Arch Guide 2020

Covers Installation, Configuration and beyond.

Written by Adam Jones, Sources: Experience and from the Arch Linux Website

Initially written 2020 during lockdown.

Table of Contents

      About Arch Linux

Initial Setup

Optional Install Script Boot the Live Environment
Set the Keyboard Layout
Verify the Boot Mode
Connect to the Internet
      Setup Wi-FI
Update the System clock

Disk Setup

Example Layouts
       BIOS with MBR
       UEFI BIOS With GPT
Creating Partitions
       Create New Table
       Create Partitions
       Set Partition Type
       !!! Write Changes to Disk !!!
Format the Partitions
Mount the File Systems


Select the Mirrors
Install Essential Packages

Configure the System

Set Localization
Network Configuration
Root Password
Create User & Enable Sudo
Additional Changes
       Enable Multilib
       Optimise Mirrors

Software Installation

Base Packages
      File System
            File System Optional
      CLI Text Editors
Additional Packages
      System Utilities
            Xorg Apps
      Display Managers
      Desktop Environments
            KDE Plasma
            Photo / Image Editing
Boot Loader

Post Installation

Internet access
Basic Config
       Enable Services
Lightdm Login Manager Configuration
       Aether Theme Installation
       Enable Numlock On at Boot
Themes & Icons
Grub Themes
Additional AUR Apps


Enable Root File Manager
Cinnamon Menu Fonts
Cannot Access SMB Shares
gpg keyserver receive failed general error
Cinnamon Hi-DPI Not Working Fully
Add Shares to FStab
Timeshift Issues
Resolution issues
Nautilus or Nemo Missing Image Previews
Audio Delay
Identify USB Devices in use
“No object for D-Bus interface” When trying to access other partition
Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx/wd719x
Identify Boot Delays
Unable to mount from fstab at boot (Dependencies Failed) Package Groups

Useful Commands

      Listing Services
      Identify Boot Delays
      Crash Investigation
CLI Extras
      Password Astrisk
      Export Man Pages to HTML


About Arch Linux

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Initial Setup

Before Proceeding, make sure you have the necessary information and any data currently on the system is fully backed up, this means backed up on either removable media or cloud storage. This should be standard practice however beyond this point any data stored locally is at risk, you have been warned! (I will not be liable for any data loss)

First you need to obtain the latest ISO from the: Arch Linux Website

Now you can either burn this to CD/DVD (If your still using Optical media), Flash it to a USB drive or if your using a virtual machine mount the ISO, information on how to do this can be found on the Arch Linux Wiki or a quick search. I personally use the application Balena Etch which can be installed on Linux, Mac or Windows.

Before proceeding, its also worth having access to the Arch Linux Wiki this is an amazing resource and is considered the best wiki amoungst the Linux community.

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Optional Install Script

Archfi Install Script

Just a simple bash script wizard to install Arch Linux after you have booted on the official Arch Linux install media.

With this script, you can install Arch Linux with two simple terminal commands.

This wizard is made to install minimum packages (Base, bootloader and optionally archdi).

At the end of this wizard, you can install or launch archdi (Arch Linux Desktop Install) to install and configure desktop packages.


Ensure you have Network Connectivity before proceeding,jump to Connect to the Internet

First, boot with the last Arch Linux image with a bootable device.

Then make sure you have Internet connection on the Arch iso. If you have a wireless connection the wifi-menu command might be useful to you. You can also read the Network configuration from the Arch Linux guide for more detailed instructions.

Then download the script with from the command line:


If SourceForge is down, use this instead:


Finally, launch the script:

sh archfi

Then follow the on-screen instructions to completion.

If you require extra help, visit the provided video playlist and follow my example.

Boot the Live Environment

The live environment can be booted from a USB flash drive, an optical disc or a network with PXE. For alternative means of installation, see:

Live Environment Options

Setup SSH if Installing Remotely

  • Check to see if your online with ip a find the relevant adaptor and make a note of the IP, if nothing is there continue on the machine itself.
  • Set the sudo password with passwd
  • Enable SSH with `systemctl start sshd.service
  • Now connect from your other machine.

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Set the Keyboard Layout

The default console keymap is US. Available layouts can be listed with:

ls /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/**/*.map.gz

Alternatively for a better view use:

ls /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/**/*.map.gz | less

As the keyboard is US by default | will be on the key Shift + #

The default UK layout is

To modify the layout, append a corresponding file name to loadkeys(1), omitting path and file extension. For example:

loadkeys uk

Console fonts are located in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/ and can likewise be set with setfont(8).

This is temporary for the installation, we can make it permanent by running the following command:

echo KEYMAP=uk > /etc/vconsole.conf

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Verify the Boot Mode

If UEFI mode is enabled on an UEFI motherboard, Archiso will boot Arch Linux accordingly via systemd-boot. To verify this, list the efivars directory:

ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars

If the directory does not exist, the system may be booted in BIOS or CSM mode. Refer to your motherboard's manual for details.

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Connect to the Internet

To check if the driver for your card has been loaded, check the output of the lspci -k or lsusb -v command, depending on if the card is connected by PCI(e) or USB.

Ensure your Network Interface is listed and enabled, for example with ip-link.

ip link

Connect to the network and Plug in the Ethernet cable or connect to the wireless LAN.

Configure your network connection:

Note: The installation image enables dhcpcd (dhcpcd@interface.service) for wired network devices on boot.

Important: To use DHCP you need a DHCP server in your network and a DHCP client, you need to install one of the following:

dhcpcd Package: dhcpcd Archiso:Yes Note: DHCP, DHCPv6, ZeroConf, static IP Systemd Units: dhcpcd.service, dhcpcd@interface.service

ISC dhclient Package:dhclient Archiso:Yes Note: DHCP, DHCPv6, BOOTP, static IP Systemd Units: dhclient@interface.service

The connection may be verified with ping:


Setup Wi-FI

  • Check Driver

To check if the driver for your card has been loaded, check the output of the lspci -k or lsusb -v command, depending on if the card is connected by PCI(e) or USB.

  • Get the name of the interface

iw dev

The name of the interface will be output after the word "Interface". For example, it is commonly wlan0.

  • Get the status of the interface

To check link status, use following command.

iw dev interface link

  • If set to UP, Change to DOWN.

ip link set interface down

  • Run the setup tool.


  • Ping Test

If wifi-menu fails, then disable dhcpcd via systemctl stop dhcpcd and systemctl disable dhcpcd and also set the adaptor to down, for example ip link set wlan0 down and then re-run the wifi-menu command


ctrl-C (Cancel)

Arch Linux Wireless Configuration Page

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Update the System clock

Use timedatectl(1) to ensure the system clock is accurate.

timedatectl set-ntp true

To check the service status, use timedatectl status`.

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Disk Setup

When recognized by the live system, disks are assigned to a block device such as /dev/sda or /dev/nvme0n1. To identify these devices, use lsblk or fdisk.

fdisk -l

Results ending in rom, loop or airoot may be ignored.

The following partitions are required for a chosen device:

  • One partition for the root directory /.
  • If UEFI is enabled, an EFI system partition.

UEFI Information

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Example Layouts

Partition Layouts Examples Page


Mount Point Partition Partition Type Suggested Size
/mnt /dev/sdX1 Linux Remainder of device
[SWAP] /dev/sdX2 Linux Swap More than 512Mib


Mount Point Partition Partition Type Suggested Size
/mnt/boot or /mnt/efi /dev/sdX1 EFI System Partition 260-512 Mib
/mnt /dev/sdX2 Linux x86-64 root (/) Remainder of device
[SWAP] /dev/sdX3 Linux Swap More than 512Mib

Note: if your on a system that already has an efi partition (Duel Booting) then leave that along, you can use that partition for the bootloader if needed, setting up grub and using os-prober will find any other operating systems.

Use fdisk or parted to modify partition tables, for example fdisk /dev/sdX.

			>You can also use `cfdisk` which a more user friendly experience and you will need to setup the partitions as above tables, again ensuring you change type of each partition and writing them to disk before exiting.

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Creating Partitions

To list partition tables and partitions on a device, you can run fdisk, where device is a name like dev/sda.

fdisk -l /dev/sda

Note: If the device is not specified, fdisk will list all partitions in /proc/partitions.

The first step to partitioning a disk is making a partition table. After that, the actual partitions are created according to the desired partition scheme. See the partition table article to help decide whether to use MBR or GPT.

Before beginning, you may wish to backup your current partition table and scheme.

Start fdisk against your drive as root. In this example we are using ``/dev/sda`:

fdisk /dev/sda

This opens the fdisk dialogue where you can type in commands.

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Create New Table

To create a new partition table and clear all current partition data type o at the prompt for a MBR partition table or g for a GUID Partition Table (GPT). Skip this step if the table you require has already been created.

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Create Partitions

Create a new partition with the n command. You enter a partition type, partition number, starting sector, and an ending sector.

When prompted, specify the partition type, type p to create a primary partition or e to create an extended one. There may be up to four primary partitions.

The first sector must be specified in absolute terms using sector numbers. The last sector can be specified using the absolute position in sectors or using the + symbol to specify a position relative to the start sector measured in sectors, kibibytes (K), mebibytes (M), gibibytes (G), tebibytes (T), or pebibytes (P); for instance, setting +2G as the last sector will specify a point 2GiB after the start sector. Pressing the Enter key with no input specifies the default value, which is the start of the largest available block for the start sector and the end of the same block for the end sector.

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Set Partition Type

Select the partition's type id. The default, Linux filesystem, should be fine for most use. Press l to show the codes list. You can make the partition bootable by typing a.

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!!! Write Changes to Disk !!!

Write the table to disk and exit via the w command.


Warning: Partitions can only be moved while offline. Because moving a partition requires the whole partition to be rewritten on disk, it is a slow and potentially hazardous operation. Backups are strongly recommended! According to the sfdisk man page, "this operation is risky and not atomic."

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Format the Partitions

Once the partitions have been created, each must be formatted with an appropriate file system. For example, if the root partition is on /dev/sdX1 and will contain the ext4 file system, run:

mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX1

If you created a partition for swap, initialize it with mkswap:

mkswap /dev/sdX2 swapon /dev/sdX2

For EFI partitions run the following:

mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sdxY

If you get the message WARNING: Not enough clusters for a 32 bit FAT!, reduce cluster size with ``mkfs.fat -s2 -F32 ... or -s1;` otherwise the partition may be unreadable by UEFI. See mkfs.fat(8) for supported cluster sizes.

mkfs.fat information

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Mount the File Systems

Mount the file system on the root partition to /mnt, for example:

mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt

Create any remaining mount points (such as /mnt/efi) and mount their corresponding partitions, swap partitions do not need to be mounted.

mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/efi

Or you can mount it to boot as per below, but make sure you remember where you mounted it, this will be needed for the bootloader config later.

mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/boot/efi

Boot Mount Points (For dual Booting)

If Arch's filesystem layout only places grubx64.efi (and possibly the GRUB2 configuration file) to the EFI partition, 100 MB is fine.

But if your layout mounts the EFI partition as /boot (rather than /boot/efi) or otherwise causes the entire kernel + initramfs files to be placed in there, you might run out of space with more than just one or two kernel versions installed. That is going to make kernel updates unnecessarily risky.

You'll always want to have at least two kernels installed: the one you're currently using, and the previous one as a known good back-up. When you are installing a new kernel, that means you'll end up temporarily with three kernels installed: the old, the current and the new one.

If you are brave, you can always delete the old kernel (+ its initramfs file) just before installing a new kernel, but in a production system I would not like to do that.

EFI Notes

  • /efi is a replacement[6] for the previously popular (and possibly still used by other Linux distributions) ESP mountpoint /boot/efi.
  • The /efi directory is not available by default, you will need to first create it with mkdir(1) before mounting the ESP to it.

mkdir /efi or mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi (-p will create any parent folders if not already created)

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Select the Mirrors

Packages to be installed must be downloaded from mirror servers, which are defined in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist. On the live system, all mirrors are enabled, and sorted by their synchronization status and speed at the time the installation image was created.

The higher a mirror is placed in the list, the more priority it is given when downloading a package. You may want to edit the file accordingly, and move the geographically closest mirrors to the top of the list, although other criteria should be taken into account.

This file will later be copied to the new system by pacstrap, so it is worth getting right.

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Install Essential Packages

Error: failed retrieving file ‘core.db’

Prior to installing, ensure mirrors are correct by running: pacman -Syyu but do not update as your still on the live system

Use the pacstrap script to install the base package, Linux kernel and firmware for common hardware:

Pacstrap Script

pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware

For a complete overview of system software, go to the software section here: Software Installation

IMPORTANT Make sure you install a DHCP server, ie. NetworkManager and its also worth installing sudo to help further on with user creation.

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Configure the System


Generate an fstab file (use -U or -L to define by UUID or labels, respectively):

genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

Check the resulting /mnt/etc/fstab file, and edit it in case of errors.

UUID Information

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Change root into the new system with chroot:

arch-chroot /mnt

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Identify your timezone with:

timedatectl list-timezones | less

For example: Europe/London

Set the time zone:

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Region/City /etc/localtime

Run hwclock(8) to generate /etc/adjtime:

hwclock --systohc

This command assumes the hardware clock is set to UTC. See System time#Time standard for details.

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Set Localization

Generate the locales by running:


Now edit /etc/locale.gen and uncomment en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8 and other needed locales.

nano /etc/locale.gen

Uncomment the below or whichever applies:


Alternativly run: echo en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8 >> /etc/locale.gen

Create the locale.conf(5) file, and set the LANG variable accordingly:

nano /etc/locale.conf

Add the following:


Alternativly run: echo LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf Then export the locale export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8

If you didn't set them permenantly before you can set the keyboard layout now by adding the following to vconsole.conf

nano /etc/vconsole.conf

Add the following:


Alternativly run: echo KEYMAP=uk > /etc/vconsole.conf

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Network Configuration

Create the hostname file:

/etc/hostname myhostname

Alternativly run: echo hostname > /etc/hostname

Add matching entries to hosts(5):

nano /etc/hosts

/etc/ localhost
::1 localhost myhostname.localdomain myhostname

If the system has a permanent IP address, it should be used instead of

Complete the network configuration for the newly installed environment, that includes installing your preferred network management software.

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Creating a new initramfs is usually not required, because mkinitcpio was run on installation of the kernel package with pacstrap.

For LVM, system encryption or RAID, modify mkinitcpio.conf(5) and recreate the initramfs image:

mkinitcpio -P

Run it to make sure the kernel has been installed prope       Enable Multilib
       Optimise Mirrors rly

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Root Password

Set the root password:


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Create User & Enable Sudo

First install sudo and vim to allow us to edit the sudoers file

pacman -S vim sudo

Now we run


Uncomment the wheel group, this allows all users in the wheel group to run all commands.

%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

Add a user for a typical desktop system, eg: user that takes advantage of teh GUI desktop managers. /bin/bash specifies their login shell.

useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash userOne

Additional Change login name: usermod -l newname oldname Change Home directory: ``usermod -d /new/home/dir -m user0neAdding system user:useradd -r -s /usr/bin/nologin user0ne`

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Additional Changes

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Enable MultiLib

To enable multilib repository, uncomment the [multilib] section in ``/etc/pacman.conf`:

sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf

/etc/pacman.conf [multilib] Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Now do an update via: pacman -Syy

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Optimise Mirrors

This applies if reflector was installed just run the below command and change the country name if required.

reflector --country 'United Kingdom' --age 24 --protocol https --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

This will ensure you have the fastest mirrors possible.

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Software Installation

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Base Packages

Install these prior to rebooting into live system with pacstrap /mnt for example:

pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware



Vanilla Linux kernel and modules, with a few patches applied.

Name Description
linux The Linux kernel and modules
linux-docs Documentation for the Linux kernel
linux-headers Headers and scripts for building modules for the Linux kernel


Long-term support (LTS) Linux kernel and modules.

Name Description
linux-lts The LTS Linux kernel and modules
linux-lts-docs Documentation for the LTS Linux kernel
linux-lts-headers Documentation for the LTS Linux kernel
nvidia-lts NVIDIA drivers for linux-lts


Result of a collaborative effort of kernel hackers to provide the best Linux kernel possible for everyday systems. Some more details can be found on (which provides kernel binaries based on Zen for Debian).

Name Description
linux-zen The Linux ZEN kernel and modules
linux-zen-docs Documentation for the Linux ZEN kernel
linux-zen-headers Headers and scripts for building modules for the Linux ZEN kernel


A security-focused Linux kernel applying a set of hardening patches to mitigate kernel and userspace exploits. It also enables more upstream kernel hardening features than linux.

Name Description
linux-hardened The Security-Hardened Linux kernel and modules
linux-hardened-docs Documentation for the Security-Hardened Linux kernel
linux-hardened-headers Headers and scripts for building modules for the Security-Hardened Linux kernel


These are required no matter what, ignore any of these and your system may not boot properly.

Please decide on one of the linux kernals in bold as to how you want your system setup, ie more stable, etc.

Name Description Enable Service
base Minimal package set to define a basic Arch Linux installation. N
linux-firmware Firmware files for Linux. N
linux-headers Headers and scripts for building modules for the Linux kernel. N
dkms Dynamic Kernel Modules System. N
pacman-contrib Contributed scripts and tools for pacman systems. N
base-devel Core Linux Utilities, see base-devel for details. N
git the fast distributed version control system. N
sudo Give certain users the ability to run some commands as root. N
networkmanager Network connection manager and user applications. Y
usbutils USB Device Utilities. N
pciutils PCI bus configuration space access library and tools. N
pkgfile a pacman .files metadata explorer. N
diffutils Utility programs used for creating patch files. N
logrotate Rotates system logs automatically. N
smartmontools Control and monitor S.M.A.R.T. enabled ATA and SCSI Hard Drives. N
dialog A tool to display dialog boxes from shell scripts. N


Name Description Enable Service
lsscsi A tool that lists devices connected via SCSI and its transports. N
hdparm A shell utility for manipulating Linux IDE drive/driver parameters. N
sdparm A utility similar to hdparm but for SCSI devices. N
sg3_util Generic SCSI utilities. N

File System

Name Description Enable Service
fuse2 A library that makes it possible to implement a filesystem in a userspace program. N
fuse3 A library that makes it possible to implement a filesystem in a userspace program. N
ntfs-3g NTFS filesystem driver and utilities. N
exfat-utils Utilities for exFAT file system. N
exfatprogs exFAT filesystem userspace utilities for the Linux Kernel exfat driver. N
gvfs Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO. N
gvfs-smb Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (SMB/CIFS backend; Windows client). N
gvfs-afc Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (AFC backend; Apple mobile devices). N
gvfs-goa Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (Gnome Online Accounts backend; cloud storage). N
gvfs-gphoto2 Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (Gnome Online Accounts backend; cloud storage). N
gvfs-google Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (Google Drive backend). N
gvfs-mtp Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (MTP backend; Android, media player). N
gvfs-nfs Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (NFS backend). N
nfs-utils Support programs for Network File Systems. N
dosfstools DOS filesystem utilities. N
findutils GNU utilities to locate files. N
mlocate Merging locate/updatedb implementation. N
File System Optional
Name Description Enable Service
btrfs-progs Btrfs filesystem utilities. N
xfsprogs XFS filesystem utilities. N
f2fs-tools Tools for Flash-Friendly File System (F2FS). N
jfsutils JFS filesystem utilities. N
reiserfsprogs library for accessing and manipulating reiserfs partitions. N
lvm2 Logical Volume Manager 2 utilities. N
dmraid Device mapper RAID interface. N
mdadm A tool for managing/monitoring Linux md device arrays, also known as Software RAID . N


Name Description Enable Service
amd-ucode Microcode update image for AMD CPUs. N
intel-ucode Microcode update files for Intel CPUs. N

Bootloaous kernel (when you arder

Choose either Grub or Refind.

Name Description Enable Service
grub GNU GRand Unified Bootloader (2). N
refind An EFI boot manager . N
os-prober Utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives. N
efibootmgr Linux user-space application to modify the EFI Boot Manager. N

CLI Text Editors

Name Description Enable Service
less A terminal based program for viewing text files. N
nano Pico editor clone with enhancements. N
vim Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor. N
vi The original ex/vi text editor. N

Set default with export EDITOR=(PACKAGE)

Back to Installation
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Additional Packages

The base package does not include all tools from the live installation, so installing other packages may be necessary for a fully functional base system. In particular, consider installing:

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System Utilities

Name Description Enable Service
openssh Premier connectivity tool for remote login with the SSH protocol. Y
cronie Daemon that runs specified programs at scheduled times and related tools. Y
xdg-user-dirs Manage user directories like ~/Desktop and ~/Music. Y
haveged Entropy harvesting daemon using CPU timings. Y
bash-completion Programmable completion for the bash shell. N
man-db A utility for reading man pages N
man-pages Linux man pages. N
texinfo GNU documentation system for on-line information and printed output. N
lsb-release LSB version query program. N
polkit Application development toolkit for controlling system-wide privileges. N
unrar The RAR uncompression program. N
zip Compressor/archiver for creating and modifying zipfiles. N
unzip For extracting and viewing files in .zip archives N
p7zip Command-line file archiver with high compression ratio. N
unace An extraction tool for the proprietary ace archive format. N
xz Library and command line tools for XZ and LZMA compressed files. N
lzop File compressor using lzo lib. N
bashtop Linux resource monitor N
htop Linux resource monitor N
neofetch A CLI system information tool written in BASH that supports displaying images. N
ncdu Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface. N
mc Midnight Commander a CLI File Manager N
nmon AIX & Linux Performance Monitoring tool N
archiso Tools for creating Arch Linux live and install iso images. N
perl A highly capable, feature-rich programming language N
python Next generation of the python high-level scripting language N
xf86-input-synaptics Synaptics driver for notebook touchpads. N
ddrescue GNU data recovery tool. N
dd_rescue A dd version that is very useful for data-recovery. N
testdisk Checks and undeletes partitions + PhotoRec, signature based recovery tool. N
hardinfo A system information and benchmark tool. N
hwinfo Hardware detection tool from openSUSE. N

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Name Description Enable Service
network-manager-applet Applet for managing network connections N
net-snmp A suite of applications used to implement SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6. N
samba SMB Fileserver and AD Domain server. N
smbnetfs small C program that mounts Microsoft network neighborhood in single directory. N
smbclient Tools to access a server's filespace and printers via SMB. N
nmap Utility for network discovery and security auditing. N
traceroute Tracks the route taken by packets over an IP network. N
rsync A fast and versatile file copying tool for remote and local files. N
grsync GTK+ GUI for rsync to synchronize folders, files and make backups. N
firewalld Firewall daemon with D-Bus interface. Y
ufw Uncomplicated and easy to use CLI tool for managing a netfilter firewall . Y
gufw Uncomplicated way to manage your Linux firewall N
ufw-extras Extra configuration files for UFW N

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Name Description Enable Service
wpa_supplicant A utility providing key negotiation for WPA wireless networks. N

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Name Description Enable Service
blueman A GTK+ Bluetooth Manager (BlueZ 5) - git N
bluez-utils Development and debugging utilities for the bluetooth protocol stack. Includes deprecated tools. N
bluez Libraries and tools for the Bluetooth protocol stack. N
bluez-libs Libraries for the bluetooth protocol stack. N

To enable bluetooth, run systemctl enable bluetooth and systemctl start bluetooth

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Type Driver OpenGL OpenGL (Multilib) Documentation
Open source xf86-video-nouveau mesa lib32-mesa Nouveau
Proprietary nvidia nvidia-utils lib32-nvidia-utils NVIDIA
Proprietary nvidia-390xx AUR nvidia-390xx-utils AUR lib32-nvidia-390xx-utils AUR NVIDIA


NOTE: install nvidia-dkms and add nvidia to the modules for mkinitcpio, use sudo nano /etc/mkinitcpio.conf edit the file "MODULES=(nvidia)" and run sudo mkinitcpio -P

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Type Driver OpenGL OpenGL (Multilib) Documentation
Open source xf86-video-amdgpu mesa lib32-mesa AMDGPU
Open source xf86-video-ati mesa lib32-mesa ATI


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Type Driver OpenGL OpenGL (Multilib) Documentation
Open source xf86-video-intel mesa lib32-mesa Intel graphics

For hybrid graphics install optimus-manager

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Name Description Enable Service
pulseaudio A featureful, general-purpose sound server
pulseeffects Audio Effects for Pulseaudio Applications. N
pulseaudio-bluetooth Bluetooth support for PulseAudio. N
pulseaudio-equalizer Equalizer for PulseAudio. N


Name Description Enable Service
alsa-utils A patched version of the alsa-utils package to support transparent terminals. N
alsa-plugins Additional ALSA plugins. N
lib32-alsa-plugins Additional ALSA plugins. N
pulseaudio-alsa ALSA Configuration for PulseAudio. N

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Name Description Enable Service
cups The CUPS Printing System - daemon package. Y
cups-pdf PDF printer for cups. N
hplip Drivers for HP DeskJet, OfficeJet, Photosmart, Business Inkjet and some LaserJet. N
system-config-printer A CUPS printer configuration tool and status applet. N
foomatic-db Foomatic - The collected knowledge about printers, drivers, and driver options in XML files, used by foomatic-db-engine to generate PPD files. N
foomatic-db-engine Foomatic - Foomatic's database engine generates PPD files from the data in Foomatic's XML database. It also contains scripts to directly generate print queues and handle jobs. N
foomatic-db-ppds Foomatic - PPDs from printer manufacturers. N
foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds Foomatic - non-free PPDs from printer manufacturers. N
foomatic-db-nonfree Foomatic - database extension consisting of manufacturer-supplied PPD files released under non-free licenses. N
foomatic-gutenprint-ppds simplified prebuilt ppd files. N
gutenprint Top quality printer drivers for POSIX systems. N
ghostscript An interpreter for the PostScript language. N

Back to Table of Contents


Name Description Enable Service
xorg Graphical Server Package Group, see xorg for details. N
xorg-xinit X.Org initialisation program. N
xorg-apps Additional applications for xorg, see xorg-apps for details. N
xorg-drivers Additional Drivers for xorg, see xorg-drivers for details. N

Back to Table of Contents

Name Description
font-bh-ttf Luxi Truetype fonts
gsfonts (URW)++ Core Font Set.
sdl_ttf A library that allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications .
ttf-bitstream-vera Bitstream Vera fonts.
ttf-dejavu Font family based on the Bitstream Vera Fonts with a wider range of characters.
ttf-liberation Red Hats Liberation fonts.
xorg-fonts-type1 Type1 fonts.
ttf-ubuntu-font-family Ubuntu font family.
noto-fonts Google Noto TTF fonts.
ttf-opensans Google Noto TTF fonts.

Back to Installation
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Display Managers


GNOME display manager.

Name Description Enable Service
gdm Display manager and login screen

(Also included in gnome package group)

systemctl enable gdm.service

Back to Table of Contents


Cross-desktop display manager, can use various front-ends written in any toolkit.

Name Description Enable Service
lightdm A lightweight display manager Y
lightdm-gtk-greeter Default Greeter N

systemctl enable lightdm.service

Back to Lightdm Login Manager Configuration Back to Table of Contents


display manager. Can be used independent of the LXDE desktop environment.

Name Description Enable Service
lxdm Lightweight X11 Display Manager. Y
lxdm-gtk3 Lightweight X11 Display Manager (GTK+ 3 version). Y

systemctl enable lxdm.service

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QML-based display manager and successor to KDM; recommended for Plasma and LXQt.

Name Description Enable Service
sddm QML based X11 and Wayland display manager. Y
sddm-kcm KDE Config Module for SDDM. N

systemctl enable sddm.service

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X display manager with support for XDMCP, host chooser.

Name Description Enable Service
xorg-xdm X Display Manager Y

systemctl enable xdm.service

Back to Installation
Back to Table of Contents

Desktop Environments

Name Description Enable Service
budgie-desktop Modern desktop environment from the Solus Project. N
gnome Gnome desktop environment package group, see gnome for details. N
gnome-extra Gnome desktop environment extras, see gnome-extra for details. N

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Name Description Enable Service
cinnamon Linux desktop which provides advanced innovative features and a traditional user experience. N
nemo Cinnamon file manager (Nautilus fork) N
nemo-fileroller File archiver extension for Nemo N
metacity Window manager of GNOME Flashback (Fallback mode) N
gnome-shell Next generation desktop shell (Fallback mode) N

Back to Table of Contents

Name Description Enable Service
deepin The Deepin Desktop Environment. N
deepin-extra extra applications for a more complete desktop environment. N

To be able to use the integrated network administration, the networkmanager package is required, and the NetworkManager.service must be started and enabled.

Back to Table of Contents

Name Description Enable Service
gnome Gnome desktop environment package group, see gnome for details. N
gnome-extra Gnome desktop environment extras, see gnome-extra for details. N

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KDE Plasma
Name Description Enable Service
plasma KDE Plasma Desktop, See plasma for details
plasma-meta Meta package to install KDE Plasma(Full)
plasma-desktop KDE Plasma Desktop (Minimum)
kde-applications KDE Applications, See kde-applications for details
kde-applications-meta Meta package for KDE Applications

To enable support for Wayland in Plasma, also install the plasma-wayland-session package.

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|Name|Description|Enable Service| |:---:|:---:|:---:|rent, but the solution is the same: co |mate|An intuitive and attractive desktop environment|N| |mate-extra|additional utilities and applications that integrate well with the MATE desktop|N|

Back to Table of Contents

Name Description Enable Service
xfce4 lightweight and modular desktop environment N
xfce4-goodies extra plugins and a number of useful utilities N

Back to Installation
Back to Table of Contents


Name Description
gparted Disk Partitioner
gnome-disk-utility Disk Utility
baobab Disk Usage
tilda Terminal
terminator Terminal
xdg-utils Editing Config Files
gprename File Renamer
grub-customizer Grub Customizer
yelp Help
namcap PKGBUILDs checker
wavemon CLI Wifi Scanner
bleachbit System Cleaner
dconf-editor Config Editor
parcellite Clipboard Manager

Back to Table of Contents

Name Description
libreoffice-fresh Office Suite
xreader Document Reader
galculator Calculator
xed Text Editor
gedit GNOME Text Editor
pandoc Markdown Export Tools
discount Markdown Export Tools
calibre eBook Manager
inkscape Vector Image Editor

Back to Table of Contents

Name Description
firefox Web Browser
geary E-Mail Client
evolution E-Mail Client
qbittorrent Bittorrent client

Back to Table of Contents

Name Description
cmus Command Line Music Player
vlc Media Player
celluloid Media Player

Back to Table of Contents



Name Description
flac Free Lossless Audio Codec
wavpack Audio compression format with lossless, lossy and hybrid compression modes
lame A high quality MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoder
faac Freeware Advanced Audio Coder
faad2 ISO AAC audio decoder
celt Low-latency audio communication codec
a52dec A free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams
libdca Free library for decoding DTS Coherent Acoustics streams
libmad A high-quality MPEG audio decoder
libmpcdec MusePack decoding library
opencore-amr Open source implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec
opus Totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec
speex A free codec for free speech
libvorbis Reference implementation of the Ogg Vorbis audio format
libfdk-aac Fraunhofer FDK AAC codec library
fdkaac Command line encoder frontend for libfdk-aac


Name Description
libmpeg2 Library for decoding MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video streams.
x264 Open Source H264/AVC video encoder
x265 Open Source H265/HEVC video encoder
libdv The Quasar DV codec (libdv) is a software codec for DV video
xvidcore XviD is an open source MPEG-4 video codec
ffmpeg Complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video


Name Description
jasper Software-based implementation of the codec specified in the emerging JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard
libwebp WebP library and conversion tools
Photo / Image Editing
Name Description
gimp Photo Editor
digikam Raw Photo Tool
darktable Raw Photo Tool
rawtherapee Raw Photo Software
shotwell Photo Manager
hugin Panorma Software
gnome-screenshot Screenshot

Back to Table of Contents

Name Description
sl CLI Train
lolcat CLI Rainbow Effect
cmatrix Matrix on CLI

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Boot loader

Choose and install a Linux-capable boot loader. If you have an Intel or AMD CPU, enable microcode updates in addition.

Recommended is the Grub bootloader.

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If not already installed, ensure you have the below installed:

sudo pacman -S grub os-prober

GRUB is the bootloader while os-prober will find other operating systems currently installed.

The following command will install grub into the relevant folder on /.

grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sdX

where /dev/sdX is the disk (not a partition) where GRUB is to be installed. For example /dev/sda or /dev/nvme0n1, or /dev/mmcblk0.

Now you must generate the main configuration file. Use the grub-mkconfig tool to generate /boot/grub/grub.cfg:

grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

To have grub-mkconfig search for other installed systems and automatically add them to the menu, the os-prober will do this when you re-run grub-mkconfig.

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If not already installed, ensure you have the below installed:

sudo pacman -S grub os-prober efibootmgr

GRUB is the bootloader while efibootmgr is used by the GRUB installation script to write boot entries to NVRAM. While os-prober will find other operating systems.

  • It is recommended to read and understand the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, Partitioning#GUID Partition Table and Arch boot process#Under UEFI pages.
  • When installing to use UEFI it is important to boot the installation media in UEFI mode, otherwise efibootmgr will not be able to add the GRUB UEFI boot entry. Installing to the fallback boot path will still work even in BIOS mode since it does not touch the NVRAM.
  • To boot from a disk using UEFI, an EFI system partition is required. Follow EFI system partition#Check for an existing partition to find out if you have one already, otherwise you need to create it.

GUID Partition Table Info Arch Boot Process under UEFI Info

  • Mount the EFI system partition and in the remainder of this section, substitute esp with its mount point.
  • Choose a bootloader identifier, here named GRUB. A directory of that name will be created in esp/EFI/ to store the EFI binary and this is the name that will appear in the UEFI boot menu to identify the GRUB boot entry.
  • Execute the following command to install the GRUB EFI application grubx64.efi to esp/EFI/GRUB/ and install its modules to /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/.

Mounting the EFI Partition Info

grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=esp --bootloader-id=GRUB

After the above install completed the main GRUB directory is located at /boot/grub/. Note that grub-install also tries to create an entry in the firmware boot manager, named GRUB in the above example.

Remember to Generate the main configuration file after finalizing the configuration.

After the installation, the main configuration file /boot/grub/grub.cfg needs to be generated. The generation process can be influenced by a variety of options in /etc/default/grub and scripts in /etc/grub.d/.

If you have not done additional configuration, the automatic generation will determine the root filesystem of the system to boot for the configuration file. For that to succeed it is important that the system is either booted or chrooted into.

Use the grub-mkconfig tool to generate /boot/grub/grub.cfg:

grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

To have grub-mkconfig search for other installed systems and automatically add them to the menu, ensure the os-prober package is installed and mount the partitions that contain the other systems. Then re-run grub-mkconfig.

Tip: If you use the option --removable then GRUB will be installed to esp/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI (or esp/EFI/BOOT/BOOTIA32.EFI for the i386-efi target) and you will have the additional ability of being able to boot from the drive in case EFI variables are reset or you move the drive to another computer. Usually you can do this by selecting the drive itself similar to how you would using BIOS. If dual booting with Windows, be aware Windows usually places an EFI executable there, but its only purpose is to recreate the UEFI boot entry for Windows.


  • --efi-directory and --bootloader-id are specific to GRUB UEFI, --efi-directory replaces --root-directory which is deprecated.
  • You might note the absence of a device_path option (e.g.: /dev/sda) in the grub-install command. In fact any device_path provided will be ignored by the GRUB UEFI install script. Indeed, UEFI bootloaders do not use a MBR bootcode or partition boot sector at all.
  • Make sure to run the grub-install command from the system in which GRUB will be installed as the boot looader. That means if you are booting from the live installation environment, you need to be inside the chroot when running grub-install. If for some reason it is necessary to run grub-install from outside of the installed system, append the --boot-directory= option with the path to the mounted /boot directory, e.g --boot-directory=/mnt/boot.

Dual Boot Tip (UEFI)

If Grub does not load within a dual boot environment then within linux do the following:

  • Run efibootmgr and get the number of the boot manager, ie. 0001.
  • Run the following: efibootmgr -b <number> --inactive
  • To delete do the following: efibootmgr -b <number> -B

GRUB UEFI Info UEFI Tips and Tricks - Further Reading

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Processor manufacturers release stability and security updates to the processor microcode. These updates provide bug fixes that can be critical to the stability of your system. Without them, you may experience spurious crashes or unexpected system halts that can be difficult to track down.

All users with an AMD or Intel CPU should install the microcode updates to ensure system stability.

For AMD processors, install the amd-ucode package.

For Intel processors, install the intel-ucode package.

If your Arch installation is on a removable drive that needs to have microcode for both manufacturer processors, install both packages.

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grub-mkconfig will automatically detect the microcode update and configure GRUB appropriately. After installing the microcode package, regenerate the GRUB config to activate loading the microcode update by running:

grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Note: grub-mkconfig does not add the microcode images to the fallback initramfs boot entry. See FS#60999.

Alternatively, users that manage their GRUB config file manually can add /boot/cpu_manufacturer-ucode.img (or /cpu_manufacturer-ucode.img if /boot is a separate partition) as follows:

/boot/grub/grub.cfg ... echo 'Loading initial ramdisk' initrd /boot/cpu_manufacturer-ucode.img /boot/initramfs-linux.img ...

Repeat it for each menu entry.

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Edit boot options in /boot/refind_linux.conf and add initrd=boot\cpu_manufacturer-ucode.img (or initrd=cpu_manufacturer-ucode.img if /boot is a separate partition) as the first initramfs. For example:

"Boot using default options" "root=PARTUUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX rw add_efi_memmap initrd=boot\cpu_manufacturer-ucode.img initrd=boot\initramfs-%v.img"

Tip: Users who previously did not specify an initrd kernel parameter will need to follow the steps described in rEFInd#Configuration to enable passing of multiple initrd parameters.

Users employing manual stanzas in esp/EFI/refind/refind.conf to define the kernels should simply add initrd=boot\cpu_manufacturer-ucode.img (or initrd=cpu_manufacturer-ucode.img if /boot is a separate partition) as required to the options line, and not in the main part of the stanza. E.g.:

options "root=PARTUUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX rw add_efi_memmap initrd=boot\cpu_manufacturer-ucode.img"

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Before rebooting, ensure you have at least a DHCP client installed and unmount your efi and root partitions:

umount /dev/sdaX

amend for whatever setup you have

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Post Installation

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Internet access

systemctl enable NetworkManager.service systemctl start NetworkManager.service systemctl enable wpa_supplicant systemctl start wpa_supplicant

If using ethernet test with a ping, if using Wi-Fil use the below commands:

List nearby wifi networks:

nmcli device wifi list

Connect to a wifi network:

nmcli device wifi connect SSID p(Enable service)assword password

Connect to a hidden network:

nmcli device wifi connect SSID password password hidden yes

Connect to a wifi on the wlan1 wifi interface:

nmcli device wifi connect SSID password password ifname wlan1 profile_name

Disconnect an interface:

nmcli device disconnect ifname eth0

Reconnect an interface marked as disconnected:

nmcli connection up uuid UUID

Get a list of UUIDs:n also get a potat

nmcli connection show

See a list of network devices and their state:

nmcli device

Turn off wifi:

nmcli radio wifi off

netctl information page

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Basic Config

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Ensure you have the base packages from: Software Packages

Enable Services (If Applicable)

Set the following services if required

systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
systemctl enable sshd.service
systemctl enable cronie.service
systemctl enable havegd.service
systemctl enable bluetooth.service
systemctl enable org.cups.cupsd.service
systemctl enable ufw.service

Choose Applicable systemctl enable gdm.service
systemctl enable lightdm.service
systemctl enable lxdm.service
systemctl enable sddm.service
systemctl enable xdm.service

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Lightdm Login Manager Configuration

If you need lightdm as your display manager install it and enable it, see: Lightdm

You will probably want to install a greeter. A greeter is a GUI that prompts the user for credentials, lets the user select a session, and so on. It is possible to use LightDM without a greeter, but only if an automatic login is configured; otherwise you will need to install xorg-server and one of the greeter packages below.

The official repositories contain the following greeters:

lightdm-gtk-greeter: this is the default greeter LightDM attempts to use when started unless configured to do otherwise.

lightdm-deepin-greeter (deepin-session-ui): A greeter from the Deepin project.

lightdm-pantheon-greeter: A greeter from the elementary OS project.

lightdm-webkit2-greeter: A greeter that uses Webkit2 for theming. It supersedes lightdm-webkit-greeterAUR.

lightdm-webkit-theme-litarvan: A modern and full-featured Webkit2 LightDM theme. this requires lightdm-webkit2-greeter

If not already done, edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and set greeter-session=lightdm-webkit2-greeter. Then edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf and set theme or webkit-theme to litarvan .

Other alternative greeters are available in the AUR:

lightdm-slick-greeter AUR: A GTK based greeter focused more on appearance than lightdm-gtk-greeter, forked from lightdm-unity-greeterAUR, and default in Linux Mint.

lightdm-unity-greeter AUR: The greeter used by Ubuntu's Unity.

lightdm-mini-greeter AUR: A minimal, configurable, single-user greeter.

lightdm-webkit-theme-aether AUR: A sleek, straightforward Archlinux themed login screen written on lightdm and the lightdm-webkit2-greeter.

You can set the default greeter by changing the [Seat:*] section of the LightDM configuration file, like so:

/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf [Seat:*] ... greeter-session=lightdm-yourgreeter-greeter ...

Finally enable lightdm

sudo systemctl enable lightdm

And if required:

sudo systemctl start lightdm

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Aether Theme Installation


  1. Install lightdm-webikit2-greeter sudo pacman -S lightdm-webkit2-greeter

  2. Get files git clone

  3. Move to correct folder sudo cp --recursive Aether /usr/share/lightdm-webkit/themes/lightdm-webkit-theme-aether

  4. Config 1 sudo sed -i 's/^webkit_theme\s*=\s*\(.*\)/webkit_theme = lightdm-webkit-theme-aether #\1/g' /etc/lightdm/lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf

  5. Config 2 sudo sed -i 's/^\(#?greeter\)-session\s*=\s*\(.*\)/greeter-session = lightdm-webkit2-greeter #\1/ #\2g' /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Fix Avatar

First obtain an avatar file as png or obtain the standard image from /usr/share/lightdm-webkit/themes/lightdm-webkit-theme-aether/Aether/src/img/default-user.png

Now copy this image to /var/lib/AccountsService/icons/

Now edit the users profile details

sudo nano /var/lib/AccountsService/users/<username>

Edit the following:

[User] Icon=/var/lib/AccountsService/icons/<filename>

Now we need to set the permissions

sudo chmod 644 /var/lib/AccountsService/users/<username> sudo chmod 644 /var/lib/AccountsService/icons/<filename>

Reboot and the Avatar should now show

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Enable Numlock On at Boot

Install the numlockx package and then edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf:

sudo pacman-S numlockx sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

[Seat:*] greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx on

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  1. pacman -S --needed base-devel
  2. sudo pacman -S git
  3. git clone
  4. cd yay
  5. makepkg -si

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Themes & Icons

sudo pacman -S papirus-icon-theme yay sardi
yay mint-themes
yay mint-x-icons
yay mint-y-icons
yay mint-backgrounds
yay volantes-cursors
yay archlinux-artwork

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sudo pacman -S plank

Themes - Arco Linux Plank Themes

  1. git clone
  2. cd arcolinux-plank-themes/usr/share/plank/themes/
  3. sudo cp -r ./* ~/.local/share/plank/themes
  4. all additional plank themes go into: ~/.local/share/plank/themes

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Grub Themes

  • git clone
  • cd grub2-theme-vimix
  • sudo mv ./Vimix/ /boot/grub/themes
  • sudo nano /etc/default/grub


  • Save and exit.
  • Update Grub with the following:

sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Please note the Vimix is case sensetive with a capital V

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Additional AUR Apps

Command Description
yay pamac Pacman GUI
yay xviewer Image Viewer
yay pix-git Image Viewer
yay lollypop Music Player
yay picard Music Tagger
``yay xplayer` Media Player
yay spotify Music Streaming
yay google-chrome Web Browser
yay msgviewer Outlook msg viewer
yay teams Microsoft Teams
yay whatsapp-nativefier-dark Whatsapp
yay bitwarden Password Manager
yay thonny Python IDE
yay timeshift Recovery
yay freeoffice Office Suite
yay focuswriter Markdown / Text Editor
yay haroopad Markdown Editor
yay remarkable Markdown Editor
yay ghostwriter Markdown Editor
yay multimarkdown Markdown Export Tools
yay commonmark Markdown Export Tools
yay kindlegen eBook CLI Convertor
yay koreader Epub Reader
yay sigil Epub Editor
yay joplin Markdown Editor / Notebook
yay cherrytree Notebook
yay grub2-theme-vimix-git Grub Arch Theme
yay system-log System Log GUI
yay gnome-system-monitor System monitor GUI
yay balena-etcher USB Flasher
yay gtkhash Hash Check Utility
yay ttf-ms-fonts Microsoft Fonts
yay netdiscover Network scanner with MAC vendors

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Enable the multilib repository (if not done already)

To enable multilib repository, uncomment the [multilib] section in /etc/pacman.conf:

sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf

/etc/pacman.conf [multilib] Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Now install steam with sudo pacman -S steam

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Manage multiple game services with Lutris

sudo pacman -S lutris

If you need to reset Lutris delete ~/.config/lutris & ~/.local/lutris

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Enable Root File Manager

Install the following:

yay libgksu yay gksu

Create a menu item or run command gksu nemo for example

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Cinnamon Menu Fonts

Edit the following file ~/.themes/{THEME}/cinnamon/cinnamon.css and change:

stage font-family: sans, sans-serif;``}


stage {``}

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Cannot Access SMB Shares

Install the following if not done so already:

sudo pacman -S gvfs gvfs-smb smbclient samba nmap smbnetfs

Copy contents from smb.conf from:

Default Samba Conf

Add to: /etc/samba/smb.conf

Enable and start the relevant services:

systemctl enable nmb.service systemctl start nmb.service

systemctl enable smb.service systemctl start smb.service

systemctl enable smbnetfs systemctl start smbnetfs

and now reboot, if that fails, edit /etc/hosts and add:

IP_Address* *Hostname

Access via:


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gpg keyserver receive failed general error

Take to failed keys and run the following:

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys {KEY}

Additional Keyservers here:

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Cinnamon Hi-DPI Not Working Fully

Under settings and Display, set the zoom level first to the desired level and enable Hi-DPI after, otherwise it will mess with the screen resolution.

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Add Shares to FStab

Ensure SMB Servies are installed

First create folder to mount to:

sudo mkdir /mnt/documents

Now create your credentials folder if needed

touch ~/.credentials

Add the following, amend the details to suit:

nano .credentials

username=username password=password

Now edit the fstab file: sudo nano /etc/fstab and add the following to suit, ensuring the paths are correct.

//IP_Address/Share /mnt/createdfolder cifs credentials=/PATH/TO/.credentials,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,noperm,vers=1.0 0 0

If the share has a space in its name, replace the space with \040 for example Photography Data would be Photography\040Data

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Timeshift Issues

Fails to start due to cron package

Install: `sudo pacman -S cron

Shows excessive data for backup

Exclude the following folder: /var/lib/dhcpcd/

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Resolution issues

If using a 4k monitor (3840 x 2160) do the following to ensure best display

In cinnamon got to settings, set zoom to 200% and apply.

Now set the *Base Interface scale to Double (Hi-DPI)

This will ensure the screen is sharp and games will work fine, zoom levels outside of 200% will mess up full screen apps, therefore 200% is best and scaling fonts and menus manually will yeild best results.

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Nautilus or Nemo Missing Image Previews

A default limit to image files like .jpg, .png can be beween 1mb and 10mb, which stops them being previewed in Nautilus or Nemo file managers, to fix this do the following:

Install dconf-editor:

sudo pacman -S dconf-editor

Open dconf-editor and go to:

org > gnome > nautilus or nemo > preferences > thumbnail limit

Set Use Default Value to off and enter a higher size under Custom Value

Close the app to save and changes should be immediate

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Audio Delay

To disable loading of the module-suspend-on-idle module, comment out the following line in the configuration file in use (~/.config/pulse/ or /etc/pulse/

### Automatically suspend sinks/sources that become idle for too long # load-module module-suspend-on-idle

Finally restart PulseAudio to apply the changes.

pulseaudio -k pulseaudio --start

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Identify USB Devices in use

Find the device in:


Now run the following command to find the process ID:

fuser /dev/input/by-id/{Device name}

Either kill or make action to stop it being used.

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“No object for D-Bus interface” When trying to access other partition

systemctl --user restart gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor

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Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx/wd719x


  • git clone
  • cd aic94xx-firmware
  • makepkg -sri


  • git clone
  • cd wd719x-firmware
  • makepkg -sri

Finally Run mkinitcpio -p linux.

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Identify Boot Delays

Analyze boot times


systemd-analyze blame

Check startup Applications for anything unnecessary.

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Unable to mount from fstab at boot (Dependencies Failed)

If this is a duelboot system, this could be an issue with the NTFS volume, try the following:

  • Ensure secureboot is off on windows.
  • Run sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda2 Ensuring the destination drive is correct)
  • Check the fstab file to ensure its correct.

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Package Groups


Below is a list of the packages contained within base-devel

Name Description
autoconf A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
automake A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles
binutils A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files
bison The GNU general-purpose parser generator
fakeroot Tool for simulating superuser privileges
file File type identification utility
findutils GNU utilities to locate files
flex A tool for generating text-scanning programs
gawk GNU version of awk
gcc The GNU Compiler Collection - C and C++ frontends
gettext GNU internationalization library
grep A string search utility
groff GNU troff text-formatting system
gzip GNU compression utility
libtool A generic library support script
m4 The GNU macro processor
make GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
pacman A library-based package manager with dependency support
patch A utility to apply patch files to original sources
pkgconf Package compiler and linker metadata toolkit
sed GNU stream editor
sudo Give certain users the ability to run some commands as root
texinfo GNU documentation system for on-line information and printed output
which A utility to show the full path of commands

Back to Essentials
Back to Table of Contents


xorg group

Name Description
xf86-video-vesa vesa video driver
xorg-bdftopcf Convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format
xorg-docs documentations
xorg-font-util X.Org font utilities
xorg-fonts-100dpi 100dpi fonts
xorg-fonts-75dpi 75dpi fonts
xorg-fonts-encodings font encoding files
xorg-iceauth ICE authority file utility
xorg-luit Filter that can be run between an arbitrary application and a UTF-8 terminal emulator
xorg-mkfontscale Create an index of scalable font files for X
xorg-server Xorg X server
xorg-server-common Xorg server common files
xorg-server-devel Development files for the X.Org X server
xorg-server-xephyr A nested X server that runs as an X application
xorg-server-xnest A nested X server that runs as an X application
xorg-server-xvfb Virtual framebuffer X server
xorg-server-xwayland run X clients under wayland
xorg-sessreg Register X sessions in system utmp/utmpx databases
xorg-setxkbmap Set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension
xorg-smproxy Allows X applications that do not support X11R6 session management to participate in an X11R6 session
xorg-x11perf Simple X server performance benchmarker
xorg-xauth X.Org authorization settings program
xorg-xbacklight RandR-based backlight control application
xorg-xcmsdb Device Color Characterization utility for X Color Management System
xorg-xcursorgen Create an X cursor file from PNG images
xorg-xdpyinfo Display information utility for X
xorg-xdriinfo Query configuration information of DRI drivers
xorg-xev Print contents of X events
xorg-xgamma Alter a monitor's gamma correction
xorg-xhost Server access control program for X
xorg-xinput Small commandline tool to configure devices
xorg-xkbcomp X Keyboard description compiler
xorg-xkbevd XKB event daemon
xorg-xkbutils XKB utility demos
xorg-xkill Kill a client by its X resource
xorg-xlsatoms List interned atoms defined on server
xorg-xlsclients List client applications running on a display
xorg-xmodmap Utility for modifying keymaps and button mappings
xorg-xpr Print an X window dump from xwd
xorg-xprop Property displayer for X
xorg-xrandr Primitive command line interface to RandR extension
xorg-xrdb X server resource database utility
xorg-xrefresh Refresh all or part of an X screen
xorg-xset User preference utility for X
xorg-xsetroot Classic X utility to set your root window background to a given pattern or color
xorg-xvinfo Prints out the capabilities of any video adaptors associated with the display that are accessible through the X-Video extension
xorg-xwd X Window System image dumping utility
xorg-xwininfo Command-line utility to print information about windows on an X server
xorg-xwud X Window System image undumping utility

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Name Description
xorg-bdftopcf Convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format
xorg-iceauth ICE authority file utility
xorg-luit Filter that can be run between an arbitrary application and a UTF-8 terminal emulator
xorg-mkfontscale Create an index of scalable font files for X
xorg-sessreg Register X sessions in system utmp/utmpx databases
xorg-setxkbmap Set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension
xorg-smproxy Allows X applications that do not support X11R6 session management to participate in an X11R6 session
xorg-x11perf Simple X server performance benchmarker
xorg-xauth X.Org authorization settings program
xorg-xbacklight RandR-based backlight control application
xorg-xcmsdb Device Color Characterization utility for X Color Management System
xorg-xcursorgen Create an X cursor file from PNG images
xorg-xdpyinfo Display information utility for X
xorg-xdriinfo Query configuration information of DRI drivers
xorg-xev Print contents of X events
xorg-xgamma Alter a monitor's gamma correction
xorg-xhost Server access control program for X
xorg-xinput Small commandline tool to configure devices
xorg-xkbcomp X Keyboard description compiler
xorg-xkbevd XKB event daemon
xorg-xkbutils XKB utility demos
xorg-xkill Kill a client by its X resource
xorg-xlsatoms List interned atoms defined on server
xorg-xlsclients List client applications running on a display
xorg-xmodmap Utility for modifying keymaps and button mappings
xorg-xpr Print an X window dump from xwd
xorg-xprop Property displayer for X
xorg-xrandr Primitive command line interface to RandR extension
xorg-xrdb X server resource database utility
xorg-xrefresh Refresh all or part of an X screen
xorg-xset User preference utility for X
xorg-xsetroot Classic X utility to set your root window background to a given pattern or color
xorg-xvinfo Prints out the capabilities of any video adaptors associated with the display that are accessible through the X-Video extension
xorg-xwd X Window System image dumping utility
xorg-xwininfo Command-line utility to print information about windows on an X server
xorg-xwud X Window System image undumping utility

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Name Description
xf86-input-evdev evdev input driver
xf86-input-libinput Generic input driver for the X.Org server based on libinput
xf86-input-synaptics Synaptics driver for notebook touchpads
xf86-input-vmmouse VMWare Mouse input driver
xf86-input-void void input driver
xf86-video-amdgpu amdgpu video driver
xf86-video-ati ati video driver
xf86-video-dummy dummy video driver
xf86-video-fbdev framebuffer video driver
xf86-video-intel Intel i810/i830/i915/945G/G965+ video drivers
xf86-video-nouveau Open Source 3D acceleration driver for nVidia cards
xf86-video-openchrome X.Org Openchrome drivers
xf86-video-qxl Xorg X11 qxl video driver
xf86-video-vesa vesa video driver
xf86-video-vmware vmware video driver
xf86-video-voodoo 3dfx Voodoo1/Voodoo2 2D video driver

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Name Description
baobab A graphical directory tree analyzer
cheese Take photos and videos with your webcam, with fun graphical effects
eog Eye of Gnome: An image viewing and cataloging program
epiphany A GNOME web browser based on the WebKit rendering engine
evince Document viewer (PDF, Postscript, djvu, tiff, dvi, XPS, SyncTex support with gedit, comics books (cbr,cbz,cb7 and cbt))
file-roller Create and modify archives
gdm Display manager and login screen
gedit GNOME Text Editor
gnome-backgrounds Background images and data for GNOME
gnome-books Access and organize your e-books on GNOME
gnome-boxes Simple GNOME application to access remote or virtual systems
gnome-calculator GNOME Scientific calculator
gnome-calendar Simple and beautiful calendar application designed to perfectly fit the GNOME desktop
gnome-characters A character map application
gnome-clocks Clocks applications for GNOME
gnome-color-manager GNOME Color Profile Tools
gnome-contacts Contacts Manager for GNOME
gnome-control-center GNOME's main interface to configure various aspects of the desktop
gnome-disk-utility Disk Management Utility for GNOME
gnome-documents A document manager application for GNOME
gnome-font-viewer A font viewer utility for GNOME
gnome-getting-started-docs Help a new user get started in GNOME
gnome-keyring Stores passwords and encryption keys
gnome-logs A log viewer for the systemd journal
gnome-maps A simple GNOME 3 maps application
gnome-menus GNOME menu specifications
gnome-music Music player and management application
gnome-photos Access, organize, and share your photos on GNOME
gnome-remote-desktop GNOME Remote Desktop server
gnome-screenshot Take pictures of your screen
gnome-session The GNOME Session Handler
gnome-settings-daemon GNOME Settings Daemon
gnome-shell Next generation desktop shell
gnome-shell-extensions Extensions for GNOME shell, including classic mode
gnome-software GNOME Software Tools
gnome-system-monitor View current processes and monitor system state
gnome-terminal The GNOME Terminal Emulator
gnome-themes-extra Extra Themes for GNOME Applications
gnome-user-docs User documentation for GNOME
gnome-user-share Easy to use user-level file sharing for GNOME
gnome-video-effects Collection of GStreamer effects for GNOME
gnome-weather Access current weather conditions and forecasts
grilo-plugins A collection of plugins for the Grilo framework
gvfs Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO
gvfs-afc Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (AFC backend; Apple mobile devices)
gvfs-goa Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (Gnome Online Accounts backend; cloud storage)
gvfs-google Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (Google Drive backend)
gvfs-gphoto2 Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (gphoto2 backend; PTP camera, MTP media player)
gvfs-mtp Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (MTP backend; Android, media player)
gvfs-nfs Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (NFS backend)
gvfs-smb Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO (SMB/CIFS backend; Windows client)
mutter A window manager for GNOME
nautilus Default file manager for GNOME
networkmanager Network connection manager and user applications
orca Screen reader for individuals who are blind or visually impaired
rygel UPnP AV MediaServer and MediaRenderer that allows you to easily share audio, video and pictures, and control of media player on your home network
simple-scan Simple scanning utility
sushi A quick previewer for Nautilus
totem Movie player for the GNOME desktop based on GStreamer
tracker Desktop-neutral user information store, search tool and indexer
tracker-miners Collection of data extractors for Tracker/Nepomuk
vino A VNC server for the GNOME desktop
xdg-user-dirs-gtk Creates user dirs and asks to relocalize them
yelp Get help with GNOME

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Name Description
accerciser Interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop
dconf-editor dconf Editor
devhelp API documentation browser for GNOME
evolution Manage your email, contacts and schedule
five-or-more Remove colored balls from the board by forming lines
four-in-a-row Make lines of the same color to win
ghex A simple binary editor for the Gnome desktop
glade User Interface Builder for GTK+ applications
gnome-builder An IDE for writing GNOME-based software
gnome-chess Play the classic two-player boardgame of chess
gnome-devel-docs Developer documentation for GNOME
gnome-klotski Slide blocks to solve the puzzle
gnome-mahjongg Disassemble a pile of tiles by removing matching pairs
gnome-mines Clear hidden mines from a minefield
gnome-nettool Graphical interface for various networking tools
gnome-nibbles Guide a worm around a maze
gnome-robots Avoid the robots and make them crash into each other
gnome-sound-recorder A utility to make simple audio recording from your GNOME desktop
gnome-sudoku Test your logic skills in this number grid puzzle
gnome-taquin Move tiles so that they reach their places
gnome-tetravex Complete the puzzle by matching numbered tiles
gnome-todo Task manager for GNOME
gnome-tweaks Graphical interface for advanced GNOME 3 settings (Tweak Tool)
hitori GTK+ application to generate and let you play games of Hitori
iagno Dominate the board in a classic version of Reversi
lightsoff Turn off all the lights
polari An IRC Client for GNOME
quadrapassel Fit falling blocks together (Tetris-like game for GNOME)
swell-foop Clear the screen by removing groups of colored and shaped tiles
sysprof Kernel based performance profiler
tali Beat the odds in a poker-style dice game
gnome-code-assistance Code assistance services for GNOME
gnome-multi-writer Write an ISO file to multiple USB devices at once
gnome-recipes Recipe management application for GNOME
gnome-usage GNOME application to view information about use of system resources

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Name Description
deepin-account-faces Account faces for Linux Deepin
deepin-anything Deepin Anything file search tool
deepin-api Golang bindings for dde-daemon
deepin-calendar Calendar for Deepin Desktop Environment
deepin-control-center New control center for linux deepin
deepin-daemon Daemon handling the DDE session settings
deepin-desktop-base Base component for Deepin
deepin-desktop-schemas GSettings deepin desktop-wide schemas
deepin-dock Deepin desktop-environment - dock module
deepin-file-manager Deepin File Manager
deepin-gtk-theme Deepin GTK Theme
deepin-icon-theme Deepin Icons
deepin-image-viewer Deepin Image Viewer
deepin-kwin KWin configures on DDE
deepin-launcher Deepin desktop-environment - Launcher module
deepin-menu Deepin menu service for building beautiful menus
deepin-network-utils DDE network utils
deepin-polkit-agent Deepin Polkit Agent
deepin-polkit-agent-ext-gnomekeyring GNOME keyring extension for dde-polkit-agent
deepin-qt5integration Qt platform theme integration plugins for DDE
deepin-qt5platform-plugins Qt platform plugins for DDE
deepin-screensaver Deepin screensaver viewer and tools
deepin-session-shell Deepin desktop-environment - session-shell module
deepin-session-ui Deepin desktop-environment - Session UI module
deepin-shortcut-viewer Deepin Shortcut Viewer
deepin-sound-theme Deepin sound theme
deepin-system-monitor A more user-friendly system monitor
deepin-turbo A daemon that helps to launch applications faster
deepin-wallpapers Default wallpapers for DDE
startdde starter of deepin desktop environment

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Name Description
deepin-album A fashion photo manager for viewing and organizing pictures
deepin-boot-maker Tool to create a bootable usb stick quick and easy
deepin-calculator An easy to use calculator for ordinary users
deepin-clipboard DDE clipboard manager component
deepin-clone Disk and partition backup/restore tool
deepin-community-wallpapers Community wallpapers for DDE
deepin-compressor A fast and lightweight application for creating and extracting archives
deepin-draw A lightweight drawing tool for Linux Deepin
deepin-editor Simple editor for Deepin
deepin-movie Movie player based on QtAV
deepin-music Awesome music player with brilliant and tweakful UI Deepin-UI based.
deepin-picker Color picker tool for deepin
deepin-printer Printer configuration project for DDE
deepin-reader A simple PDF reader, supporting bookmarks, highlights and annotations
deepin-screen-recorder Deepin Screen Recorder
deepin-screensaver-pp Optional PP screensaver resource for deepin screensaver
deepin-screenshot Easy-to-use screenshot tool for linuxdeepin desktop environment
deepin-terminal Default terminal emulation application for Deepin
deepin-voice-note A lightweight memo tool to make text notes and voice recordings

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Name Description
bluedevil Integrate the Bluetooth technology within KDE workspace and applications
breeze Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma Desktop
breeze-gtk Breeze widget theme for GTK 2 and 3
discover KDE and Plasma resources management GUI
drkonqi The KDE crash handler
kactivitymanagerd System service to manage user's activities and track the usage patterns
kde-cli-tools Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system
kde-gtk-config GTK2 and GTK3 Configurator for KDE
kdecoration Plugin based library to create window decorations
kdeplasma-addons All kind of addons to improve your Plasma experience
kgamma5 Adjust your monitor's gamma settings
khotkeys KHotKeys
kinfocenter A utility that provides information about a computer system
kmenuedit KDE menu editor
knetattach Wizard which makes it easier to integrate network resources with the Plasma Desktop
kscreen KDE's screen management software
kscreenlocker Library and components for secure lock screen architecture
ksshaskpass ssh-add helper that uses kwallet and kpassworddialog
ksysguard Track and control the processes running in your system
kwallet-pam KWallet PAM integration
kwayland-integration Provides integration plugins for various KDE frameworks for the wayland windowing system
kwayland-server Wayland server components built on KDE Frameworks
kwin An easy to use, but flexible, composited Window Manager
kwrited KDE daemon listening for wall and write messages
libkscreen KDE screen management software
libksysguard Library to retrieve information on the current status of computer hardware
milou A dedicated search application built on top of Baloo
oxygen KDE Oxygen style
plasma-browser-integration Components necessary to integrate browsers into the Plasma Desktop
plasma-desktop KDE Plasma Desktop
plasma-integration Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for the Plasma workspaces
plasma-nm Plasma applet written in QML for managing network connections
plasma-pa Plasma applet for audio volume management using PulseAudio
plasma-sdk Applications useful for Plasma development
plasma-thunderbolt Plasma integration for controlling Thunderbolt devices
plasma-vault Plasma applet and services for creating encrypted vaults
plasma-workspace KDE Plasma Workspace
plasma-workspace-wallpapers Additional wallpapers for the Plasma Workspace
polkit-kde-agent Daemon providing a polkit authentication UI for KDE
powerdevil Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell
sddm-kcm KDE Config Module for SDDM
systemsettings KDE system manager for hardware, software, and workspaces
user-manager A simple system settings module to manage the users of your system
xdg-desktop-portal-kde A backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal using Qt/KF5

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Name Description
akonadi-calendar-tools CLI tools to manage akonadi calendars
akonadi-import-wizard Import data from other mail clients to KMail
akonadiconsole Akonadi management and debugging console
akregator A Feed Reader by KDE
ark Archiving Tool
artikulate Improve your pronunciation by listening to native speakers
audiocd-kio Kioslave for accessing audio CDs
blinken Memory Enhancement Game
bomber A single player arcade game
bovo A Gomoku like game for two players
cantor KDE Frontend to Mathematical Software
cervisia CVS Frontend
dolphin KDE File Manager
dolphin-plugins Extra Dolphin plugins
dragon A multimedia player where the focus is on simplicity, instead of features
elisa A simple music player aiming to provide a nice experience for its users
ffmpegthumbs FFmpeg-based thumbnail creator for video files
filelight View disk usage information
granatier A clone of the classic Bomberman game
grantlee-editor Editor for Grantlee themes
gwenview A fast and easy to use image viewer
juk A jukebox, tagger and music collection manager
k3b Feature-rich and easy to handle CD burning application
kaddressbook KDE contact manager
kajongg The ancient Chinese board game for 4 players
kalarm Personal alarm scheduler
kalgebra Graph Calculator
kalzium Periodic Table of Elements
kamera KDE integration for gphoto2 cameras
kamoso A webcam recorder from KDE community
kanagram Letter Order Game
kapman A clone of the well known game Pac-Man
kapptemplate KDE Template Generator
kate Advanced Text Editor
katomic A fun and educational game built around molecular geometry
kbackup A program that lets you back up any directories or files
kblackbox A game of hide and seek played on a grid of boxes
kblocks The classic falling blocks game
kbounce A single player arcade game with the elements of puzzle
kbreakout A Breakout-like game
kbruch Exercise Fractions
kcachegrind Visualization of Performance Profiling Data
kcalc Scientific Calculator
kcharselect Character Selector
kcolorchooser Color Chooser
kcron Configure and schedule tasks
kde-dev-scripts Scripts and setting files useful during development of KDE software
kde-dev-utils Small utilities for developers using KDE/Qt libs/frameworks
kdebugsettings An application to enable/disable qCDebug
kdeconnect Adds communication between KDE and your smartphone
kdegraphics-mobipocket A collection of plugins to handle mobipocket files
kdegraphics-thumbnailers Thumbnailers for various graphics file formats
kdenetwork-filesharing Properties dialog plugin to share a directory with the local network
kdenlive A non-linear video editor for Linux using the MLT video framework
kdepim-addons Addons for KDE PIM applications
kdesdk-kioslaves KDE SDK KIO-Slaves
kdesdk-thumbnailers Plugins for the thumbnailing system
kdf View Disk Usage
kdialog A utility for displaying dialog boxes from shell scripts
kdiamond A single player puzzle game
keditbookmarks Bookmark Organizer and Editor
kfind Find Files/Folders
kfloppy Floppy Formatter
kfourinline A four-in-a-row game
kgeography Geography Trainer
kget Download Manager
kgoldrunner A game of action and puzzle solving
kgpg A GnuPG frontend
khangman Hangman Game
khelpcenter Application to show KDE Applications' documentation
kig Interactive Geometry
kigo An open-source implementation of the popular Go game
killbots A simple game of evading killer robots
kimagemapeditor HTML Image Map Editor
kio-extras Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO
kipi-plugins A collection of plugins extending the KDE graphics and image applications
kirigami-gallery Gallery application built using Kirigami
kiriki An addictive and fun dice game
kiten Japanese Reference/Study Tool
kjumpingcube A simple tactical game
kleopatra Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI
klettres Learn The Alphabet
klickety An adaptation of the Clickomania game
klines A simple but highly addictive one player game
kmag Screen Magnifier
kmahjongg A tile matching game for one or two players
kmail KDE mail client
kmail-account-wizard KMail account wizard
kmines The classic Minesweeper game
kmix KDE volume control program
kmousetool Clicks the mouse for you, reducing the effects of RSI
kmouth Speech Synthesizer Frontend
kmplot Mathematical Function Plotter
knavalbattle A ship sinking game
knetwalk Connect all the terminals to the server, in as few turns as possible
knights Chess board by KDE with XBoard protocol support
knotes Popup notes
kolf A miniature golf game with 2d top-down view
kollision A simple ball dodging game
kolourpaint Paint Program
kompare Graphical file differences tool
konqueror KDE File Manager & Web Browser
konquest The KDE version of Gnu-Lactic
konsole KDE's terminal emulator
kontact KDE Personal Information Manager
kopete Instant Messenger
korganizer Calendar and scheduling Program
kpatience Offers a selection of solitaire card games
krdc Remote Desktop Client
kreversi A simple one player strategy game played against the computer
krfb Desktop Sharing
kross-interpreters Language interpreters to enable in-process scripting with Kross
kruler Screen Ruler
kshisen A solitaire-like game played using the standard set of Mahjong tiles
ksirk A computerized version of a well known strategy game
ksnakeduel A simple snake duel game
kspaceduel Each of two possible players controls a satellite spaceship orbiting the sun
ksquares A game modeled after the well known pen and paper based game of Dots and Boxes
ksudoku A logic-based symbol placement puzzle
ksystemlog System log viewer tool
kteatime A handy timer for steeping tea
ktimer Countdown Launcher
ktouch Touch Typing Tutor
ktuberling A simple constructor game suitable for children and adults alike
kturtle Educational Programming Environment
kubrick Based on the famous Rubik's Cube
kwalletmanager Wallet management tool
kwave A sound editor for KDE
kwordquiz Flash Card Trainer
kwrite Text Editor
lokalize Computer-Aided Translation System
lskat Lieutenant Skat is a fun and engaging card game for two players
marble Desktop Globe
mbox-importer Import mbox files to KMail
minuet A KDE Software for Music Education
okular Document Viewer
palapeli A single-player jigsaw puzzle game
parley Vocabulary Trainer
picmi A nonogram logic game for KDE
pim-data-exporter Import and export KDE PIM settings
pim-sieve-editor Mail sieve editor
poxml Translates DocBook XML files using gettext po files
print-manager A tool for managing print jobs and printers
rocs Graph Theory IDE
signon-kwallet-extension KWallet integration for signon framework
spectacle KDE screenshot capture utility
step Interactive Physical Simulator
svgpart A KPart for viewing SVGs
sweeper System Cleaner
telepathy-kde-accounts-kcm KCM Module for configuring Telepathy Instant Messaging Accounts
telepathy-kde-approver KDE Channel Approver for Telepathy
telepathy-kde-auth-handler Provide UI/KWallet Integration For Passwords and SSL Errors on Account Connect
telepathy-kde-call-ui Voice/Video Call UI for Telepathy
telepathy-kde-common-internals Common components for KDE-Telepathy
telepathy-kde-contact-list KDE Telepathy contact list application
telepathy-kde-contact-runner KRunner plugin for KDE Telepathy
telepathy-kde-desktop-applets The KDE-Telepathy Plasma desktop applets
telepathy-kde-filetransfer-handler KDE Telepathy file transfer handler
telepathy-kde-integration-module Sits in KDED and takes care of various bits of system integration like setting user to auto-away or handling connection errors
telepathy-kde-send-file A File manager plugin to launch a file transfer job with a specified contact
telepathy-kde-text-ui Telepathy handler for Text Chats
umbrello UML modeller
yakuake A drop-down terminal emulator based on KDE konsole technology
zeroconf-ioslave Network Monitor for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf)

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Name Description
caja File manager for the MATE desktop
marco A window manager for MATE
mate-backgrounds Background images and data for MATE
mate-control-center The Control Center for MATE
mate-desktop Library with common API for various MATE modules
mate-icon-theme MATE icon theme
mate-menus MATE menu specifications
mate-notification-daemon Notification daemon for MATE
mate-panel The MATE Panel
mate-polkit PolicyKit integration for the MATE desktop
mate-session-manager The MATE Session Handler
mate-settings-daemon The MATE Settings daemon
mate-themes Default themes for the MATE desktop
mate-user-guide MATE User Guide

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Name Description
atril MATE document viewer
caja-image-converter A Caja extension for simple image conversions
caja-open-terminal A Caja extension for opening terminals in arbitrary local paths
caja-sendto A Caja extension for sending files
caja-share A Caja extension to quickly share a folder
caja-wallpaper A Caja extension to quickly set wallpaper
caja-xattr-tags A Caja extension to see tags stored on xattrs
engrampa Archive manipulator for MATE
eom An image viewing and cataloging program for MATE
mate-applets Applets for MATE panel
mate-calc Calculator for the MATE desktop environment
mate-icon-theme-faenza Faenza icon theme for MATE
mate-media MATE Media Tools
mate-netbook A simple window management tool
mate-power-manager Power management tool for the MATE desktop
mate-screensaver Screensaver for MATE
mate-sensors-applet A MATE Panel applet to display readings from hardware sensors, including CPU temperature, fan speeds and voltage readings
mate-system-monitor A system monitor for MATE
mate-terminal The MATE Terminal Emulator
mate-user-share User level public file sharing via WebDAV for MATE
mate-utils Common MATE utilities for viewing disk usage, logs and fonts, taking screenshots, managing dictionaries and searching files
mozo MATE menu editing tool
pluma A powerful text editor for MATE

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Name Description
exo Application library for Xfce
garcon Implementation of the menu specification
thunar Modern file manager for Xfce
thunar-volman Automatic management of removeable devices in Thunar
tumbler D-Bus service for applications to request thumbnails
xfce4-appfinder An application finder for Xfce
xfce4-panel Panel for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce4-power-manager Power manager for Xfce desktop
xfce4-session A session manager for Xfce
xfce4-settings Settings manager of the Xfce desktop
xfce4-terminal A modern terminal emulator primarily for the Xfce desktop environment
xfconf Flexible, easy-to-use configuration management system
xfdesktop A desktop manager for Xfce
xfwm4 Xfce's window manager
xfwm4-themes A set of additional themes for the Xfce window manager

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Name Description
mousepad Simple text editor for Xfce
orage A simple calendar application with reminders for Xfce
ristretto Fast and lightweight picture-viewer for Xfce4
thunar-archive-plugin Create and extract archives in Thunar
thunar-media-tags-plugin Adds special features for media files to the Thunar File Manager
xfburn A simple CD/DVD burning tool based on libburnia libraries
xfce4-artwork Backdrops for the Xfce4 desktop
xfce4-battery-plugin A battery monitor plugin for the Xfce panel
xfce4-clipman-plugin A clipboard plugin for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-cpufreq-plugin CPU frequency plugin for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin CPU graph plugin for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-datetime-plugin A date and time display plugin for the Xfce panel
xfce4-dict A dictionary plugin for the Xfce panel
xfce4-diskperf-plugin Plugin for the Xfce4 panel displaying instant disk/partition performance
xfce4-eyes-plugin A rolling eyes (following mouse pointer) plugin for the Xfce panel
xfce4-fsguard-plugin File system usage monitor plugin for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-genmon-plugin plugin that monitors customizable programs stdout for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin Multi-protocol, multi-mailbox mail watcher for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-mount-plugin Mount/umount utility for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-mpc-plugin Control the Music Player Daemon from the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-netload-plugin A netload plugin for the Xfce panel
xfce4-notes-plugin A notes plugin for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-notifyd Notification daemon for the Xfce desktop
xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin Pulseaudio plugin for Xfce4 panel
xfce4-screensaver Xfce Screensaver
xfce4-screenshooter Plugin that makes screenshots for the Xfce panel
xfce4-sensors-plugin A lm_sensors plugin for the Xfce panel
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin Plugin for the Xfce4 panel that lets you quicksearch from selected websites
xfce4-systemload-plugin A system load plugin for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-taskmanager Easy to use task manager
xfce4-time-out-plugin Take a break from your computer with this plugin for Xfce4
xfce4-timer-plugin Plugin to track time for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-verve-plugin Command line plugin Xfce4 panel
xfce4-wavelan-plugin Plugin to monitor wifi connectivity for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-weather-plugin A weather plugin for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-xkb-plugin Plugin to switch keyboard layouts for the Xfce4 panel
parole Modern media player based on the GStreamer framework
xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin Menu for Xfce4

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Useful Commands


Source website: Here

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Basic Uses of SystemD

List systemd services

Lists all active systemd services.

systemctl list-units

Lists all of the units installed on the system, including those that systemd has not tried to load into memory.

systemctl list-unit-files

Lists all possible systemd services which have loaded or attempted to load into memory, including those that are not currently active

systemctl list-units --all

Lists all possible systemd services which have loaded or attempted to load into memory.

systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled --no-pager

Enable / Disable systemd services

systemctl enable {ServiceName}.service

systemctl disable {ServiceName}.service

Check status of systemd services

systemctl status {ServiceName}.service

Back to Table of Contents Check startup Applications for anything unnecessary.


To see all log entries, starting at the oldest entry, type:


By default, this will show you entries from the current and previous boots if journald is configured to save previous boot records. Some distributions enable this by default, while others do not (to enable this, either edit the /etc/systemd/journald.conf file and set the Storage= option to “persistent”, or create the persistent directory by typing sudo mkdir -p /var/log/journal

If you only wish to see the journal entries from the current boot, add the -b flag:

journalctl -b

To see only kernel messages, such as those that are typically represented by dmesg, you can use the -k flag:

journalctl -k

Again, you can limit this only to the current boot by appending the -b flag:

journalctl -k -b

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Identify Boot Delays

Analyze boot times

Check startup Applications for anything unnecessary.


systemd-analyze blame

This dumps the results into a graphical SVG file for details analysis.

systemd-analyze plot > plot.svg

This command prints a tree of the time-critical chain of units (for each of the specified UNIT s or for the default target otherwise). The time after the unit is active or started is printed after the "@" character.

systemd-analyze critical-chain [ UNIT ...]

If a boot delay is caused by man-db then disable the service with:

systemctl disable man-db.service

And ensure you either manually run mandb after updates or add to script.

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Crash Investigation

  1. List recent boots with last -F | sort -r if you see entries for crashes then proceed to find out more details.

  2. To list boot records run: journalctl --list-boots | less

  3. Match the records from step 1 and two using the date and times provided.

From Step One:

adam tty7 :0 Fri Jul 3 17:55:39 2020 - crash (17:33)

From Step Two

-85 ed5637fe3bab4d058e16b7baa25bfc8a Fri 2020-07-03 17:55:39 BST—Fri 2020-07-03 22:01:01 BST

  1. Run the command journalctl -b -ID -e using the ID from step two at the beginning of the entry, for example: journalctl -b -85 -e

  2. This will display the errors

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CLI Extras

Password Astrisk

Run visudo and add the following line:

Defaults pwfeedback

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Export Man Pages


BROWSER=firefox man -H <command>


man -Thtml (command)<(filename).html>
Requires groff and gropdf


man -Tpdf (command)<(filename).pdf>
Requires groff and gropdf

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