Deploy a simple html page on

This repo is intended to teach web dev early learners how to easily deploy their web apps on while giving them some experience on using the npm to manage the build and deploy.

First: what is is a free hosting service which can make our web app available to the public through a public domain accessible from any web browser in the world.

What's npm?

The node package manager helps us add important "packages" to our application so that we can create a server. In this example, we will be using express to serve our app.

Server? Package? Express?

The server is basically a javascript program which we will write in order to allow our index.html to be accessible through the browser.

Packages are programs (codes) written by other people with the goal of saving us some work. Packages provide us with functions that perform tasks which are either too difficult or too repetitive for us to code. In this case, express will be responsible for creating a server where our application will run.

Starting from scratch

  1. Create a sample html in index.html, it can be just a 'hello, world' or another app you'd like to deploy.
  2. We need npm to complete this job, so you'll need to have it installed in your system.
  3. Once we have npm installed and our index.html file ready, move to the folder where you want to keep your app and run npm init - in Linux.
  4. After that, we need to install express. Run npm i express --save in the same terminal.
  5. Our project folder now must have 2 new files: package.json and package-lock.json - they're the files that keep track of what packages we add to our project.
  6. Open package.json and find the scripts key. By now, there must be only the test key inside.
  7. Add a script to scripts after test called start, the value should be node server.js - we'll create the server next.

The server

  1. Create a file in your project's folder called server.js.
  2. Import the express package: const express = require('express');.
  3. Create an app to hold the server: const app = express();.
  4. Export the server to the whole application: export default app.