
Simple Quiz App build with wxPython

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Quiz App with wxPython


  • Create virtual environment with python -m venv venv
  • Activate venv with source venv/bin/activate
  • Install all the requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Launch app with python main.py
  • Optionally, build an executable with PyInstaller

Test format

Test is a simple text file (should be located within the same folder) of the following format:

<Question 1>;<Correct answer>;<Answer 1>;<Answer 2>;<Answer 3>;<Answer 4>
<Question 2>;<Correct answer>;<Answer 1>;<Answer 2>;<Answer 3>;<Answer 4>

for example this will be one-question quiz


For more examples, see test1.txt


The gui.fbp file is a wxFormBuilder GUI description, we may use it to generate the gui.py module