

Closed this issue · 9 comments


  1. operating system: win10
  2. tensorflow version :1.4
  3. python version :3.7
    run python src/openpose_3dpose_sandbox.py --camera_frame --residual --batch_norm --dropout 0.5 --max_norm --evaluateActionWise --use_sh --epochs 200 --load 4874200 --pose_estimation_json /path/to/json_directory --write_gif --gif_fps 24
    Used Pre-trained model .

Generated 3d_data.json and animation.gif

but Why are there 32 points in 3d_data.json? How do these points correspond to joints?

I have the same question ? Which of these 32 coordinate positions are valid?

I have found this correspondence in the code

Hi @AndroidUnityGit ,
can you please provide me with the following information and i will try address this issue this weekend:

  1. what are you using to creating the 2d screen space skeleton prediction? (openpose etc. ...)
  2. tell me the version of "it" (point 1)
  3. upload the output json file of "it" (point 1)


@ArashHosseini Thank you for your reply!

  1. I used openpose to create the 2d screen space skeleton prediction

2.I used OpenposeDemo openpose-1.5.1-binaries-win64-only_cpu-python-flir-3d.zip



3d-pose-baseline Used yours fork
Generate 3d_data.json

@AndroidUnityGit thanks for your answer, now i have to ask you for some patience, i will investigate this behavior and update you until monday. thx

@AndroidUnityGit , i could not find it sorry. could you point the joint locators as well ?

Hi @AndroidUnityGit,
thank you for your patience. Your code works as it should, this behavior is expected. Now to your question, the maya_skeleton.py is handling the mapping of the 32 joints, see. how ever i visualized the hierarchy for better understanding, see. The number in "jnt_n_threed" corresponds to the output frame array in "3d_data.json".