
Algorithm analysis of mine.

Primary LanguageJava



The specification of assignment:(http://coursera.cs.princeton.edu/algs4/assignments/percolation.html)


1、Question about backwash

Except for the array uf[],we should build an array named uf_backwash[],which is served for the function of isFull().

2、Question about array size

Except for the real pores(n*n), we need two(uf) or one(uf_backwash) pores for the beginning (and the end).As function of ifFull() is about the present pore back to the beginning.

3、Corner case test

If the Array size is set up as (nn) or (nn+1),when n equals to 1 and opensitesnumber equals to 0,the answer of function percolates() will be wrong as "true".Because the beginning pore and the ending pore all union the the same only real pore.

4、Question of exception

About the function's parameter such as "public boolean isFull(int row,int col)",we should throw java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("..."),rather than java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException().


The specification of assignment:(http://coursera.cs.princeton.edu/algs4/assignments/queues.html)


1、Data structure

Deque is linklist and need two linknode objects(first,last) as pointer.Randomizedqueue is array and do not need extra pointer object.


RandomizedQueue just like a data structure of bag,so the enqueue and dequeue operations all can be done at one end of the array.


In the specification of assignment,it needs variable n,which I think is non-essential(use n:Permutation2.java,not use n:Permutation.java).


(The first time try programming by myself at the beginning of programming)

The specification of assignment:(http://coursera.cs.princeton.edu/algs4/assignments/collinear.html)



If the object is String,a.equals(b) compares the content of objects,but the '==' compares the first address of the objects.And for other type,both compares the first address of objects.

2、Time complexity

The time complexity of the class BruteCollinearPoints is n4,but the FastCollinearPoints requires n2logn.so for the former,we can use the four time circulation,but for the latter,we must use binary search instead of other general ways to avoid repeating counting.


For the function of slopeOrder(),we have to return Comparator<>,so we new object in it for returning and directly override the function compare() in the slopeOrder() rather than do it outside the slopeOrder(),for we have to consider the parameters.

4、The capacity of array

When we do not know the capacity of the array,we always use ArrayList to reserve data.And to deliver the objects from constructor to the function segments(),in this way,we do not need to call segments() every time we want to add object in the constructor,for the objects have been saved in the ArrayList ([1]compare-we can use toString+equals in some cases.[2]print、search-use iterator).

5、The longest line

If the points in the line is p-q-r-s,we need to add two points to ensure the longest line,that is p-s or s-p,otherwise the drawing results will make mistake.

6、Sorting method

We can use Arrays.sort(...) to sort array or Collections.sort(Arraylist, new Comparator<...>() for sorting.


The specification of assignment:(http://coursera.cs.princeton.edu/algs4/assignments/8puzzle.html)



If you change the authority of function swap() to public in class Board,the assignment submitted system will reminder that your API is wrong,and you should alter it to private.


The distance of manhattan is the differentials between current position and it's right place for all the points,so we can use two arrarys to save the right position of x/y for every points,and calculate the amnhattan distance.


When you swap two points to get the neighbors,you need to use swap twice to restore arrary,for you have to use the same array for four times.

4、Class of SearchNode

We need to construct an inner class named SearchNode which conclude moves and priority to choice the minimum manhattan distance every time,construct the preSearchNode to find the previous searchnode when we need to trace the moving process in the function of solution().And there are two types of constructor,and the former is for the ancestor board and it's twin,the latter is for other searchnodes.The boolean variable isInitial is served for function isSolvable().

5、Some extensive knowledge

There is a general conclusion that if the parity of inversion numbers between initial grid and target grid is different,then the grid is unsolvable.But as the assignment don't give the corresponding API,we can not calculate the inversion numbers.And there is another conclusion that if we change the values of two arbitrary positions,the parity of grid will be changed,so there must be a solution between initial grid and it's twin(obtained by exchange two values of arbitrary position).So we can construct two priority queues,adding initial board and it's twin and moving together,if one reach the target and the other will be unsolvable.As an optimization,we can add two objects to the same priority queue which must be solvable.And in order to judge whther the initial board or it's twin make it solvable,we can add the flag "isInitialNode" to show whether the parity is same as the initial board.


If we set priority queue to member variable,then the memory will explode.


The specification of assignment:(http://coursera.cs.princeton.edu/algs4/assignments/kdtree.html)


1、Class of Node

In the class of KdTree,we need to declare an inner class named Node as the tree nodes,which can conclude Point2D,lchild,rchild and isVertical(boolean,use to decide whether wetalshould compare x or y of the point).And you can also conclude the rect of the node,which I use function rightRect() and leftRect() to illustrate in my code.

2、RightRect() and leftRect()

We use rightRect() and leftRect() to illustrate the right and left subtree.If current node is vertical,left position of the line in node correspond to left subtree and vice versa.And if current node is not vertical,downside of the line illustrate the left subtree.


When we construct the function of draw(),there are two things we need pay attention.The one thing is leftRect/rightRect,for everytime you draw a line of the node,you do not always draw it through one side of original rect (rect(0,0,1,1)) to other side,because the rect is changing along with node.The second thing is we use red line to illustrate vertical nodes and blue line for horizontal nodes.


When inserting a node,we can not insert until we recurse the left and right subtree to the null node(leaf node).

5、The application of kdtree

Range search-According to the assignment,if the rectangle does not intersect the rectangle corresponding to a node, there is no need to explore that node (or its subtrees).So we need to recurse the left and right subtree and nodes' left and right rect to find whether node is in the given rect.

Nearest neighbor search-Use a point to record the nearest point,and recurse the subtree to find the nearest point.And do not forget the right subtree of the node in left subtree and vice versa.