
Slight unnecessary hardcode

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# Reproducing SRNN's sequence subsequence selection as done in
# https://github.com/asheshjain399/RNNexp/blob/master/structural_rnn/CRFProblems/H3.6m/processdata.py#L343
for i in xrange( batch_size ):
_, subsequence, idx = seeds[i]
idx = idx + 50
data_sel = data[ (subject, action, subsequence, 'even') ]
data_sel = data_sel[(idx-source_seq_len):(idx+target_seq_len) ,:]
encoder_inputs[i, :, :] = data_sel[0:source_seq_len-1, :]
decoder_inputs[i, :, :] = data_sel[source_seq_len-1:(source_seq_len+target_seq_len-1), :]
decoder_outputs[i, :, :] = data_sel[source_seq_len:, :]

In the above, at line 550, I believe the 50 is actually a source_seq_len?

I think that is the case.