- 1
Motion does not work with Rails 7.1.4? marshal_dump and "one root element" spurious errors?
#175 opened by swombat - 2
Demo site does not load, errors out
#174 opened by roboyeti - 2
Add better support for custom logging
#86 opened by latortuga - 0
- 1
- 0
Motion does not work on older IOS versions
#110 opened by amerritt14 - 1
- 4
Domain lost after page change
#75 opened by HashNotAdam - 1
Events capture
#63 opened by KevinBerthier - 12
Compatibility issue with Rails 6.1 ?
#71 opened by mmagn - 3
[question] broadcast to multiple clients
#65 opened by caifara - 10
- 0
- 24
Slow application startup times in some projects
#46 opened by ernest4 - 7
- 1
Transpiled Event Serialization Issue
#55 opened by bert-mccutchen - 5
- 8
- 1
- 3
Consider changing the name?
#29 opened by andrewhavens - 3
- 2
- 4
Using user timezone on each render/motion process (around_ callback?)
#20 opened by davidalejandroaguilar - 5
- 2
Component with collection not re-rendering when one element changes
#21 opened by davidalejandroaguilar - 2
using render? in component causes issues
#14 opened by Atrox - 3
[Solved] Using Devise with motion
#19 opened by davidalejandroaguilar