{% if item.selected %} active {% endif %}">
                     <a href="{{item.url}}">{{item.name}}</a>
                 {% if item.submenu %}
                     {% for menu in item.submenu %}
                         <li class="{% if menu.selected %} active {% endif %}">
                             <a href="{{menu.url}}">{{menu.name}}</a>
                     {% endfor %}
                 {% endif %}
             {% endfor %}
         <!-- NAV BAR End -->

         <!-- Footer Start -->
         {% get_menu "FOOTER_MENU_LEFT" as left_footer_menu %}
         <div style="float:left;">
             <!-- loop through your left footer menus -->

         {% get_menu "FOOTER_MENU_RIGHT" as right_footer_menu %}
         <div style="float:right;">
             <!-- loop through your right footer menus -->
         <!-- Footer End -->

Running the tests

To run the tests against the current environment:

python manage.py test


Released under a (MIT) license.


X.Y.Z Version

`MAJOR` version -- when you make incompatible API changes,
`MINOR` version -- when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
`PATCH` version -- when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.